Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

It was about 8:45am when I had awoken from my awkward position, I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and I kept having the images of what happened last night flash before my eyes leaving my heart with a dull aching feeling. The girl was still asleep on the hospital bed. I decided I should get up and stretch my legs and grab a coffee and wait for the girl to wake up, but the idea of leaving her here and possibly having here wake up when I'm not here pained me a little, but I needed my morning coffee, so I got up and wondered down the corridors trying to find somewhere to grab a coffee. I caught sight of myself in a mirror, my hair looked worse than ever, I tried fixing by running my hands through it, but that seemed to make it worse. I thought to myself, Dan now this is why people say you look like you have been electrocuted, I carried on down the corridor half smirking to myself. I found a vending machine and grabbed a coffee and walked back to the room I just came from.

I entered quietly as to not wake the girl, I really needed to learn her name, and I walked over to the chart and the end of her bed. In bold letters read Amaya Salvatore. I considered the name for a little while. I had never heard that name before yet it seemed so fitting.

I thought that it was about time that I called the lads and let them know what was going on. My phone was still on the hospital table where I had left it last night. I grabbed it and my hoody that Amaya had on yesterday then left the room and walked to the outside of the hospital, across from the entrance there was bench, I walked over and sat one it, pulling the hoody up over my heat so that I wouldn’t be recognised. I didn’t know who to call first but decided upon Kyle he is probably the only one who would answer his phone first, he was a much lighter sleeper compared to Will and Woody.

Kyle answered on the 3rd ring he answered which took me slightly by surprise; I would have thought that we would have still been in bed at this time. Kyle, Will and Woody usually didn’t wake up till around 12. Kyle spoke first.

"Dan is that you"

"Yes, who else would it be?"

"Just checking, some girl answered when I rang earlier, I think her name was Amaya, Are you still at the hospital"

"Are you alright, you’re not hurt or anything are you"

"No I’m fine, but there was this girl, wait how do you know her name"

“When I rang, she had no idea who you or I were, she said something about a guy Luke I think and being kicked but she couldn’t remember anything else, then I think a nurse came in a put her to sleep, I think that there was a mention of her heart rate being too high, but she had no recognition about you".

I then explained to Kyle what I had seen that night and how I had intervened and taken Amaya to the hospital.

I sat there in silence for a moment, the images of Luke kicking Amaya in the head over and over again flashed before my eyes, anger raged through me. I never felt angry but the memory made me want to beat that guy Luke into oblivion.

"Dan you still there mate"

"yeah sorry spaced out for a sec there", I paused for a second, trying to find the words for my next sentence I wasn’t sure about how I was supposed to ask the next question I was about to form.



"I can you, do you?"

"Dan what is it"

"Do you think that you can like someone without ever really knowing them" I quickly blurted out

"Dan have you fallen for this girl"

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