Chapter 18

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Dan’s POV

  I was woken in the night my Amaya tossing and turning. I looked over to her to see face screwed up in pain, tears spill from her eyes. I wrapped my arms round her body so that she lay in my arms.

"Amaya" I whispered trying to pull her from her nightmare. "Amaya" I began again louder and more concerned.  She began to shiver, tears flowing more heavily from her eyes. I was beginning to panic, I didn't know what to do or what was wrong.

"Please, stop" she whispered "Leave me alone. Let me live"

"Amaya, its ok" I said again. She still didn't respond I was beginning to panic. I sat there rocking her in my arms. I began to hum softly to her, tears were beginning to form at the corner of my eyes, I was scared of what was happening. My humming seemed to reduce her shivering and the flow of tears lessened. I was still concerned with what she was dreaming about. I sat there humming still until her tears had stopped. I wiped the last tear from her cheek and planted a kiss on her cheek and rested my head upon hers. I continued humming until I drifted off to sleep.

Amaya’s POV

I woke up all hot and sticky.  I looked up to see that I was in Dan's arms. I gently wiggled out of his arms trying my best to not disturb him. He groaned in response. Shit I thought, I'm waking him up.

"Morning" he grumbled in his deep morning voice, I did love his morning voice.

"Morning Mr sleepy head"

"How did you sleep?" he asked

"Fine thank you"

"Hmm" he mumbled.

His response puzzled me.

"What are you wondering about" I asked.

"I'm sure it’s nothing" he responded

"What?" I asked him in response.

"Um, do you remember anything of your dream last night?" he asked. I could hear the nervous in his voice.

"What are you on about Dan?"

"Um, well, last night you were crying in your sleep and then you started shivering and mumbling about begging someone to stop and letting you live". His face looked hurt as he told this.

Suddenly the memory of the dream flashed in front of my eyes. I hadn't told Dan about something that had happened in my past. I didn't know how to bring it up, I didn't know where to begin, it's not the sort of thing that you just drop into a sentence mid convocation.

"Oh, I'm sure that it was nothing" I began quickly trying to get past it. Dan clearly noticed the nerves and pain in my voice. I gently took my wrists to stop me moving away and looked into my eyes. Before I knew what was happening the tears had began to fall down my cheeks.

"Dan, I'm so sorry" I cried.

"What, what's wrong" Dan quickly asked, concern running through his voice.

"I should have told you before, but I was scared what you would think of me" I managed before my voice cracked.

"Amaya, please, your scaring me tell me what wrong" I could see tears beginning to forming in the corner of his eyes.

"Dan I never told you because I was scared, but I don't know how to begin". My tears flowing faster down my face.

"It's ok Amaya, just tell me what you were dreaming about" Dan said trying to reassure me.

"Dan it's just that well I was dreaming about when my parents and Lucy died. I never told you and I should have, but I didn’t and then when you told me your story I was so close but I was still so scared, I know its completely stupid but, but" I began to sob harder.

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