Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

 (In the hospital)

I ran to the front desk of the hospital with the girl in my arms.

"I, I, I" I gasped trying to catch by breath from running from the cap park with the girl in my arms.

"She’s been beaten u, up and sh, shes unconscious".

The lady on reception shouted for a doctor. One came running along the hall instantly took one look at the girl in my arms and shouted for a stretcher. He tried taking her from my arms when the stretcher was arriving but I hold him not to worry ill stick her on it. I don’t know why but the idea of her not being in my arms seemed to make my heart ache with a longing feeling. I dismissed it and put it down to just being a person who does not like hospital.

One the stretcher arrived I lay her down gently as to not hurt her any more. Nurses wheeled her away the doctor then began to fire questions, but my mind had gone blank, my eyes were following the stretcher and making mental notes of which direction it was going.

Doc: do you know her?

Dan: well, no but

Doc: what happened?

Dan: I, I’m, not too sure, there was this guy, I think it was her boyfriend but I don’t know, but he was really drunk, I think her pushed her then began to kick her in the head and stomach. But then I stopped it and then she’s blacked out and become unconscious and I couldn’t get her to respond and I started to panic. I, is she going to be ok?

The doctor didn’t reply he just walked off down the A&E department. I ran after him, me feet slapping the cold hospital floor made a horrible echo sound in my head. he was leading the way to the girl, once there I could see them putting tubes in her here and there, machines bleeping at all different rates, my mind began to race with the 100 possibilities that could occur, then my breathing started to get quicker and quicker, I knew what was going to happen next, a panic attack, I get them sometimes before we perform on stage, they are usually from stage fright not anxiety but I guess they are both fears so they make sense. Then I remembered what Kyle used to say to me to keep me calm, deep breaths in and out, like a sleeping cat. That end bit always makes me smiley, I really don’t understand why he likes cats so much they are so weird, but then again so is he so maybe it makes sense. My breathing began to calm and my head began to clear.

After about 15 mins the girl seemed to be in a stable condition. A nurse came over and told me what was going on.

Nurse: She in a stable condition and will recover in time, there’s no internal bleeding but she does have 3 fractured ribs and a broken arm. There will also be significant bruising to the skin from the blows but that will disappear in a couple of weeks and the swelling will go in a couple of hours.

Relief washed over me. The girl was going to be alright, this brought a big smile across my face. But then a dreaded thought of leaving the girl came into my head" I, I am, can I stay with her", I stuttered with word falling all over each other. I don’t know why that sentence seemed so hard to get out but the thought of being told to leave felt like someone hand would be around my heart and squeezing it. "Of course, we will be moving her up to the ward in about 10 mins, I’m sure there will be a chair up there in which you can wait for her to wake.

I breathed a sigh of relief, I hadn’t realised that the nurse had continued to talk

"You are lucky you brought her in when you did though, and longer in the incident and she could have damaged her brain, or if she was left out there tonight most likely she would have died of hypothermia".

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