Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Dan’s POV

We got the venue at 5pm. We ran through every song that we were going to play that evening and practised the song choices with To Kill a King who were joining us tonight. We also tried some new things with the lights to make the show slightly more interesting, I mean how interesting can for guys standing on a stage be?

We also discussed how I was exactly going to surprise Amaya by getting her to play with us. Will came up with an excellent idea.

"I have an idea" Will exclaimed "How about after you sing flaws, you come out of the crowd and run back stage, we can get one of the sound guys to quickly hook her up with an ear piece, we will start playing the introduction to Oblivion someone can say that Dan has a surprise, then you walk out singing it dragging Amaya’s with you". I really was an excellent idea. We checked with the sound guys and they said that they would be able to do it, so it was all set. As the rehearsal came to an end and the gig got closer and closer I was beginning to get more and more nervous. I'm always terrified before we go on stage encase there is no one out there, and I had to keep this big surprise for Amaya. I was practically shitting myself. I tried to stay distracted by trying to fiddle with some new music on my laptop whilst I waited for the gig to begin.

(6.30pm that evening).

My phone buzzed frightening the life out of me, it was Amaya.

"Hey" I answer, my heart still pounding 100 times a minute.

"Hi, I'm at the back of the venue"

"Ok, I'm on my way" I replied, time had passed really quickly, I must have been really distracted, but never mind that the best way for me to deal with the anxiety of performing on stage.

I walked to the back door of the venue and opened it. Amaya stood there looking absolutely gorgeous. She had on black skirt and tights, white converse and my shrunken wolf top, and her makeup was done to perfection, the cold air outside had also turned her cheeks a beautiful pink rose colour. I stood there for a second just staring.

Her voice broke my tone of thought "Can I come in, it’s freezing out here".

"Sure, sorry" I replied before moving out of the way so she could enter and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. I brought her to the backstage room where we were all hanging out. I introduced her to everyone there, out of the corner of my eye I saw the sound guy give be a quick hand signal pointing to Amaya and then pretending to sing into his hand, I nodded in response. My hands were almost shaking I was that nervous about telling everyone that Amaya was my girlfriend and singing with her, I was really scared about how she was going to react.

For about an hour, the guys, Amaya and To Kill a King just stood around chatting to each other and eating the food that had been provided for us. At 7:30 To Kill a King went on stage. They were awesome as always, I loved seeing my friends up there performing it was great. We joined them for the last song choices; I think that that it's my favourite song of theirs. We all have a laugh with each other when we are on stage because there is music equipment everywhere and barley enough room for us to all stand on stage.

During choices I saw Amaya singing along in the wings. It was awesome to see her really enjoying herself. I really wanted to walk over and give her a big kiss. But I had to wait; all I had to do was get through until Oblivion. I was filled with fear and excitement all at the same time.

We went on stage at 8.30pm. The gig was amazing. The crowd was absolutely amazing, I still fiend it really weird when our fans sing the words back to us. I was really embarrassing at one point when I was standing on a speaker and almost fell off of it. Everyone found it hilarious.

Then it was suddenly time to sing Flaws. As usual I hopped into the crown, I know people probably presume that its terrifying but I find it slightly calming because I only have to focus on walking through the crowd, however my mind kept thinking to Amaya and the surprise that I had coming next.

Once we had finished performing Flaws I quickly ran out of the crowd and to the backstage area. The sound guy saw me and quickly walked towards Amaya and started fitting her with an ear piece. Kyle saw this and began to start playing oblivions beginning chords, it was time.

"Hey were Bastille and we hoping you having a good time. Um, well I have a bit of a surprise for you lot and someone else" I said to the fans whilst wandering through backstage, I saw Amaya trying to swat the sound guy away from her whist he was trying to attach the ear piece, she saw me and asked what was going on, I gave her the hand signal of let him do it, you'll see why in a sec. " I would like to welcome my amazing girlfriend Amaya who will be joining me to sing oblivion". I saw Amaya's eyes widen in fear and mouth fall open into a shocked O position. I had a cheeky smile plastered on my face. I took her hand in mine and lead her out, she was in complete shock. I walked her over to the keyboard and adjusted the mic for her so that it was in the correct position, I whispered in her ear to begin playing, which she did beautifully. The rest of the guys then began to join in on their parts and then I began to sing with Amaya. Her voice was amazing, it surprises me every time she sings, and she really does have a voice of an angel.

The crowd also loved, it which made me so happy. It was really nice to see that everyone was accepting her. Once we finished the song, I gave her the biggest hug which she returned with the biggest smile. She whispered in my ear thank you, which made my heart swell with joy, before returning back stage. All of To Kill a King gave her a big hug when she walked off stage, which was really nice of them.

We carried on with the few songs that we had left on the set list. Somehow knowing that Amaya was in the wings really helped my nerves and I think I may have performed better than I ever had before.

Once we finished we walked off and went backstage. Amaya was waiting there and when she saw me ran up and gave me the biggest hug.

Amaya’s POV

I saw Dan enter the backstage area and ran up to him to give him the biggest hug and kiss. Performing with him was amazing and it made me feel amazing too, if possible it think it made me fall further in love with him. I still couldn't believe that he did all of this without telling me, and that everyone else was in on it, I mean even Kyle didn’t say anything and he is hopeless like a child and keeping secrets. However I do understand why it was a secret because if I had known before hand I probably would not have come to the gig.

Dan's face was beaming with his adorable smile; he was really happy which made me happier.

"Thank you" I whispered in Dan's ear.

"What for" he replied.

"For loving me and everything else you have ever done for me" I replied.

Will, Woody and Kyle came up to tell me how well I performed on stage, I thanked them awkwardly, I still don't get how to respond to someone when they complement you on something that you’re not very good at.

We spend the rest of the evening backstage drinking and eating. Dan, Will, Woody and Kyle popped out each for a bit to take some photos with fans. Kyle wandered backstage as I was leaving to go to the loo.

"And where are you going missy" he replied slightly slurred. For some reason his tone of voice made me laugh hysterically, probably the alcohol I thought to myself.

"To join Dan and get some fresh air" I responded, slightly less slurred than Kyle.

I walked up to the backstage door and opened and walked straight into someone, I instantly brought my eyes up from the floor to apologise to whoever it was that I just walked into.

The face I saw sent fear running through my veins. I just stood there in complete shock, before I could respond their hand grabbed me by the neck and forced me up against the wall. I struggled against it, trying to take in as much air as possible. Black spots were beginning to appear in my vision.

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