If all our life is but a dream

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Ryan sat quietly in the back of the bleachers with his headphones in, blasting whatever song came on shuffle next. He didn't want to be there, he hated pep rallies. They were always just for football. No one at that school gave a shit about anything else besides sports. Ryan much rather sit in class staring blankly at the teacher as they lectured about whatever it was that day the teacher was lecturing about.
A tap on his shoulder made him look up from his notebook he was doodling in. It was Spencer, his closest friend at this school.
"You could at least pretend to care a little" his best friend joked. Although Spencer was different from the rest of them in some ways, he was still like the other people at that school. He was the quarter back for the football team. Spencer had been to every party and was even a nominee for homecoming king. Nonetheless, Spencer was still quiet just like Ryan, he was still a great drawer (just like Ryan) even though he would never admit it. And thats kind of what made Ryan want to be his friend, underneath Spencer's male bravado there was a guy just like Ryan that no one knew about except for Ryan himself.
"Why?" Ryan asked him, pausing his music.
"Its our last game of high school. This is it for us" Spencer smiled at the small boy tucked in his corner.
"I haven't cared before, I won't now" he sighed and played his music again. Ryan had only been to two football games. The first one was the homecoming game and the second was because Spencer made him go. They lost both and that made Ryan not want to go anymore. There were only two people he cared to watch play anyways, Spencer and Brendon. Brendon was the cute line backer who was super fast and even when he wasn't playing he was always hyper about the game, even if they lost. Brendon had a cute smile that Ryan adored. Brendon was in 4 of his 6 classes a day. Though he'd never talked to him he still admired him from afar.
"And now! Class of 2005 football players" the coach called and Ryan looked to Spencer.
"That's your cue" he smirked and Spencer jogged down the bleachers and stood in a line next to the rest of the team. Ryan was paying attention now because there Brendon was, smiling that gorgeous smile of his, jumping around like always.
"Lets get a cheer for the senior class" the coach shouted. The cheerleaders came out and began whatever cheer it was that they cheered for the football players before a big game, Ryan never paid attention to them. Everyone stood up and started chanting along with them whilst Ryan sat there, doodling in his book. 
After a little longer of celebrating a victory that hadn't even happened yet and probably wouldn't happen, the large group of high schoolers walked out of the gym and went to their lockers to grab their things and leave. Ryan ran down the bleachers without paying attention and bumped into someone knocking his book out of his hand.
"Oh sorry, didn't see you there" the shorter boy apologized and picked up Ryan's book. Ryan looked up to see Brendon with a smirk, handing back his book. Ryan's face flushed, this was the first time they had made contact with each other and it made butterflies dance in Ryan's stomach.
"Uh, thanks" Ryan stuttered, grabbing the book and speeding away. Ryan went to his locker and put all his stuff in his backpack to go home.
"Ryan!" Spencer called and came down the hallway, stopping at Ryan's locker. "Theres a party tonight at Brendon Urie's house for all the seniors, it should be pretty low-key. I really think you should come." 'A party at Brendon's? ' Ryan thought. Maybe he could go, just this once. Spencer had invited him to a few parties but Ryan never wanted to go, but those parties weren't at Brendon's house. "Please" Spencer asked after Ryan was being too quiet.
"Yeah, alright. I need his address" Ryan sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"No need, I'll pick you up and we'll go together" Spencer waved him off.
"Alright, just let me know when you're on your way" he said and Spencer nodded walking away from Ryan. This would be the first party Ryan would go to and it was at Brendon's house! Ryan had a crush on the boy since the 7th grade, that's when Ryan knew he was gay. Of course there had been other guys to come in and out of his life but there was always something about Brendon that made Ryan's heart stutter. Before Ryan could freak out about the fact that he would be at Brendon Urie's house he composed himself and grabbed his bag, closing his locker. He was nervous about this party because although no ones ever mocked him to his face he was still always an outsider compared to the rest of them. Spencer had been the only one who truly accepted him.
Ryan pulled his backpack around his back and pulled his car keys out of his pocket. His mom would be curious as to where he was going as usual even though Ryan never left the house except for school or to hang out with Spencer.
He got in his car and started it, this car was okay for a first car. A small 1999 black Toyota Camry , the heater was broken and the tires sucked on snow and the left headlight was bound to break at any second. Ryan couldn't complain, he didn't have a job to buy a new one or even fix it, he was lucky that his parents bought him the car for his 16th birthday 2 years ago. Ryan turned the CD player on, playing the song he was listening to on the way to school this morning- How to Save a life by the Fray.
Ryan got home and saw both his parents cars in the driveway. He'd hoped they'd be gone or something so he didn't have to explain to them where he was going and for how long but now he'd have to. Ryan got out of his car, throwing his backpack on his back and jogged himself up the porch steps opening the door. The smell of cinnamon rolls hit his nose instantly. He loved his mother's homemade cinnamon rolls. Unfortunately for Ryan his mother was making them for his younger sisters bake sale.
