Old Coot

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The next morning I knew it was going to be a good day before I even opened my eyes. How could it not be when I woke up to Kian's shallow breathing beside me? I smiled and stretched my arms above my head.

"Finally. I could have sworn you had started hibernating." I opened my eyes to see Kian propped up on his elbow watching me.

"Were you watching me sleep? That's creepy."

"Hey, you were the one mumbling my name in your sleep. That's pretty creepy too." He laughed before nuzzling his face into my chest. We sat like this in silence for a couple minutes before I spoke up again.

"I didn't actually say your name, did I?"

"I swear on my life you did. I wonder how long that's been going on for." He had tried to make it sound like he was creeped out by it with the tone of his voice but his huge smile was a dead giveaway that he actually found it cute.

"Well, I can't help it if my sub-conscious has bad taste in men." Kian glared at me and shoved me toward the edge of the bed. He stopped before I was even near the edge though and I had to smile at his gentleness. Before Kian would have pushed me off the bed no problem.

"Awh, Kian's grown soft with his love for me." I swooned, and that was when Kian finished the job and kicked me off the edge.

"No, I'm just in a good mood." He laughed, leaning over the edge of the bed to stare down at me. I rolled my eyes at him but I couldn't hold back a smile when he slid off the bed to join me. He kissed my chest and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"We should probably get dressed you know." I mumble absentmindedly, wondering how any of the boys would react if they walked in on us snuggling in our underwear. Kian didn't seem to think it important though because he remained in the same position.

"Kian!" We both jumped and smacked our heads off the bed frame.

"Fuck!" Kian cursed, wincing his eyes shut but feeling around the floor for clothes blindly anyway. It would have been bad enough if it were one of the O2L boys coming up the stairs toward our room, but I recognized that voice as an even worse one. Kian's mother. Kian's very strict, very opinionated, and very homophobic mother. I hopped into the bed and under the blankets because I knew there was no time to get dressed. The door swung open just as I pulled the blankets to my neck. Kian was still standing shirtless in the middle of the room but he'd managed to put on pants at least. His mother must not have thought anything of it because she walked over to him and pulled him into an awkward hug straight away.

"Kian! How have you been?" Kian's face looked so uncomfortable during the hug I actually pawned over ways to break it up in my head.

"I've been good." He mumbled, staring at the floor. It was strange how, with most people, Kian was outgoing and fearless. But around his mother and Andrea it was a completely different story.

"How's my darling Andrea? I seen on the internet you two were having a little spat." She mumbled, letting go of Kian only to examine my room. She picked up the empty chip bag with two fingers like it was a radioactive material and threw it back to the floor.

"She's good. Currently we aren't on the best of terms, but she'll come around." 

"She'll come around? Kian, you should be on your knees begging her to forgive you for whatever idiotic thing you've done." She mumbled, running her finger along one of my posters and cringing when it came back coated in dust. I clenched my jaw to keep from saying anything rude. If everything goes as I hope I may have to refer to this woman as my mother-in-law someday so I should probably stay on her semi-good side.

"Actually she cheated on me, so I'm not really waiting for her to come around. More for an apology." He mumbled, sitting on the bed beside where I was laying. 

"Well, maybe if you had of been a better boyfriend she wouldn't have felt the need to satisfy herself with someone else." She snapped, staring at the floor, probably at some other mess. How dare she say that. I thought Kian was crazy to think that when he and Andrea first broke up, but now I see why he did. He grew up having stuff like that drilled into his head. It was a wonder he hadn't turned out as homophobic as this old coot. Damn it, do not call your hopefully future mother-in-law an old coot.

"Yeah." Kian mumbled, sneaking a glance in my direction. I gave him a empathetic smile and it took everything in me not to grab his hand and squeeze it.

"Honestly, you boys have been living here less than a year and the place is already a disaster area. Stains on the carpet and everything." She gestured toward a familiar stain I remembered making last night and I couldn't help but glance over at Kian. His chagrin smirk matched mine.

"What? You think it's funny you guys are living like animals?"

"No!" I said, throwing my hands up in defense. She scoffed at me but didn't take the time to continue our conversation. Instead she turned to Kian who was looking up at her with a fake smile.

"We're going out for breakfast, Kian. Get ready and meet me downstairs in ten." She said, turning on her heel and heading back out the door. I started to get up and jumped back down when she poked her head back around the door frame. Thankfully, I'd managed to get mostly under the covers.

"Oh, and Kian?"


"Put a shirt on for heaven's sake, no one wants to see that scrawny pale mess." She left then, and judging by the sound of her clunking down the stairs she wasn't coming back any time soon.

"Bye Mommy in law!" I called sarcastically and Kian threw a pair of pants at me.

"Not funny. Are you coming with?"

"I don't believe I got an invite."

"You're getting one right now. Coming?" He asked again, looking at me with big pleading eyes. I knew he didn't get along with his mother but neither did I. I tried to think of any reasonable excuse not to go and couldn't. Besides, I'd already put up with this much for him.

"Fine. But you better be paying for my meal." I growl, pushing him away from the bedside  so I could get up. He grinned up at me from the bed as I pulled a shirt over my head.

A/n: Bet you thought the last chapter was today's update, SILLY YOU. Not to be the barer of bad news, but there are only nine chapters left after this </3 Stay strong my minions. Sorry, I'm weird, the point of this was to self-promo MY NEW STORY I MENTIONED IN THAT IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE!!

First chapter goes up tonight and I'm honestly in love with it. It would mean the world to me if you checked it out! I'll put the couples in it below, but if you don't see your faves don't worry. I will be writing tons more fanfics in the future so just message me or something and I might even dedicate a whole story to them!

Rickian, Troyler, Shoey, JcPenny, Zalfie, Janya, Ianthony, Phan, and possibly Cam (Sam and Connor) seeing as the story has sort of just eased them together so far. We'll see! 

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