Chaper 21 - Final Chapter

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Chapter 21

Dan’s POV

We watched the fireworks shoot up into the sky. With each passing second my nervous becoming worse. I wondered whether I would be able to contain them any further. Eventually after what felt like hours they finished. I reached into my pocket and grabbed Amaya's surprise.

"Um Amaya" I began as I knelt down onto one knee and pulled out the tiffany and co ring that I had in my pocket, I was so nervous. Everyone was standing around looking at me. "I know that we haven't known each other very long but you are the most important thing in the world to me and I never want to lose you and so well I was wondering, if, um well, would you marry me?"

She just looked at me in silence; shock was spread across her face. Fear cursed through my veins. I have really ruined it. I know that she is going to say no. I looked down at the floor forcing myself not to cry. Out of nowhere I heard Amaya's voice

"Yes". My eyes shot up to her face. There was huge smile spread across it.

"What?" I asked again shocked and making sure that I heard her response.

"Yes" she said again

"Really" I questioned again. She nodded her head in response. I stood up, pulled the gloves off of her hand and slipped the ring on her finger which luckily fitted to perfection. I brought her into a hug and kissed her as if my life depended on it. I was buzzing with excitement and relief. I really couldn't believe that I was going to be able to spend the rest of my life with Amaya. I really was on top of the world.

Once we broke the kiss I turned towards everyone else. They were all shocked; I guess that they didn't expect me to do this. Kyle broke the silence between us all.

"So is this why you insisted that we went to central park today". I nodded in response.

"Well congratulations then" Woody said embracing Amaya and I into a very awkward hug. Everyone else decided to join in until we were squished into the middle.

"Well" Will begin “I hope you too are very happy".

Once we pulled out from the hug. Woody decided that we should go out drinking to celebrate. We spent the rest of New Year's celebrating with each other. I really was the luckiest guy in the world, and the future with Amaya I know that it’s going to be amazing. I couldn't wait for it to begin.

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