"Ryan, is that you?" His mother called from the kitchen.
"Yeah mom, it's me" he sighed setting his backpack on the floor
"How was school?" She asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Boring, the usual" he shrugged with a laugh. She laughed a little too and turned to him. "Where's dad?" He asked.
"Upstairs" she told him. Ryan nodded and went to his room. His phone went off in his pocket so he pulled it out. It was from Spencer.
Party is at 6, dress nice ;)
Ryan sat down with his phone in his hand and sighed. Should he even go? He'd be bored and have nothing to do the whole time. But Spencer wanted him to go, so he'd go for his best friend and it was at Brendon's house so that was a plus. He looked through his closest of dark clothes and pulled out a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a dark gray Beatles shirt that was super faded but it was still his favorite shirt.
After Ryan got ready he went downstairs and saw his mom still in the kitchen.
"Hey mom" he called getting her attention.
"Ryan?" She asked. "Is something wrong?"
"No, not really. I just...I'm going out actually" he smirked, he knew she would be excited to hear that we was actually doing something for the weekend instead of hiding in his room.
"Oh, well that's good. To see Spencer?" She questioned him that was all he ever did so she just assumed..
"I'm actually going to a small get together with him" he shrugged. He knew he couldn't say party because his mother never liked the idea of party's but a 'get together' sounded just right.
"Oh, well alright. When will you be home?" she questioned him, wiping her hands on a towel.
"Later tonight. I might stay with Spencer if it gets too late. I'll call you" he promised.
"Okay. Just stay safe alright. Last thing I need is a dented son" she laughed and Ryan shook his head. Ryan got a text from Spencer saying he was outside and Ryan went out to his car.
"What happened to knocking on the door for dates?" Ryan asked with a laugh.
"Yeah, you wish I was gay" Spencer joked.
"Wow, alright. Use that against me why don't you" Ryan joked back.
"I'm not using it against you. I was joking. I don't mind that your gay and you know that Ry" Spencer shrugged. Spencer never really cared that Ryan was gay, that didn't change his personality. When Ryan came out to him, he was the first person he told and Ryan confided in Spencer. Spencer had hugged Ryan and congratulated Ryan for finding his true self.
"I know that" Ryan sighed and looked out the window, not having anything else to say about it. The rest of the car ride was silent except for the radio playing quietly. Once the two boys got to the house, it was still pretty empty, being only 6 o'clock. They parked in the driveway that was sure to be filled with a ton of more cars as the night continued.
Spencer and Ryan went up to the door and Spencer knocked. Once Ryan saw Brendon face to face he got nervous. He was so cute and his smile was adorable to him.
"Hey Spenc!" Brendon announced and wrapped an arm around him. He pulled away and looked at Ryan.
"Ryan Ross? I didn't expect for you to be here but...hey you're always welcome" He told the taller boy. Ryan went for a handshake but Brendon pulled him in for a hug, making Ryan even more nervous. He breathed in his scent and smiled. He smelled of men's cologne, obviously. Brendon pulled away and invited them in. "It's great to have you guys here, go get a drink or whatever...there isn't a lot of people here yet but it will get better I promise" Brendon assured them and walked off. Ryan and Spencer went over to the place with all the drinks, Spencer grabbed himself a beer and Ryan looked around for a non-alcoholic drink. He never liked to drink because the taste wasn't good. When his father gave him his first beer and he nearly threw up.
"Don't be a bitch, get a drink" Spencer ordered.
"No, they taste bad." Ryan protested.
"Then don't drink beer. Drink something else" Spencer grabbed a cup and poured some blue vodka in it and handed it to Ryan. "It tastes good." He held it out for him. Ryan shook his head, knowing it would be nasty. "Just try it" he urged. Ryan sighed and took the cup from him. He put it to his lips and sighed. He knocked back the liquid and to his surprise it tasted good but it stung as it went down.
"It tastes like blueberry" Ryan looked up at him.
"Exactly" Spencer smiled and shook a finger at him.
"WELL I DONT GIVE A FUCK SARAH!!" They heard Brendon yell at his girlfriend. Ryan and Spencer peeked their heads around and watched the two argue along with the 4 or 5 other people that were there.
"You never do, do you!" Sarah yelled back at him.
"Whatever." Brendon shook his head.
"I'm leaving" she began to cry. "And don't try to come after me because we're over" she said and ran out. Brendon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked up at the small group of people that were there staring at him.
"Sorry about that guys" he sighed and ran up the stairs. Now the question remained, who would  go up and comfort him.
"I got it" Spencer announced and he ran upstairs to the bedroom. Ryan sighed, the only person he talked to was gone now. He drank the rest of his drink and refilled it.
