Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Amaya’s POV

I am awoken the next morning by the sun streaming light in through the curtains. My head is resting upon Dan's chest and is raising and falling in time with his breathing. He's humming a tune that I don't recognise, his hand is running through my hair and it felt amazing, almost as good as last night. Before I know it a smile was spreading across my face.

"Morning beautiful" Dan said his morning voice ruff but soft, clearly noticing that I was awake.

"Morning" I replied in a croaky voice. I open my eyes and glance upwards noticing that he is staring at me, a smile of embarrassment sweeps across my face. I snuggle further into his body. We lay there for a while just enjoying each other’s presence.

Then there’s a knock at the door.

"Come in" Dan says after checking that our bodies are covered by the bed sheet. Which was good because I would have been embarrassed beyond belief in any part of my naked body was hanging out from underneath the sheets.

Kyle walked in through the door "Morning, nice to hear that you to had a pleasant evening last night" he lips moved up into a slight smile, I could feel my face burning bright red, "however, its 10am and we need to go and get Amaya's stuff from her flat. Awuol, Chrissy and Janna will be here in 30 mins and I think they would like you to be dressed" Kyle gave a smile of a child getting up to no good before walking out the door.

I looked up at Dan who was laughing; he saw me looking at him and laughed even harder. I just stared at him completely confused.

"Sorry", he said, whilst laughing hysterically

"What is it?" I questioned

"It's just that I was watching your face get redder and redder the more Kyle talked". I was shocked, had my face really been that obvious.

"I apologise Mr Smith for having a few embarrassment issue whilst being completely naked under the covers and your best friend declaring he heard us in bed last night" I replied in sarcastic posh accent, trying hard not to laugh.

"We’ll Miss Salvatore you better get your bum in the shower before there is any more embarrassment" he replied in the same tone of voice as mine. I rolled my eyes, I was really happy just lying here with Dan.

"Ugh, can't I stay here a little longer" I pleaded.

"Nope, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us, so chop chop", he said before jumping out of the bed, walking over to the dresser and opening the draw that contained towel and throwing one at me.

I wrapped it tightly around my body and headed to the shower.

On the way out I bumped into Dan who was now making his way to the shower, I didn't notice him and the shock almost made me drop my towel. To make it worse Will was walking out of his room which was just behind me.

"Please the pair of you keeps the nakedness in the bedroom" he commented before making his way down the stairs. Dan and I burst out laughing at each other and carried on in our directions.

Once back in our room, I quickly got dried and dressed. I had a pair of my new black jeans on and fond one of Dan's wolf tops that was a little small on him. I quickly applied my make-up and gave my hair before sticking it in a pony tail and walking down stairs to get some breakfast. Down stairs was empty, which confused me because I knew that the guys weren’t in their rooms, then I remembered that they must be in the basement practising for their gig later this evening. I was really excited for it. But I was dreading this morning and having to go back to the flat. I was scared that Luke may be there waiting for me and if so he may see Dan or one of the other guys and then possibly start a fight which I did not want to happen.

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