Chapter 12

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Amaya’s POV

I woke up the next morning lying on Dan's chest. The memories of what happened last night were still haunting me, they had been flashing in front of my eyes all night, it was horrible. I looked up to Dan who was still sleeping; he seemed so peaceful and happy. I got up and out of bed as quietly as possible and decided to wonder downstairs. I didn’t really want to face anyone after what had happened last night but I couldn't stay in bed forever.

Kyle and Janna were down there eating breakfast.

"Morning" Kyle and Janna both said.

"Morning" I replied

"Good night sleep" Kyle questioned.

"Yeah it was good, thanks" I replied, swiftly moving on to getting breakfast and avoid any possible references to last night, I didn't know whether Janna knew or not, I hoped not. Suddenly I felt hands wrap around my waist.  I turned around it was Dan. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and moved swiftly to the table to eat my breakfast, still trying to avoid anything to do with last night.

I ate my breakfast as quickly as possible before disappearing upstairs. I kept noticing Dan giving me quick glances throughout breakfast, I knew that he probably wanted to talk but I just didn't, I was scared that if I talked about it, it would turn out that it was just a dream that Luke was in prison and that in reality was actually back in our old flat. 

Once upstairs I hopped in the shower. It was incredibly relaxing; it enabled me to think about nothings, my head becoming empty space. But eventually the water started turning cold and I knew I was going to have to get out. I wandered into the bedroom and started to dry off. I heard the door go and instinctively wrapped the towel quickly back around me. I looked to see Dan walking towards me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to avoid him or any of his questions whilst I was in a towel. 

He approached me slowly, his hands repeatedly running through his hair.

"I, um, you probably don't want me to ask but are you ok"? He questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied, his eyes stayed locked onto mine but his forehead was scrunched up like he was trying to find the right words, but finding them was difficult.

"I mean seriously not the yeah I'll just say I'm good I don't want to share my issues sort of thing, but I mean, if there is anything you want to tell me or talk to me about I'm here for you".

Tears started to run down my face, why did he have to say that, I just wanted to forget all about what had happened. His arms wrapped around me and I snuggled into them.

"Dan can we please just forget about what has happened because I feel that if we talk about it the fact that Luke is in prison will turn out to be a dream", I tried to control my breathing to stop any more tears flowing out.

"Amaya, it's not a dream, he is not going to hurt you anymore, He's in prison for attempted murder, he will get 50 years minimum, you are free to do whatever you want", he replied, how was it that he always knew the right things to say.

"Does that mean that I can love you forever then" I replied with a cheeky smile on my face. Dan began to smile.

"If that want you want to do then I won't stop you, but if you don't mind I want to go a have a shower". He gave me a quick kiss on the lips before disappearing off into the bathroom. I quickly got dressed then wondered downstairs.

We spent most of the day shopping for Christmas decorations. It turned out the guys never really put up decorations, so I insisted that we went out and bought some. Kyle loved it; he really was like a kid in a sweet shop and wanted to buy everything. Janna joined us as well which was niche because I hadn't really spent much time with her so it was nice to get to know her a little better.

We spent most of the next week just wondering around the house and getting it ready for Christmas. We bought a huge tree; I had to sit on Will's shoulders to get the decorations on the top of it. Dan still didn’t know what I had gotten him for Christmas although Kyle had come close to revealing it a couple to times. I still have no idea what he's gotten me and I'm sort of stressing out because I don't think mine will be good enough, I've tried begging Dan, Will, Kyle and Woody to tell me but none of them would tell me and they seem to find my pain of not knowing hilarious. Dan, Kyle Woody, Will, Awoul, Jenna, Chrissy and all of To Kill A King and I are all getting together for Christmas, which sounds like great fun, I haven’t had a proper Christmas in a long time, it usually consisted of Luke getting drunk which was not fun at all. But at least I can forget about him now because he's in prison. Dan said that he is going to cook the whole thing, which he is slightly stressing out about; cooking Christmas dinner for 13 is definitely a huge task. I said I would help but he declined my offer which is unsurprising as I had just managed to burn the pizza and chips that I had put in the oven for tea. 

(I promise that better stuff is on the way :) Hope your enjoying it so far)

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