Chapter 8

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Amaya’s POV

I sat there in shock listening to Dan's story. My eyes never left his despite the tears running down my face. All I could think about was how could such a thing happen to such a lovely guy. I mean look at him he has everything going for him, his music career has a bright future, he's good looking, has an awesome personality and great friends. Every time I have looked at him, he looked like he was always happy and enjoying himself. It pained me to see that deep down there was this pain that would never go away.

The last thing that I heard him say was that could leave if I wanted, he wouldn’t judge me for it, other people had left him before because of it. But how can you leave someone you love. I thought about the people who had left him and thought that they were bastards; you never leave someone in need. He carried on saying that he understands that it may all be too much for me, and I can use this as an excuse to leave. For a second my life flashed before my eyes, there was one with Dan where I was happy, I was smiling, then another where I was with Luke, unconscious on the floor, and a third, was me in a completely black room, alone. I knew which path I wanted to take, I had known it since I had woken up in the hospital with Dan by my side.

I got up from the bed; I saw Dan's face screw up in pain. Did he really think that I would leave him? I walked towards him slowly, raised my hand and tried to wipe the tears away from his face. I brought my face close to his and kissed him like his life really did depend on it. He was shocked at first; I guess he really did believe that I would leave him. But then I felt his arms wrap round my body; I wrapped my arms around him. I broke off from the kiss and just held him there, trying to sooth this deep pain that he had.

I felt his head move so he was once again looking at me.

"W, why did you not leave" he asked, though croaky from crying, I understood it.

"Because you never leave the ones you love" I replied. A smile spread across his face. He just sat there in each other’s arms.

There was a knock at the door. Kyle then entered. He saw me and Dan together in each other’s arms. I think that without a word he understood that I wasn’t going to leave Dan. He raised his hand in which he held something. He looked at Dan who nodded in agreement. Kyle then approached us held out his hand with the piece of paper in it, gave it to me then left. I was really confused.

I looked at the piece of paper. It was a ticket to go and see Bastille on Saturday night. A smile spread across my face. This really was sweet of Dan even when he was telling me something awful he was thinking about making me happy. I hugged him again tightly.  I couldn't believe that he remembered that I had never seen them live before.

"Thank you" I whispered into his ear.

"No, thank you for being understanding" he replied.

I wiped my face with my hand, trying to rid of the last of the tears off, Dan did the same.

"Well, um, what do you want to do now" he asked, he sounded a bit unsure of what to do. I really hadn't a clue.

"Um, I don’t know". I replied. Then a smile started to spread on Dan's face. He got up off the bed and grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs to the basement.

"What are we doing then?" I asked slightly unsure of as to why he had decided to take me into the basement.

He grabbed my waist and moved me into the front of a microphone and piano. "Dan what are you doing?" I asked slightly scared.

There was a twinkle in his eye like he was up to something. "Well "he began, I rolled my eyes in response, and I didn’t think that I was going to enjoy this.”I heard you singing in the car earlier and you were really good, I've got want to try and incorporate one of my old songs into a song that the band can play, but I want you to sing it first". I looked at him shocked.

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