Just Kidding

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"Pass the chips." Kian demanded, pinching my hip and grinning up at me devilishly. For how angelic he looked, devilish may be a more accurate description of his personality. I reach over as slow as possible to grab them, knowing it would annoy him.

"God, you're an ass sometimes." He mumbled, but I could hear the underlying affection in his voice. So this is what it's like to really date Kian Lawley.

"Yeah, well, I guess you bring out the worst in me." I bicker playfully, ruffling his hair up annoyingly. He scoffs at me but doesn't reply considering his mouth is stuffed full of chips.

"I still can't believe you're actually gay. Are you sure this isn't a prank?" Kian sat up from his position leaning against me to scowl.

"Do you really think I'm so insensitive I would joke about something like this?" I shrugged nonchalantly, but I knew he wouldn't really do anything that cruel. He obviously assumed I was serious though, because he glared at me.

"I'll prove it then!" I was about to reassure him I'd been kidding when he crawled onto my lap. I stared at him, waiting for his next move. No way was I saying anything that could mess this up now. He was blushing and darting his eyes around the room like he couldn't look at me but he started to lift his shirt over his head.

"Is this a strip-tease?" I tease, trailing a finger down his chest. His scowl returns and he reaches to grab his shirt back.

"Never mind." He grumbles, trying to straighten out his shirt. I frown, I hadn't meant to offend him and the last thing I wanted was for him to be nervous about trying stuff like this in the future.

"No, please finish." I beg, pouting my lower lip out. He stares at me for a few seconds before sighing in defeat and throwing his shirt back to the ground.

"Fine, but I'm going to look like an idiot." He mumbles and grabs my iPhone. I hear a sexual R Kelly song start blasting from the speakers and hold back a smirk. Kian stands up and starts swinging his hips to the beat as he undoes his pants. I couldn't help it and a giggle escaped my lips. Kian stopped immediately and stomped back to the couch beside me.

"I warned you it was going to be dumb." He growled, staring at the floor with a huge pouty frown on his face. I reached over and grabbed his hand, a huge cheeky smile on my face.

"It wasn't dumb, it was very sexy." I say, trying my best to sound sultry. Kian shakes his head without looking at me.

"No it wasn't."

"Kian, anything you do is crazy sexy to me." I whisper, crawling closer to his grumpy form. He looks up at me now, but you can tell he still hasn't gotten over it.

"Stop sulking." I coo, crawling onto his lap this time. I can see his hands shaking nervously and give a wolfish grin. I'd always expected Kian to be the dominant one in the bedroom, especially after our kiss.

"Come on, cheer up." A beg, bending down to kiss at his neck. I feel him tense up and chuckle.

"Ricky, stop joking around." He mumbles, his voice an octave lower than normal. I run my tongue over my teeth, curious what my punishment would be if I didn't.

"But Kian, what did you expect after getting me all hot and bothered with that strip tease?" I said, grinding down on his lap. He shoves me off of him then and scrambles to the other end of the couch. Wow, some punishment. Where's the dominant and confident Kian I know?

"Babe." I whine, crossing my arms to show my displeasure. It was fun playing with Kian like this, I'd never seen Kian at a loss for words in my life. But here he was, sitting there with a blank expression.

"Do you not want me?" I pout, knowing it would get him talking.

"I, uh... Umm. What exactly did you want to do? Because I just figured out I was gay recently and granted I'm kind of nervous. And, I... I do want you though! I do." I kind of liked the Kian that stumbled over his own words. It was way out of his character but it was kind of adorable.

"It's fine, Kian. I was just messing with you." His nervous smile disappeared in a split second and was replaced by a horrid glare.

"You were kidding? So you did it on purpose even though you knew I was uncomfortable!?" I shrugged and watched a wolfish grin spread across his face.

"Kian?" And then he pounced on top of me. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand and with the other one he fumbled with my pants button.

"Kian? What-" I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. I groaned as he eagerly explored my mouth was his tongue. And then he managed to unbuckle my pants and I hurried to shimmy them off. Kian broke off our kiss and backed up so his face was right in my crotch. I could feel his hot breath against it and squirmed underneath him. 

"Kian." I groaned, bucking my hips involuntarily. Kian slipped two of his fingers in my waistband and I grinned eagerly. God, could he be any slower? He started to pull them off and then let go, letting the waistband snap back against me. I growled.

"Hurry up." I panted. He was giggling like an idiot now.

"I'm not going to let you cum, not after you made an idiot of me earlier." He had been playing with me. This entire time. I sighed loudly and kicked at him. He was snickering and clutching at his stomach to hold in the crazy laughter.

"Get out." I snarled, standing up and pointing to the door. Kian stopped laughing and frowned up at me.

"I didn't mean to make you that mad. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, but if you're not finishing what you started I kind of have to." Kian's expression changed to something unreadable and his eyes lingered down my chest to where my erection was bulging through my boxers. He swallowed noticeably and looked back up into my eyes with the same unreadable light in his eyes.

"Well?" I insisted, pointing to the door a second time. He stayed frozen to the spot and I slapped my hands to my thighs impatiently.

"What are you waiting for?"

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