Chapter 6

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Dan’s POV

I parked the car at the cinema and walked in with Amaya's hand in mine, I put my hood um trying not to be noticed, but I didn’t work to well, when buying our cinema tickets the girl at the counter just kept staring at me, it was making me quite uncomfortable. I quickly took our tickets and walked to our screen.

We picked two seats on the back row of the cinema. The cinema was quite empty considering it was only a two and a bit weeks till Christmas. The film was good but not really my thing, I prefer more horror based films, but Amaya seemed to be really enjoying herself. She had her head rested on my shoulder throughout the whole film, it was nice. I think I watched more of her than the film but she didn’t seem to notice.

"Did you enjoy that princess?" I asked when the film had finished

"I did thank you, did you enjoy staring at me" she teasingly asked.

My face went bright red, I thought she hadn’t noticed, "Well the view was beautiful" I replied whilst laughing

Amaya then went bright red.

We proceeded to walk over to the shopping centre and wondered around for a bit. I picked out some clothes here and there for Amaya and bought myself some more converses, this made Amaya laugh hysterically.

"What?" I asked

"It just I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so obsessed with converse" she said whilst trying to calm herself down from laughing.

"I apologise for having big manly feet" I replied. this made here laugh even harder, I began to laugh along with her, we were slightly too loud and people were laughing at us so we tried to get a bit quieter which seemed to make us only laugh louder.

We carried on shopping for a while more, I had gotten Amaya some shoes, tops and 2 pairs of jeans, we got Kyle cat pyjamas’ for Christmas, will a new guitar picks and woody a football shirt but now she needed underwear which I knew was going to awkward, we wondered into Boux Avenue. I was really out of my element. Amaya could see I was finding it awkward, she took my hand and said "you can go and weight outside if you want", I nodded and thanked her.

I didn’t know how long Amaya would be so I started humming in my head, and then I began to think about Amaya moving in with us. I brought a smile to my face, I got some really weird looks from people walking past, I must have looked really strange, I mean how odd does it look a man standing outside an underwear shop smiling to himself, I began to make myself feel uncomfortable, so I wondered over to a bench. I took out my phone and began to text Will.

*Hey Will*

*Hey Dan, what up*

*Just waiting for Amaya of finish underwear shopping*

*: O, are you in for a treat this evening Dan;)*

*Will don’t be dirty, I was just thinking about later this evening, would it be possible to grab Amaya's stuff from Luke’s with the van, I’ll ask her later but is she says is it ok can we borrow it*

*sure, just text I when you know and we can sort something out*

*thank you you’re the best, have you told the other guys yet about her moving in*

*yeah they were fine with it*

*thanks, text you the response later*

 This made me think about Amaya, I remember her saying that she didn’t have a phone. I thought that it would be a nice idea if I got her one, it could be like an early Christmas present I thought. I quickly ran to the phone shop trying not to attack people with my bags as it was very busy because it was the middle of December and everyone was getting their Christmas gifts. I picked out an iphone in white then walked back into the shop to see if Amaya was finished and to pay, I practically bumped into her as I walked it. I took the items from her hand and walked up to pay. The girl at the counter kept eyeing me up it was really embarrassing; I could feel my face going redder and redder. I paid then we left.

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