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Ryan stared at the finished painting of his crush, pondering what he was going to do with it. He couldn't give it to him for many reasons, first of being that Brendon had been in a committed relationship for the past 3 months. If Brendon saw it he would probably be weirded out and then he would show Dallon who probably would burn it. So what was he to do with a painting of a guy he wasn't even friends with? He kind of regretted not saying yes to being Brendon's friend when he asked but then again, everyday when Dallon came to pick up Brendon and they kissed and got in the car, it hurt him and he knew that it would only be worse if they were friends cause he would have to hang out with them.

"Ryan? Are you okay?" His mother knocked on the door. Ryan quickly threw the sheet over the canvas and turned, going to the door and opening it.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Ryan put on a fake smile.

"You have been hiding in your room a lot lately. Your sister misses you" she looked concerned.

"I've just been busy, I'll be down for dinner. I promise" he assured her. She nodded and walked away, he closed the door and sat on the bed. He looked over at the canvas that was covered and sighed. He would have to face it, Brendon would never like him. Brendon was in love with Dallon and that was it. They would get married one day and have adopt a bunch of kids.

Ryan's phone went off and if like on que, it was Brendon's number. He had forgot he had it in there. Brendon gave it to him nearly 3 months ago when they hung out together. He answered the phone and all he could hear was crying from the other side.

"Brendon? What's wrong?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"Dallon...he..." Brendon paused to cry more. "Can I come over please. Spencer isn't answering...please" Brendon cried.

"Yes of course Brendon, do you want me to come get you?" Ryan asked, standing from his bed.

"No...I'm already in the car...Ill be there soon" he sniffed. "I'm sorry" then the phone went dead. What could Dallon have done to make Brendon want to come over to his house? Did it matter? Brendon was upset and Ryan needed to comfort him.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and Ryan ran downstairs before his mom could even comprehend what was going on. There stood, a red faced, crying Brendon. Brendon fell into his arms and Ryan just hugged him. Ryan didn't ask what was wrong, he just waited for Brendon to pull away. When he did, Ryan grabbed his hand and took him upstairs. Ryan opened the door of his bedroom and Brendon fell on the bed, instantly pulling the blankets to his chest.

"Could you...lay with me?" Brendon asked shyly through his tears. Without a word Ryan crawled into his bed and pulled Brendon close to him. Brendon melted into the embrace, still crying. Ryan rubbed his back smoothly trying to calm down his tears. Thankfully Brendon's crying calmed down and his breathing slowed, meaning he fell asleep. Ryan didn't know what to do or what to think so he just kissed his head and fell asleep as well.

When Ryan woke up from his small nap, it was because Spencer was calling him. Ryan gently reached over to grab his phone, sure not to wake Brendon up.

"Have you seen Brendon? He called and now he's not answering. He left a weird voice mail-" Spencer rambled until Ryan stopped him.

"He's with me, he's asleep. I don't know anything yet, all I know is that Dallon did something to Brendon." Ryan whispered to him.

"He's at your house? Should I come over?"

"No, no. I got it, I'll let you know what happened once I find out alright" Ryan assured him and hung up.

"Ryan?" Brendon groaned. He pulled his head off of Ryan's chest and looked at him.

"Hey" Ryan smiled at him. Brendon didn't smile back, instead he sat up and started crying. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?" Ryan sat up too.

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