Chapter 15

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Dan’s POV

(At the airport 8:30 am)

We were waiting in the extremely long queue waiting to check all of our baggage in and fly to America. We kept getting strange looks from people walking past us because we had mountains of luggage. There was all of the day to day stuff that we needed like clothes and DVD’s but also all of our equipment for giging, which is not at all small.

We finally got checked in then went up to airport security. Kyle and Janna were bouncing around and couldn't wait to get on the plane. The two of them are really like little kids.  I hate airport security, I don't know why but they always make me feel really uncomfortable, like I have done something wrong but I haven’t. Will and Woody are not bothered by it at all and spent most of it discussing what they wanted to see whilst they were in America. Amaya was talking with Awuol and Chrissy, they kept laughing about something which brought a smile to my face. I liked it when Amaya smiled; it made me feel happy for some reason.

Once we were through airport security we wondered around the shops to try and pass the time. Amaya wandered through the shops with me. Surprisingly there was a music shop so we went and had a look inside. I was flicking through the DVD's when came bouncing up to me with something in a bag.

"What did you buy?" I asked

"It's a secret" she replied, with a sly smile on her face. I continued looking through the DVD's.

"Ok, I'll show you" she finally said. She went into the bag and pulled out our Bastille CD. I rolled my eyes in response.

"Why did you buy that?" I questioned.

"Because I want to have a bit of you everywhere" she replied. I picked her up and gave her a big kiss. She was really adorable.

"That's so sweet" I replied.

Will and Awuol walked past us and Will commented "Can't you leave her alone for a second Dan".

"Sorry I can't" I replied whilst half laughing.

 After we had been wondering around the airport for about half an hour we decided we better get some breakfast because none of us had eaten yet and our plane wasn't going to leave for another 2 hours. Woody suggested McDonalds. I shot him a glance of disgust. I don't understand how people can eat things like that for breakfast, yes for lunch or tea or whatever but not breakfast. I insisted that we went to this restaurant that had things such as bacon sandwiches and toast so we ate there for breakfast.

Once we finished we still had an hour till our flight so we found some sofas and sat down there. Amaya Awuol and I read our books, Kyle, Janna and Chrissy wondered around the airport some more and Woody and Will were playing card games.

 Something about just sitting here felt so normal yet I knew it wasn’t. How many people get to say oh yeah were a band and were going to be giging around America. Practically no one, but I was content with this at the moment. If it all disappeared in a moment I would be sad yes, but I would be grateful for these memories that I had.

"Dan, Dan" Amaya's voice pulled me out from my thoughts. "We can go to our gates now" she said. I got up and put my book in my bag, I called Kyle to tell them that we were going to the gate encase they didn't hear the announcement then waited for them to return so we could leave. We began walking towards the gate. It was a long walk; we were at the furthest end of the airport. Will started complaining about half way down that it was too far. Awuol kept telling him to stop being such a baby.

Finally we arrived. I handed over our tickets, and directed us to a waiting area that was hidden behind two huge doors. I kept looking at Amaya's face. Her eyes were wide like a child's full of wonder. We entered through the doors and sat down.

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