In storms of fabled foreign tongues

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"Are you sure you're okay to go back today?" Brendon asked his boyfriend. It had been 5 days since Ryan was at school, as the nurse put him on bed rest for a few days. Brendon was told that Patrick was suspended until further notice so Ryan wouldn't come in to contact with him but Brendon was going to go to his house and beat him till he cried. Unfortunately for Patrick he had hosted a party for all the football players at the beginning of the season so Brendon knew exactly where he lived.
"Yeah Brendon, I'm fine." Ryan told him. Ryan had mostly recovered, it wasn't like anything was broken, his black eye was fairly healed and his busted lip wasn't busted anymore. He felt fine to go back to school and it wasn't like he could keep missing school for a black eye.
"Okay Ryan, lets go" Brendon sighed and they got in Brendon's car and drove off to school. Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand and brought their intertwined hands to his lap.
"Hey Brendon" Ryan said randomly. He remembered how they hadn't said they loved each other in a while. He loved the way it sounded coming from Brendon. He felt so happy every time Brendon said it and the way Brendon would say it, proved that he meant it. Brendon would pause, his eyes would light up, his mouth would curve into a beautiful smile that Ryan swore was just for him. "I love you" Ryan smiled and there was that smile Brendon preserved for Ryan.
"I love you too Ryan, so much" Brendon looked at him and then back at the road. Ryan smiled and rested his head on the window. Even though he had a black eye and his nose still kind of hurt, he couldn't have been happier.
When they got to the school there was a crowd standing by the door and Brendon was confused. They all seemed to draw their attention to Brendon's car when he pulled up.
"Stay in the car for a second" Brendon told Ryan and Ryan obliged. Ryan didn't like the look of that crowd so he was more than happy to stay in the car. Brendon got out and walked to the crowd. Brendon moved to the middle where Patrick stood and Brendon stepped back a little.
"Where's your little boyfriend?" Patrick asked as soon as he saw Brendon.
"None of your business Patrick" Brendon told him with just as much angst as Patrick.
"Word around is that you wanted to fight me" Patrick told him and Brendon nodded.
"That's true. You fucking beat up my boyfriend, of course I want to fight you" Brendon scoffed.
"Fine Urie. Let's do it." Patrick moved in and then so did Brendon. They stared at each other for a second, Brendon was the first one to throw a punch, hitting Patrick's jaw perfectly. The group of people had gotten bigger and all that was heard was chanting. Patrick grabbed his jaw and then swung at Brendon. Brendon ducked and threw a punch that Patrick caught and slammed his fist into Brendon's cheek.
Ryan watched the group of people, not sure what was going on and confused as to where Brendon had gone. It had been too long since Brendon left and by the way the crowd was reacting, it looked like a fight. It took Ryan two seconds to put two and two together. Ryan got of the car and ran to the crowd, pushing through the people to get the front where he saw Brendon on top of Patrick, his first colliding with Patrick's face, once, twice, three times. Ryan was quick to jump on Brendon and try to pull him off. Brendon's elbow collided with Ryan's face, knocking Ryan back. Brendon turned his attention to the person behind him. His fist fell when he saw his boyfriend holding his face in shock.
"Ryan...I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you..." Brendon got off Patrick. He walked up to Ryan and Ryan flinched away. "Ryan, I'm sorry-"
"Alright, that's enough. Urie, Stump. My office. NOW!" the principal ordered but Brendon wasn't listening.
"Ryan...I-I'm so sorry baby" Brendon took Ryan's face in his hand. Luckily nothing was damaged from that
"Urie! NOW!" the principal called. Brendon turned to him and then back at Ryan.
"I'm so sorry, take my car and go back home. I'll see you there after school..." he turned to the principal and then back to Ryan. "Or half an hour. I love you and I am so sorry" Brendon looked into Ryan's eyes pleading that Ryan didn't hate him. Ryan just nodded and went back to the car.
Brendon turned and followed Patrick and the principal back inside and into the office.
Ryan got in the car and drove off. He wasn't mad that Brendon elbowed him, that was an obvious accident, he was mad that he fought Patrick after he asked him not to.
Ryan cranked up the radio, blasting Radio Head. He wasn't really listening, he was using it to drown out his thoughts.
When he got to his house he didn't see any cars besides his own in the drive way. He pulled the car up next to his and turned it off, the loud music dying, leaving Ryan with his thoughts, not that he had many. The only thought he had was that he was angry with Brendon. He unbuckled his seat belt and laid his head against the seat, he closed his eyes, feeling instant relief on his eye. Being that it was 7 in the morning is body reacted to getting more sleep nicely.

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