Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Dan’s POV

After Breakfast we went upstairs and cleaned our teeth, grabbed our coats and went out to visit the Empire State Building. Kyle decided that it would be an adventure to take the subway. It was most certainly an adventure as he ended up getting us lost despite our frequent questions as to whether he knew where he was going and his reassurances that he did. Eventually we made it. Amaya was a little quite throughout the journey. I kept my arms wrapped round her, letting her know that I was here for her; no one else had seemed to notice. I just hoped that this adventure would bring her back to her usual self.

At the Empire State building we went all the way up to the observation decks. It was amazing. We were so high up you could practically see all of New York. I took loads of photos of the sky line, I knew New York was big, yet it seemed even bigger when you were standing up here. Amaya seemed to be getting more back to her usual self whilst up her. I was nice. We ended up taking loads of photos of practically everything. Kyle kept pulling stupid in mine and his photos, so I'm sure that when I look back through them there will defiantly be some interesting one's of him. He is such a weird person.

I saw Amaya resting against the railing flicking through her camera and decided I would join her.

"So, what do you think?" I asked

"It's amazing, I can't believe how high up we are” her face was plastered with a big grin

"I know, imagine cleaning all the windows, your arm would probably get really tried" I added trying to make her laugh

"Well it's a good thing you’re not doing it then isn't it" she replied poking me in the side of the rib making me laugh.

I pulled her in for a quick kiss when something flashed. We broke apart to find Awuoi taking a photo of us.

"Sorry, I just thought you two looked really cute" she replied clearly seeing our shocked expression before wondering off back to Will.

  We stayed there for a while looking out at New York, our arms wrapped around each other, are minds wandering off into the distance. Amaya's voice suddenly broke the silence.

"I love you Dan".

A huge smile spread across my face "I love you too" I replied before nestling my head on her shoulder.

After another 10mins at the Empire State Building we then began to make our way to the statue of liberty we took the train to where we would have to catch the ferry, and then got the ferry across to the island. The statue was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Kyle was super excited to visit, I couldn't quite work out why, but I he kept us entertained by bouncing around with excitement while we waited for the boat top take us across. 

Once there we walked to the top of the statue which was a bit slippery considering that there was still snow on it. Kyle fell over a number of times; the shock on his face when he was falling was priceless. Once at the top we took a few pictures before disappearing inside to find out a bit about how it was built. This bit was slightly boring but I guess that you need to look at these things to get a sense of the monument. After about 20mins we were all getting a bit bored and hungry.

"Can we go and get food now" Will moaned. We all agreed and got the boat back to the main land. There was this little sandwich shop about 2mins down the road that we stopped at and grabbed a sandwich. They were really nice but the portion sizes were huge so we all ended up sharing.

"So, what time are we going to central park" Woody asked 

"Um about 7ish, I was think that we could go Ice-skating, go for a walk then grab something to eat then watch the fireworks display at midnight"

"Sounds good to me" Woody replied.

Once we had finished our food we decided that we would split up and do our own things before meeting up for the evening.

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