I know the worlds a broken bone

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"Brendon I can't marry you, I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to marry you." Ryan stood in front and of Brendon. He was near tears, he didn't want to do this but he had to, it was apart of the deal.
*A month earlier*
"We finally picked a date"  Brendon exclaimed to his parents. "December 19th of next year, it's right in between our birthdays." He explained.
"That's is great, we're so happy for you Brendon" Grace exclaimed.
Ryan stood next to Brendon with a smile, he was so happy to be able to say he was marrying the love of his life. He was so happy with how far they both had come.
Nothing that happened in the past mattered to Ryan at this point. He was going to marry Brendon and they were going to be happy.
"We gotta go plan but we'll update you later." Brendon told his mother and then Ryan and Brendon left.

Brendon's mouth became ajar when he saw who stood at his door. He let out a sigh and went to close it before the door was kept open by a foot.
"Just hear me out" he begged, pushing the door open and Brendon let out a groan.
"Bren-" Ryan came in curiously. "What the fuck?" Ryan asked looking at the tall man in his doorway.
"Dallon get out" Brendon ordered but of course Dallon didn't listen.
"Just listen" he begged. Brendon rolled his eyes and walked away, knowing it was a losing battle.
"When did they decide to let you out of the looney bin?" Ryan asked sarcastically, crossing his arm across his chest. Dallon glared at him and rolled his eyes.
"Brendon come back, let me just talk to you. I need to apologize" Dallon went to walk forward but Ryan stepped in front of him holding his hand out in front of him.
"No, you can't keep doing this. You left for a long time and you can't just come back like nothing happened" Ryan explained.
"Ry-" Dallon stopped himself when he saw the shiny ring on Ryan's hand. "That's not what I think it is..." Dallon asked looking at Ryan with wide eyes. Ryan smirked looking at it.
"Oh, you mean an engagement ring? Yes. We're engaged." Ryan said.
"When did this happen?" He asked.
"Ugh, can you just leave us alone." Ryan rolled his eyes.
"I just want to talk to Brendon. I need to apologize for what I did."
"No one cares. Get out before I-" Ryan almost finished but was interrupted by Brendon.
"Let him apologize" Brendon came back in.
"What? Are you sure?" Ryan asked and Brendon nodded.
"Can we talk outside?" Dallon hooked his thumb behind him. Brendon nodded once and followed Dallon outside.
Ryan didn't like this at all, Brendon had already cheated on him and now Dallon was back. And he couldn't shake the feeling that since Dallon was back that something bad might happen.
Ryan stood by the door so he could hear what was happening, he didn't care that it was ease dropping on Brendon. Brendon still hadn't fully won back Ryan's trust.

"Brendon I have to admit something to you" Dallon sighed running a hand through his hair.
"What?" Brendon asked with a groan. "Hurry up. I dont want Ryan to worry. I fucked up enough already."
"Well I..." Dallon sighed. "After Breezy took me to California I told myself that I would try and get over you. I said that you would never take me back and that this whole charade needed to end. And then I told myself that if I couldn't get over you and I still loved you within 3 months I would come back and confess my love for you. Well 3 months turned into 4 and then 5 and then I couldn't stand it anymore so I came back. Brendon I had a lot of therapy in California and none of it worked so I figured I would never be over you and so I came to win you back. I love you so much that I can't stand it. I mean I tried to kill myself over you and it didn't work and I felt like an idiot. And it's been 5 months since I've seen you and since you opened the door earlier all I've wanted to do is hug you but I can't and then Ryan said you two were engaged and that broke my heart. I can't...I don't know what to do anymore" Dallon finished. Brendon was silent for a while before speaking up.
"I don't know what you want me to say honestly? You broke my heart and moved on. And then I did too and then you kept coming back only to make things worse. And you tried to kill yourself days after you yelled at me for cutting. And then you left for 5 months and now you're standing at my door trying to what? Win me back? Like it's actually going to happen?" Brendon asked. "It isn't. I'm engaged to the love of my life, to my best friend. And you think that my life has stopped since you left? No. I tried so hard to be a good person and keep you as my friend and you ruined that. You said you didn't love me anymore and I wanted to believe that but i always knew it wasn't true. You came here to win me back? Well you wasted your time." Brendon sighed and turned to the door. "Leave us alone." Brendon mumbled loud enough for Dallon to hear.
"I CANT" Dallon yelled angrily. "I CANT leave you alone Brendon. Don't you see! I'm in love with you and there's nothing anyone can do about it, not me, not Breezy, not a fucking therapist and not...you" he sighed. "You have to take me back. I'm in love with you so much, I can't sleep, I can't eat. All I want is you." Dallon told him.
"You should have thought about that before you hurt me" Brendon sighed and he walked back in to his apartment.
"IM GOING TO TRY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO GET YOU BACK! You think you can get rid of me. Well I'll show you" Dallon screamed before leaving.
"What the Fuck is happening?" Ryan asked as Brendon came back in.
"I don't know but I'm sorry." Brendon sighed.
"When did he even-? Who let him come back?" Ryan asked.
"Himself I guess." Brendon shrugged. Ryan shook his head and tried to ignore it.

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