Chapter 4

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Amaya's POV

After me and Dan had ate at the Cafe he took me back to the house. I was super nervous. I mean what if I make a complete fool of myself in front of Dan, Will, Kyle and Will. I was really quiet in the car on the way back to the house, Dan seemed to notice.

"Are you ok?" Dan asked concerned.

"Yeah, just a little nervous"

"About what" he asked interested.

"Um well, I mean what if I make a fool of myself and they don’t like me". Dan laughed at this.

"They will like you and if anyone's going to be making a fool of them it will be me". This made me feel a little better but not much.

Once we had arrived at Dan's house he opened the door for me and took my hand and led me to the front door. He fumbled about in his pocket for his keys and had a bit of difficultly getting them into the door, I could see that his hands were shaking; I didn’t know what he had to be nervous about. I looked at him and his gorgeous blue eyes; he caught me looking at him and gave me a shy smile. He slid the key into the door and unlocked it. I took a deep breath then followed him in through the door.

Dan's POV

Amaya was quiet on the way home, I asked her what was wrong, she just said that she was nervous at meeting the boys in case she made a fool of herself, this made me laugh, I was more terrified that they would scare her away. Once at the door I couldn’t get the keys in the door, I was shaking too much from nerves. Finally I got the key in and we walked through the door.

Woody was sitting on the sofa playing on the Xbox and Will was sat next to him reading. Both looked up as we walked in; their eyes completely missed me and headed straight for Amaya who was just behind me. They just stared in complete silence. I thought I better say something before it gets really awkward.

"Um, hey, this is Amaya, Amaya this is the guys will and woody" I looked around looking for Kyle but couldn't see him. "Is Kyle here"? Suddenly he came thumping down the stairs and rugby tackled me into a hug. "Hey mate"

"Good to see you, and is this the lovely Amaya I’m guessing", He ran at her and hugged her as well, concern coursed through my veins "Kyle be careful, she's got a broken arm and bruised ribs", Kyle loosed his hug. Amaya just stood there with her arms hanging by her side. After a moment or two Kyle let go of Amaya, I instinctively grabbed her hand into mine. The guys seemed to notice and looked back and forth from Amaya, me and each other. Will kept looking at me and winking. My face went bright red; I had to think of something to say quickly.

"right, so, do you want to go to rehearsal, and I hope you don’t mind but, well, I asked if Amaya wanted to join us, she's never been able to come and see us live, so I said that she could join us", I looked at the guys seeking their approval, they all nodded in response. Woody spoke next giving us all instructions of what we will be doing next.

"Right, well, I’ll go and grab my drum sticks and will go grab your base and stick it in the van, Dan can you grab the keys and ill drive us to the studio". We all nodded in response.

Kyle opened the door for Amaya and showed her the way to the van, (the van was essentially a people carrier just with blacked out windows, very sheik). I ran into the kitchen grabbed the keys and then joined them out the door. I found Kyle and Amaya standing by the van chatting. I was good to see, I really wanted the guys to like her, but I just hope they didn’t scare her off. I walked up to the van and opened it. I opened the door and let Amaya into the back then climbed in, Kyle joined after. The boot then opened and Will stuck his base in the boot. Will and Woody climbed in then we were off. The drive to the studio took about 20 mins. We all sat there in silence listening to the radio. I could feel Amaya's eyes watching me, I smiled and looked at her with an expression, she clearly had a question, and I raised my eyebrows in response that she could ask away.

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