Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Amaya’s POV

Dan and I wondered around New York heading nowhere in particular. Throughout it he seemed slightly distant. His eyebrows were slightly scrunched together like he was concentrating really hard on something.

"Dan" I said as we were walking along. My voice seemed to have startled him as he practically jumped out of his skin when I said his name.

"Yes" he replied, he seemed a little nervous and jumpy.

"Are you ok" I asked

"Sure, fine, why?" he replied, there was a twinge of nerves in his voice.

"It's just you look concerned about something", his eyes widened in response and looked away from mine.

"I was just day dreaming, it was nothing, don't worry" he sounded a little sad when saying this.

"If there was something wrong you would tell me wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would" he placed a kiss on my lip for we continued to wonder through the streets.

My mind began to wonder to this evening where we were going to visit central park. I'm not too sure why, but I have always wanted to visit it, I suppose it may be because despite the huge buildings and roads that surround New York, Central park is this big open green space in the middle that seems to make you want to wonder around it. My mind floated back to our convocation earlier in the week where we had talked about the things we wanted to visit with Kyle and Janna.

"Dan, was it your idea for this evening" I asked

"Um, yeah, I remembered you saying that you wanted to visit it and so I thought it would be a nice thing to do on New Year’s Eve I guess"


At around 4pm we wondered back to our hotel room. Dan was working again so I decided that I would read some more of my book. I was really getting into it when Dan said that we needed to get ready to go out. I looked over at the clock and it was 6pm. I hadn't thought that I had been reading that long.

I got up and walked over to Dan and gave him a quick kiss before disappearing to the bathroom to take a shower.

Dan’s POV

Amaya and I got back to the hotel room at around 4pm after wondering around New York for a bit. We didn't have anything planned until this evening and I wanted to get on with finishing up some editing on some music, so Amaya and I stayed in the room, me working and her reading her book. When I eyes finally looked up at the clock I saw it was 6pm. I quickly saved what I had done a told Amaya that we needed to start getting ready. She went in the shower so that gave me time to get a few things ready.

I went over to the cupboard to check that her surprise was still there and it was. The bathroom door suddenly opened startling me, I needed to calm down. I quickly pretended that I was looking for something in the cupboard and pulled out clean clothes for tonight so I looked normal. Amaya just looked at me like I was mad before joining me to grab some clean clothes.

I placed my clothes on the bed before hopping in the shower. Whilst in there my mind was buzzing. Dan calm down, you over thinking things, everything is going to be fine. I said this over and over in my head until I almost started to believe it. I walked out of the bathroom and then began to get dressed. Amaya and I had somehow coordinated similar white tops and black jeans and shoes. We both looked at each other and laughed; she looked lovely when she laughed. I wrapped my arms round her bringing her into a hug.

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