Chapter 13

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Dan’s POV

(25th December)

Today was Christmas day and I was thoroughly excited. I got up early and had begun preparing and cooking the Christmas dinner. I was stressing out that it wasn't going to be ready in time and I wanted it to be perfect for Amaya, I wanted to make it special for her. I got up around 8am and had been cooking since then. Everyone else was sound asleep and I wish I still in bed however out of all of us I am the best cook and therefore for us to have a decent Christmas dinner it was best that I cooked it.

At around 9:30 Amaya wandered downstairs looking for me. She looked adorable in my t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts. I couldn't wait for her to see the surprise that I had gotten her for Christmas, admittedly it wasn’t just from me, the boys also had some input but it was my idea so I suppose it is still sort of my gift to her. I was a little nervous about she would respond to it, I really hoped that she likes it.

"Morning beautiful" I commented to Amaya as she approached me, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips before returning to peeling the carrots.

"Morning" she replied, still half asleep and wandering around the kitchen looking for some breakfast. She looked beautiful, I couldn't help but stare at her, I felt a smile begin to spread across my face as the thought that she was mine crossed my mind. She caught me smiling and staring.

"What you looking at Mr Smith" she asked with a teasing questionable tone.

"My beautiful girlfriend who's all mine and who I get to spend Christmas with", I replied whist walking over to her and embracing her in a hug. She felt cold; I hugged her tighter trying to warm her.  Her arms wrapped round my body in response. It still surprises me how safe I feel in her arms, and the powerful feeling of love for her that I have.

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" she asked. I looked around; I think that I had everything under control.

"Um, nope not here but could you put the presents under the tree please, there in the cupboard upstairs". I replied. She finished up her breakfast then disappeared upstairs. I was so excited for her to open my present.

Kyle came downstairs just after and was bouncing round like a child; he couldn't wait to open up his presents. Will and Woody came down at around 10:30 and ate breakfast before disappearing back upstairs to get dressed. Janna, Chrissy and Awuol all arrived at around 11-11:30 they all offered to help with lunch which was really nice of them but I had everything under control.

To Kill a King joined us at around 12pm ish. Lunch was ready and served by 1pm. Which was great because Will had been complaining for half an hour that he was hungry. 

Amaya’s POV

We all sat down for lunch at 1pm. We were all squashed together on the kitchen table in the kitchen which was nice. I was sat next to Dan. Kyle and Woody kept telling really awful jokes that had us in stitches. We talked about absolutely everything. I kept noticing Dan's sneaky glances over to me. I just couldn't wait for Dan to open his present but I was still concerned that it wouldn't be good enough.

Kyle couldn't wait any longer and at 2pm insisted that we open the presents. Of course he went first; he was like a tiger filled with excitement. Janna had bought him some new tops with cats on and also a new fluffy cat toy which he loved and wouldn't put down, this made Janna laugh with hysterics, he also loved the cat pyjama’s that Dan and I bought him. Next everyone else opened their presents To Kill a King went next, Dan obviously had bought all of their presents because I didn't know them that well and therefore wouldn't of had a clue as to what to buy them, Woody loved his football shirt and Will loved his new guitar picks that Dan and I had bought them for Christmas. I was still concerned about Dan liking his present. Dan kept insisting that I opened mine last which got me slightly nervous.

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