Chapter 1

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Amaya's POV

It is 9pm on a cold November night and I'm sat in a pub with Luke and his friends. He's been drinking all day, I hate it when he drinks because he gets abusive, but deep down I know he's a nice guy. I met him when I was 16 he was loving, kind and friendly, he was the best guy in the world he stuck with me through all the shit that occurred through my early adult life. But now I just want to leave him, but I don't know how, I have no money because he keeps it all and gives me a bit now and then to go and by thing like new clothes. Even if I was to leave I would have nowhere to go, any family I did have are dead and I haven't seen any of my friends for years, Luke stopped me seeing or talking to them. They got bored of my silence and moved on with their lives yet I could never gather the courage to leave Luke.

At around 1am Luke decided that he wanted to leave the pub, get some food then go home and of course I was dragged along. We  were walking down the street near to the pub towards our flat which was about a 15 min walk away I was freezing but Luke had refused to let me get a coat before we left for the pub earlier that day so not I was freezing in just a t-shirt. . The street was filled with take-away shops selling things like kebabs, although by the look of them eating one would make you terribly ill. Luke decided to go into one and order two kebabs. He told me to wait outside so I did as I was told. He came out and handed one to me and said "eat it bitch". This wasn’t going to be a good evening. I replied saying “Luke I'm not hungry but thank you". This somehow made him incredibly mad, he pushed me to the floor and shouted THE FUCK BITCH, I JUST BOUGHT YOU SOME FOOD OUT OF MY OWN MONEY AND NOW YOU DON'T WANT IT. WHAT THE FUCK GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DISOBEY ME".  I looked around nervously hoping than know one was watching. I thought that I saw someone walking away in the distance but I think they were too far away to hear or see anything that was going on, which was good I knew what was going to happen next and I was dreading it.

"Luke I'm sorry but I just don't feel hungry, I can pay for it if you want”. I could feel myself beginning to cry. I didn’t want to though Luke has great pleasure in seeing me cry."FIRST YOU DISOBEY ME AND NOW, NOW I FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE HIDING MONEY FROM ME" Luke shouted, spitting his alcohol salvia over me, it was disguising and I felt so small. Luke then proceeded to lean over me and kick me in the stomach, I curled up into a ball trying to escape the pain that was now running through my body, then he moved on to my head and began to repeatedly kick it, I tried to curly up further into a ball and protect my head. I was failing at it though. Luke was laughing the entire time, the laughter made me feel sick. All I could do was pray for him to stop or pass out so the pain would stop. I looked up at the street light directly above my head, it seemed like it was going out but then I realised I was the one making it go out, I was about to pass out, the thought filled me with dread but at least the pain would stop.

Before I went I heard footsteps run towards me, someone then began to shout at Luke, it sounded like a man "STOP what the hell are you doing, she injured, STOP".  Luke laughed, "Who the fuck are you" Luke half laughed and shouted out. This seemed to make the man angry he proceeded to push Luke to the floor, Luke when flying into the road, but somehow with all the alcohol in his system manage to get up and walk down the road. That's when everything went black.

Dan's POV

It was around 12:45 and I couldn't sleep, I'd been pacing the house of my London home now for about 15mins but just couldn’t get to sleep, I was trying my best to be quite because Kyle, Woody and Will were sound asleep in their rooms.  It felt like there was some force keeping me awake and it was really annoying, I needed to get some sleep we have rehearsal all day tomorrow for our gig next week and we need to get in the practice. I decided the best thing would be to go for a long walk outside and try and tire myself out. I grabbed by phone, keys and favourite grey hoody, as it was cold and left the house shutting the door as quietly behind me as I could. I usually head left out of the door but for some reason decided to go right.

I walked along the street humming to myself; I wasn’t paying any attention as to where I was going taking left and rights here and there. I then found myself walking along a street filled with take-away shops. The smell of deep fried food made my stomach rumble but I thought that it was the wrong time to start eating and a left my money at home so even if I wanted something I wouldn’t be able to get anything. I quickly walked on trying to ignore the rumbles in my stomach. Faintly in the distance I could hear a man shouting, I turned my attention now focusing on him. I heard some of what he was shouting "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH.......FOOD.... MY MONEY....DISOBEY ME".  I had a feeling this wasn’t going to end nicely. The man then seemed to push someone onto the floor, by the words shouted a second ago and the scene in front of me it looked like a domestic issue, I hated those. The men involved always seemed to gain satisfaction out of hurting women, I hated those people to the core, and everyone should be treated equally. The women involved seemed to be on the floor now; I walked quietly a little closer trying not to be noticed. I could hear more of the argument now. The girl on the floor said "Luke I'm sorry but I just don't feel hungry, I can pay for it if you want". Luke that sounded like a dicks name and this guy certainly looked like a dick.  The guy, Luke, then proceeded to shout at the girl some more "FIRST YOU DISOBEY ME AND NOW NOW I FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE HIDING MONEY FROM ME”.  Luke then proceeded to repeatedly kick her in the stomach then head. Before I knew what I was doing my feet were running towards the girl. Once there I began to shout at Luke "STOP what the hell are you doing, she injured, STOP".  Luke laughed and replied with "Who the fuck are you"; this seemed to make me incredibly angry for some unknown reason. The first thing I could think to was push Luke over into the road. He was probably a couple of inches taller than my 5.8ft skinny frame, and he was most certainly two if not 3 times my size. Despite this he hit the floor with a thud, his face screwed up in pain despite all of the fat protecting him. He seemed slightly in shock after this, about 3 seconds later he got up, stuck his middle finger up to me whist saying "have that whore" then stumble down the street.

I watched Luke wander/stumble down the street making sure that he wasn’t going to return and then turned my attention the girl. She was unconscious which concerned me but she was breath takingly beautiful, she had curly long brown hair that flowed with grace, her complexion was floorless despite the make-up smeared down her cheeks. I tried to sit her up but couldn’t get her to stay up right, then I started to panic, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, all I could think was shit what I do. I wished the guys were here they would know what to do. The first thing I thought was to check her pulse which was fine and calmed me massively.

I could see a pool of red blood start together around her head on the floor, she then proceeded to shiver, and I then noticed she wasn’t wearing a jacket. it took mine off and wrapped her up in it and picked her up and pressed my hand to her head to try and stem the bleeding, all I could think was that I have to get her to a hospital fast, I was only 5-10 mins away from mine and the boys house. Hopefully I can get her there quickly and then I can drive her to the hospital.

I half ran/jogged back to the house trying to involve as little arm movement as possible as to not disturb the girl in my arms. Once back at the house I fumbled to get the keys out of my pocket to open the front door, but somehow managed it, I entered and gently placed the girl on the sofa and quickly scribbled a note to Will, Kyle and Woody, it said "at hospital call later". Vague I know but I had to get the girl there quickly I have no idea what is wrong with her.

I picked her back up and gently placed her onto the back seats of the car, by now the shivering had settled down and the bleeding had stopped. I drove to the hospital at no doubt an unnecessary fast speed but all I could think about was getting the girl there as soon as possible, luckily the streets were quite so I got there quickly.  

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