Chapter 5

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Dan's POV

After food shopping, and grabbing some tea to eat, we all went back to the house. It was about 9pm. Will and Kyle thought it would be good to begin with drinking games. So that what we did, it was great fun. I was full of happiness, Amaya had said she loved me and I truly loved her, she was enjoying herself as Kyle gave her a piggyback running round the living room and trying not to fall over she kept laughing at me trying to dance to the music that was on.  Will and woody kept fighting with bread stick and playing dead when one of them struck the other. It was great :)

Amaya walked over to me and grabbed my hands trying to control them and make me look like a normal dancer but it wasn’t working.

Next morning

The light was streaming through the bed room curtains that were still open, I was in my room in my bed, and I don’t remember getting here. I sat there is silence for a moment and noticed that Amaya's head was resting on my chest, her breathing rising and falling in time with mine. I was beautiful I never wanted this moment to end, but I could feel her beginning to stir.

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning Dan" she replied sleepily.

"Did you have a good evening?"

"Yes thank you but I don’t remember much of it and now my head feels like someone hit it with a hammer" she laughed slightly at this.


We sat there for a moment my arms wrapped around her.

"would you mind if I got up and had a shower?" she asked, "no go ahead", I watched her get up and walk out of the door, I noticed she was wearing my wolf top and a just her pant. She was extremely good looking. She caught me looking, my face went bright red and so did her’s, she practically ran out the door to the bathroom. I just sat there laughing. I then started to hear flaws playing, well being sung, I got up and followed it, it was Amaya in the bathroom, her voice was amazing, she never told me she could sing. I listened for a while before walking back to my room.

Amaya came back in from her shower; I was sat in my bed, just my boxers flicking through twitter. I looked up at her when she walked in.

"Nice shower?"

"yes thank you, um this is kind of awkward but um do you have any clothes I can borrow because well Mine are still all with Luke, and well I don't want to wear the same clothes again" her eyes meet mine, they were filled with sadness and I smiled in response to try and cheer her up, I got up and began riffling through my draws, I pulled out a pair of black jeans and my I killed Laura palmer t-shirt. She took them and began to get changed, the fitted her beautifully.

After changing she just sat there on the end of the bed sad. I walked over and wrapped my arms round her trying to comfort her. She began to cry, this broke my heart I hated seeing her so upset.

"What wrong princess?"

"It's nothing I’m just being stupid", she sniffled

"No please tell me, I want to know" I replied concerned

"Well, I know this is really stupid, but, well what happens now, because I know that you've got gigs coming up and you’re going to be busy with them and I’m scared of going back to Luke", I stopped here there with a kiss on the lips, at first she was completely taken back, then kissed me back, I broke off and replied

"well what’s going to happen is that me and you are going to go to the cinema and I’m going to take you shopping, then we are somehow going to get your stuff from Luke's and you’re going to live here, when were on tour you going to join us and well be happy forever because since the first day I met you I’ve known that I never want to leave you".

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