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Everyday for week and a half Kian has constantly pestered me about going to that wedding with him. I don't even know why he wants me there that badly. Does he really expect me to be able to protect him against that mountain of a man if things get ugly? I'd somehow managed to survive Kian's constant begging and pranks until now so I figured one more day would be a piece of cake.

I broke out of my chain of thought when the water started to turn freezing. Kian. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some out into my hands hastily. Milk?

"Kian, I am going to KILL you!" I screamed. I didn't have any other shampoo in the bathroom so I reached out to grab my towel. It took everything in me not to break the glass shower. Kian had taken my towel. I couldn't stay in here all day. I decided to risk it and streak to my bedroom. If Kian had turned off the hot water just now surely he couldn't have made it upstairs already. I cupped my hand over my dick and got ready for the risky trip to my bedroom. As soon as I opened the door a camera flashed.

"Ou, that ones a keeper. I think I might even see a little cheeky bum." Kian said, looking at me through the phone instead of in person.

"I'm going to murder you."

"No you're not, because if you move at all I can get a full on veiw of your butt." Kian threatened. 

"Acting like this isn't going to make me change my mind. Besides, even you aren't cold hearted enough to share my nudes online." I said confidently as I began to walk to my room. Kian took a couple photos of my ass as I walked but before I closed the door he did speak up again.

"No, I won't share them online. I'll call my own bluff, but really Ricky what's so horrible about accompanying your best-friend also crush to a wedding?"

"The fact my best-friend also crush is going there with another person on a date. That's not even touching base on how horrible the other person is to you." I say through the crack of the door. Kian frowns and walks off toward his room. I've survived one more Kian prank, surely they can't get any worse than that.

To my surprise, they honestly didn't. In fact, Kian didn't even bring up the wedding the rest of the day. He actually just hung-out with me like we normally would. We were both sitting on my floor on our computers at around midnight when Kian brought it up again.

"I have a deal." Kian said, not looking up from the screen. I shook my head but otherwise pretended I hadn't heard him at all.

"I think you'll like it." He continued. After I ignored him a second time I guess he concluded he was going to have to just say the bargain before he got a reply.

"How would you like to accompany me to Kathryn Turner's wedding?" He asked. I looked up at him, laughing.

"Your plan is to ask me nicely? That's the stupidest-"

"As my date." He finished. My expression went blank. He was kidding? He was already going as Andrea's date, this didn't even make sense.

"Kian, you truly have lost it this time. How am I supposed to be your date to a date?" I say, closing my laptop. Kian smiled cheekily, obviously happy he'd managed to get my attention.

"I'll manage it, never underestimate Kian Lawley." Hadn't I learned that already? 

"I'll open your door for you, introduce you to everyone as my boyfriend, buy your food for you, pull out your chair, it'll be like everything you've ever dreamed of."

"A little full of yourself, aren't we? How do you know what I dream of? And I'm pretty sure my dreams don't include Andrea."

"You can pretend she's not even there." He said, leaning into me pleadingly. 

"You honestly think I'm going to go just for a little bribing after all that I've had to endure, you must be cra-" He slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Did I forget to mention the good-night kiss?" My stomach started doing flip-flops at just the idea of his lips against mine. Damn it, stupid heart had to go and ruin everything again. Kian took his hand off my mouth and looked at me expectantly.

"Well?" He asked coyly. It was obvious he already knew my answer.

"You're a dick, Kian Lawley."

"And you love every bit of it, Ricky Dillon." He cooed, rubbing his nose against mine teasingly. 

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