White Trash

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Four hours later and we were both slumped on the couch with aching shoulders, but the garage was clean. We'd just finished and were getting a quick drink before moving on to the next task, but, judging from the angry snort that erupted from his mother when she entered the room, that was not something we were supposed to do.

"Wow, talk about slackers. I see you actually decided to help out today, Richard."

"It's Ricky." I growl, looking up at her with rage-filled eyes. She must not have noticed or cared because she simple yawned and lazily laid a hand over her mouth.

"Ricky sounds so stupid and childish. Why don't you go by Richard?"

"Because Richard sounds old and uptight." She glared at me and took a couple steps toward where I sat.

"Are you saying my tastes are old and uptight?"

"I did not say that, but hey, if the shoe fits lace that bitch up and wear it." She scoffed in my face just before slapping it. I winced and blinked back tears. Doesn't she know she can't go around slapping people like that? I turn to Kian and see he has his usual deer in headlights look on, laced with concern for me. I wonder if she's ever hit him. Oh no. The picture of young Kian huddled up in a corner hiding from his mother was too much to bear. I felt a tear rolling down my face but Kian must have thought it was still from the slap because he ran to the fridge and returned with an icepack, all the while his mother stood watching sourly.

"Does it hurt? Here." Kian mumbled, pressing the ice pack to the side of my face. I scrunched my face up at the temperature.

"Kian, it's fine."

"No, it's not." Kian said, his face suddenly contorted with anger.

"It's not okay! Mom why would you do that? Ricky is my friend!"

"Ricky is a sinner! Honestly if I had my way you would not be living with these punk kids for a second longer. You'll turn out just as white trash as them!" She screeched, stomping her foot for added effect.

"Well, I hate to break it to you but you are not getting your way this time! I've always done everything you asked, and never once did I hear a thank-you! Never once did you appreciate anything I did for you! Do you know how much I struggled with those high classes? How many nights I came home with calluses on my hands from working to make money for you? And what about how many times I had to miss out on school trips to hide fucking bruises you and your stupid boyfriends left on me! You have run my entire life, but not this. You will not ruin what I have here with my friends!" I couldn't breath. I felt like my heart was constricted. She'd actually hurt him? She'd literally laid hands on my Kian? I wanted to punch her, to scream, to do anything to make her feel bad about it. But all I could do was sit there frozen with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Kian, I don't know what has gotten into you but you need to stop lying to yourself! I gave you nothing but love your entire life and this is how you treat me? You should be disgusted with yourself!" She roared, slapping him across the face now. He didn't even wince, instead he stood his ground between the two of us.

"I am! I am disgusted with myself. I hate myself for not being enough for you, but I've tried everything. I will never meet your standards, Mom, and I'm sorry for that." She scoffed at him and balled her fists.

"How many times have I told you to call me Margaret?!" She screamed before punching him across the face. This time he fell backward onto the couch but before I got the chance to fuss over him he stood back up.

"You know, I never forgot about that. I always knew you wanted me to call you Margaret, but you know why I didn't? Calling you Mom was the only normal thing we ever had in our relationship and I wasn't ready to let go of it. But now I am, I'll never say it again, because you're nothing to me anymore. Nothing. As far as I'm concerned you are just some stranger on the fucking street. So get the fuck out of my house Margaret!" He snarled, pointing to the door. She stood there looking dumbfounded like he'd just struck her in the side of the head or something but then something must have clicked.

"You love him don't you?" She whispered, looking down at me. I felt my heart skipping beats. Oh no, please don't make him come out to you.

"How did you know?"

"Because nothing's ever mattered enough to you to stand up to me before." They stood in silence staring at each other and I debated snaking my hand into his because he looked like he could really use it right now.

"So you're gay?" She didn't sound surprised or angry. She sounded drained. Like she was already too upset to feel anything more. Kian nodded but didn't speak. He probably had a lump in his throat considering the conversation topic. She took a step toward him and I jumped to my feet to slide between them. She smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Be good to him, Ricky, better than I was anyway." She whispered. I watched the first couple tears stroll and almost felt bad for her. It was the most human I'd ever seen her. I watched her turn and run up the stairs, making an obvious failed attempt at hiding the fact she was feeling emotions for once. A few minutes later I watched her walk back down with her bags. She gave one last halfhearted smile in our direction before heading out the door, probably for good. I turned to Kian and pulled him into a hug.

"Kian, I am so sorry."

"For what?" I backed up to look him in the eyes. I was surprised to see no tears even threatening to spill.

"Your mother just walked out of your life, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be upset."

"She was never really a mother to me anyway, more of an authoritative figure. Someone to listen to yes, but not someone to love." I bit at my cheek and pulled him back into a hug. Regardless if he was upset I still was. I still couldn't get the picture of a tiny Kian crying in a corner after being beaten.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be comforting me?" He laughed, backing out of our hug to kiss my tear covered lips.

A/n: Hillo. wut. Okay, I don't even have anything to say today I just wanted to say hi. So like, vote and comment if you want I guess..

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