Chapter 14

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Amaya’s POV

I woke up the next morning at around 9am. Dan was sound asleep next to me. He really did look cute when he was asleep. The memories of the presents that he gave me yesterday came flooding back. It was truly the best ever present that I had ever gotten. I didn't think that I could fall any further in love with him, but I guess I was wrong. My eyes fell upon his face once again and a smile came to it with the knowledge that he was mine. 

"You're staring" he moaned in his ruff morning voice, frightening me as I didn’t realise that he was awake.

"I'm gazing" I replied the smile still on my face.

"It's creepy"

"It's romantic" I said trying to put in abit of attitude yet failing miserably.  Dan turned and looked at me before beginning to laugh then covering his face with a pillow.

"Hey" I replied trying to move the pillow from his face, which he was slightly winning. Suddenly I felt hands on my waist and he began to tickle me, which was a terrible idea because I am incredibly ticklish, I started screaming and swatting his hands to try and get them off me. I tried squirming away but was failing miserably so the first way that I thought I could stop his was to kiss him, which worked because he stopped tickleling me.

Kyle’s POV

Jenna and I were woken up by laughing from Dan and Amaya's room. I looked at Jenna who burst out laughing as our eye contact gave indication as to us both knowing exactly what they were up to.  I was tempted to go and tell them to be quite but Jenna told me to leave them alone. 

"Jenna" I asked "Do you like Amaya?"

"Yeah of course she's really nice, why do you ask" she questioned.

"I just wanted to make sure that you liked her because I think that Dan has fallen really hard for her and I just wanted to make sure that she really had the right intentions for him".

"Aww Kyle that's so sweet for you to be concerned about Dan, and I think that they are perfect for each other, she is always going on about sweet he is, and she seems to have really fallen for him to". She replied.

I got up and went to the bathroom to go and have a shower which involved walking past Dan's room which lets just saw was really awkward considering I knew what was going on behind the door.

Dan’s POV

Amaya and I finally got out of bed at around lunch time and wondered downstairs, which was a mess from yesterday, there was wrapping paper and presents all over the floor. I walked into the kitchen and found Kyle and Jenna at the kitchen table looking at something on his Ipad.

"Burning off yesterdays Christmas dinner were we this morning" Kyle commented as I walked in. This confused me for the slightest second until I realised what he was hinting at, I felt my face go bright red, so I quickly turned around and went about trying to distract myself by getting some food for breakfast/lunch. I could hear Jenna and Kyle laughing in the background and tried my best to block them out yet I could still feel my face getting redder and redder.

We spent most of the rest of the day tiding up the house and Kyle making comments about this morning which kept leaving Amaya and I continuously blushing. After tidying the house for a good couple of hours it was relatively tidy we began to pack for America we weren't leaving for another day but there was still a lot of stuff to get ready and I had to keep Amaya's surprise a secret which was a little difficult since we kept rifling through the draws trying to pack and part of it was hidden in the draws.

"Dan, I'm not really sure what I should be packing"

"Um well imagine you are going on holiday basically, so you will need things like clothes, toiletries, phone charger, but also take some stuff to keep you entertained on the tour bus because that can get pretty boring when you are travelling".

"Ok thank you" she excitedly said before continuing to try and force as many clothes as possible into this tiny suitcase.

It was exciting knowing that I was going to be able to experience all of these new experiences with someone who I deeply loved. I couldn’t wait. At that moment I really felt that I was the luckiest person in the world, who else gets to travel around the world doing what they love with the ones they love and their best friends.

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