Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Amaya’s POV

It was Luke, he had found, me, I don't understand how or even why.

"Bitch look at me" he shouted inches from my face, his breath reeking of alcohol. I lifted my eyes to meet his. I was absolutely terrified about what he was going to do to me and what he might do to the other guys if he saw them.

"Please, just stop" I begged, tears streaming down my face.

"Why, you left me for some stupid dick, and left some pathetic note, I was good to you, how could you be such a heart less bitch".

"You weren’t you were always hurting me and I hate you because of it, you don't stick someone you love in hospital" I replied with some sudden courage from somewhere. I instantly regretted saying something back; I knew that it was only going to make the situation worse. My eyes widened in fear and I saw his hand curl up into a ball and swing towards my stomach. The force made me fold in two and puke on the floor. I stayed lent over for a second trying to regain some air. My mind was racing with things that could possibly happen next and none of them were good.

This clearly annoyed Luke further. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back against the wall. His body blocking any route of escape.

"You deserve nothing, you’re a fucking slut and if I can't have you no one can". He raised his hands to my throat and began to squeeze. I gasped for air and tried using my hands to pull his off my neck but nothing was working.

I tried shouting out for Dan. I got two shouts out before Luke's hand clamped over my mouth. The light from the corner of my eyes began to fade into darkness. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing that I was going to die. I wished for someone to come and help me, but if I died that Dan was to carry on living his life with someone who loves him as much as I did.

The last thing I saw before everything went blank was the image of Dan's face smiling. Be happy I thought as I went into complete darkness.

Dan’s POV

I left Amaya backstage while I went to meet with some fans that had been waiting outside for us. It was always great to meet them, but I am still never sure what to say to them. They left and so I decided it was time to return back inside.

I was on my way back when I thought I heard Amaya shout my name. I ignored it the first time thinking that it must be my imagination or the drink probably most likely the drink. But then I heard it again but it was slightly quieter, it sounded slightly strangled. My mind began to wiz with a thousand possibilities that could be happening. Calm down Dan, I told myself, nothing is happening you just have an over reactive imagination.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to ease the anxiety that was coursing its way through my veins. A hand was placed on my shoulder, it frightened the life out of me, and it was Will.

"You ok", he asked

"Sorry, yeah, no, I don't know, something seems wrong; I thought I heard Amaya shouting my name” I replied. He just looked at me like I was completely mad.

"Dan, calm down, you sound like you are going mad" her joked. I laughed along.

We wondered back to the backstage door, we turned the corner and I froze. The scene unfolding in fount of me made me feel physically stick, rage, hatred and anger coursed through my veins. Before I knew what I was doing I had ran up to Luke and punched him in the side of his stomach. He turned to face me and realised his grip around Amaya's throat. My eyes were locked on Luke watching every move.   

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