Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Dan’s POV

We all woke up really early the next morning as we were still not used to the time difference. We all went downstairs for breakfast at about 8am.

"So what are we doing today?" Janna asked

"Cat cafe" Kyle busted in. I rolled my eyes in response

"Ok and if possible can we visit the metropolitan museum of art" I asked.

"Sure, so how about we go to the museum first the go to the cafe for lunch or something then plan to do something after lunch" Will interject.

"Sounds like a plan" Awoui said.

We munched our way through the rest of breakfast before departing back upstairs to our rooms to clean our teeth before disappearing out of the hotel and toward the museum.

We wondered around the museum. It was amazing seeing all of the different types of art and people interoperations of the world. I had always admired people who create art because they stick it in the eye of the public to judge. Yet there is something inspiring about it because people can have so many different interpretations of the same piece and then there's the possibility that no one will ever understand the true meaning.

We were in the museum for a good 4 hours. We mostly wondered around the museum it constant discussion as to what we thought things meant, whether we liked a certain piece of art or not. When we were finished we wondered to the cat cafe. Kyle and Janna were so excited.

We wondered through the door and were instantly surrounded by cats of all different colours and sizes.

"Hello and welcome" A small Chinese lady began as we entered through the door.

"Hi, this place is awesome" Kyle began, which made us all laugh

"Would you like to take a seat" the lady asked.

"Yes" Kyle squealed whilst jumping up and down.

 We took a seat and ordered our drinks. Everyone played with the cats as they came past, apart from me. I have never been a fan of cats. I've always seen them as annoying.  But everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"So what are we going to do for the rest of the day" Amaya asked.

"Um, shopping" Awoui said.

"That sounds like a good idea" Amaya agreed, "Guys do you mind if we go shopping this afternoon" Amaya openly asked everyone, there was a chorus of yes from everyone.

Once we had finished our drinks at the cafe and had finally managed to pull Kyle away from the cats we went into the centre of New York and did some shopping. I mainly consisted of the girls trying on clothes and us guys adding in helpful inputs every now and then. Although we did find some really awesome t-shirts that glowed in the dark and Kyle’s of course had a cat on it.

We spent a few more hours out shopping before returning back to our hotel rooms then going out for tea. Awoui said she had researched this Mexican restaurant that was just around the corner from where we were staying, so we tried it. The food there was amazing and really spicy. We once again ate loads of food before returning back to our rooms; on the way back I pulled the guys back a bit so that I could have a quick convocation with them.

"Um, I know that it's New Years Eve tomorrow but would it be ok if you guys didn't plan to do anything tomorrow evening, I want to take everyone out ice-skating in central park then go on a walk and surprise Amaya with something. If you have something planned then don't worry but if you don't would you come" I asked them nervously.

"Dan what are you planning" Will asked curiously.

"I can't say because I don't want to spoil the surprise" I saw them all make eye contact with each other, seeing if either of them knew the answer.

"Dan are you going to tell us what you’re up to" Kyle asked.

"Nope" I smirked "and you’re not to tell anyone that I have a surprise for Amaya. Just that we are going ice-skating tomorrow. Ok?"

"Ok" they all agreed.

I could feel the excitement and nervous building up inside of me.

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