"Hey...you're Ryan aren't you?" A taller guy with a 5 o'clock shadow, Ryan came to know by the name of Jon. He knew him because Spencer had invited him over once or twice when they were hanging out.
"Yup" Ryan nodded. He took another sip of his drink and tried not to look awkward. Being around people he didn't know very well always felt super awkward to him. 
"We've hung out befo-you're friends with Spencer aren't you?" He asked and Ryan nodded.
"For 4 years" he sighed.
"It's cool seeing you again." Jon nodded and took a sip of his drink.
"You too" Ryan half lied. He didn't really care about seeing him again. Ryan downed the rest of his drink and refilled it. It still hurt to go down and Ryan wanted to get drunk or at least buzzed, he never went out and if he was being forced to drink then dammit it, he was going to get wasted. Spencer came down and went over to Ryan.
"He's fine but..." He let out an exasperated sigh.
"But?" Ryan asked.
"He won't let me tell anyone" Spencer shrugged. Ryan shrugged it off, even though he had a little thing for Brendon, he wasn't going to try and pry in his life. Brendon didn't even know Ryan existed so he was the last person that should know anything about his life.
The house started to fill gradually with the senior class, there were 200 students in the senior class at their high school, for their school that's small but for a house that's a large amount of people. Brendon ended up coming downstairs and turning the music on.

"Ryan? How much have you had to drink?" Brendon asked him, trying to help him stay up.
"What?" Ryan laughed. Ryan was laughing because he was super happy that Brendon was with him and also he was super drunk and didn't know what was really going on.
"How much did you have to drink?" Brendon asked again with a laugh.
"6 or 7" Ryan shrugged. "You're cute" he laughed.
"What?" Brendon smirked, blushing a little at the boy's compliment.
"You're cute" Ryan went to kiss him but Brendon pulled away unsure how to feel about drunk Ryan kissing him. Brendon waved it off because Ryan was drunk and didn't know what he was saying. "I like you, like I really like you" Ryan smiled at him. He went to kiss him again and this time Ryan was quicker than Brendon. Ryan pressed his lips hard to Brendon and Brendon didn't kiss back at first and then he melted in to the kiss. Ryan turned them so he could pull him upstairs and Brendon followed right behind still kissing him. Ryan held him as he felt for each step and then into the hallway and he pressed his back against the wall until he felt a door. Ryan pulled away to catch a breath and then Brendon kissed him as Ryan opened the door and they fell in.  Ryan walked backwards until the back of his knees buckled from hitting the bed. Ryan pulled away to get to the head of the bed. Brendon moved and got on top of him, straddling his waist. Brendon bent down and kissed him again, making Ryan's head spin.
"One second" Brendon got up to grab something from the bathroom. When he came back in Ryan was passed out. Brendon smiled at himself, even though Ryan was passed out, Brendon was happy that it happened. Even if they were just making out. He did kind of like Ryan in that way, he never admitted it to himself until now but he knew he did. When they were in class together he would watch Ryan from his seat. Ryan was always quiet and kept to himself but he liked that about Ryan because he seemed mysterious. Even though he had been with Sarah for over a year, he always felt something for Ryan, since freshmen year. He had never realized he was gay-well not gay because he still liked girls but bisexual and that's what he told Spencer. He never told anyone else but he needed to tell somebody and Spencer was there he was sad and vulnerable. Brendon set the condoms down and went to Ryan, pulling the blanket over him and kissing his forehead and then he went downstairs.
It kind of sucked for Brendon because he knew Ryan was super drunk and wouldn't remember that in the morning but Brendon would and it would never happen again. It was for the best, no one knew he was bi except for Spencer and Dallon, Brendon's best friend for 5 years. Spencer had ran upstairs and Brendon had been so vulnerable because of his breakup, he kissed Spencer and Spencer instantly rejected him, telling him he was straight and then Brendon admitted he was bisexual. He hadn't said how he felt about Ryan because he still felt weird and still did now. So Brendon kept what just happened to himself, hopefully no one saw.
"Hey Brendon, have you seen Ryan?" Spencer asked. Brendon bit his lip, trying to cover his smile because the mention of his name made him think of what just happened.
"Haven't seen him"Brendon shook his head, lying.
"Well I would like to leave because it's getting late and I have to take him home" Spencer groaned.
"Go home Spenc, I'll keep an eye out for him and he can just stay here. He's probably already passed out somewhere" Brendon assured him. Spencer sighed and nodded  leaving the house. There were maybe 20 or so people left in the house, they were most likely going to leave soon or pass out at his house, it was almost 4 in the morning. Brendon didn't care, he was going to bed. He would deal with the damage in the morning. He almost went upstairs to sleep next to Ryan but he didn't think Ryan would be okay with waking up next to him, even though he just admitted he liked Brendon, he wouldn't remember it in the morning anyways. So Brendon went to his parents room and passed out.

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