Look back at both feet

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Ryan stood at the counter at his work ringing people up for their coffee as he did every day for the past, however many months he had been working there. The days seemed to mold together since he started there.
"That'll be three forty-two," Ryan told the lady. The two completed the transaction in silence and then the woman walked away with her drink. The next person came up and when Ryan saw who it was, he froze.
"Hey, Ryan," Sarah said to him with a sad look on her face.
"Hi" Ryan greeted back, confused. He wasn't that confused because it was a public place but she had never come here before so this to Ryan, was very random.
"I umm, heard what happened to you guys," she told him with a gulp, her eyes looking sympathetic. "I'm so sorry, I feel awful"
"Well, thanks for the sympathy but it didn't happen to me. Sure I lost some stuff but Brendon was the one that got hurt and it's my fault cause I left when we got in a fight." Ryan explains, getting angry at himself for the 10th time since it happened.
"Ryan it wasn't-" Sarah tried to correct him but Ryan cut her off, asking her what she would like. She decided to let it go, knowing it must be hard for him to talk about.
After she paid and got her coffee, she sat down at a table in the back, pulling a laptop out of her bag, setting it down and opening it.

Once Ryan was done with his shift he prepared to leave and almost left the small café until Sarah stopped him. He hadn't even realized she was still there, it had been 2 hours since she ordered her drink.
"How's he doing?" she asked Ryan, that same sympathetic look in her eyes. Ryan scoffed a little at her question and then furrowed his eyebrows.
"Do I look tired?" he asked and she got confused. "Do I look tired?" he asked again.
"Yeah...a little I guess" she shrugged, not knowing how to answer.
"It's because I am, ever since it happened all Brendon has done it wake up in the middle of the night screaming for people to get off of him. So, you tell me how he's doing" Ryan said in a snarky tone and left to his car.
Sarah again stopped him and Ryan let out an annoyed sigh, his hand just about to open his door.
"I know you both are upset now but you don't have to be a dick" she snapped.
"You'd be too if you were as tired as I am." he looked at her and then laughed, shaking his head. "Ironic, I work at a coffee place and I deal with tired people all day yet I'm tired too and there's nothing I can do to fix it."
"Can't you try and take his mind off of it?" she asked.
"I try to, every day. Every day for the past week and nothing ever works. He's fucked up right now, I mean...wouldn't you be?" he raised an eyebrow and this time got in his car, started it and drove away.
Ryan knew Brendon wouldn't be home when he got there, as we worked for 4 more hours after Ryan stopped working.
So he planned on going home and crashing, he needed it.
And crashing on his bed is what he did as soon as he got home, after he pulled all of his clothes off he cuddled under the covers of his warm comforter and let sleep drag him away from all his problems.

Ryan woke up at around 6 from his nap. He had gotten a full 3 hours of sleep until he woke up because of some banging around in the kitchen. Ryan pulled himself out of bed, rubbed his eyes and followed the noise.
He found Brendon in the kitchen making what he could only assume as dinner.
"Hey, Brendon. What're you doing?" Ryan asked him sitting down at the table.
"Dinner," Brendon said in a frustrated manner.
"Is something wrong?" Ryan asked worriedly.
"No...yes" he sighed. He threw his spatula down and groaned.
"What is it?" Ryan questioned, getting closer to him.
"I don't know, the whole robbery thing. I haven't gotten any sleep. I'm so worn out" he told Ryan truthfully.
"I'm sorry baby. I haven't gotten any sleep either." Ryan admitted and Brendon bit his lip, hating the fact that he knew he was the reason Ryan wasn't getting any sleep. "Brendon" Ryan said softly, going to his side. "Are you okay?" He asked. Brendon let out a whine and started shaking his head, shoving his head into Ryan's chest.
"No" he cried, putting his hand over his face. Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon comfortably.
"I'm so sorry" Ryan sighed, kissing his head. Brendon just shook his head, not knowing what to say. It didn't matter anyway, he was hurting and Ryan couldn't fix it no matter how hard he tried.
The details from that night were engraved into Brendon's mind and nothing could change that fact. Ryan hated that but he knew it was the truth. Then he got an idea.
"We need to get away" He exclaimed, pulling away from Brendon and Brendon furrowed his eyebrows, confused.
"Wh-what?" Brendon asked, curiously.
"We just need to take a break from this, go on a vacation. It will take your mind off of everything" Ryan explained, holding Brendon's head in his hands. Brendon let out a sigh, looking down curiously.
"We can't Ryan, we have responsibilities here. We can just drop everything and go somewhere" Brendon pulled his head from Ryan's hands.
"Yes we can, we'll both take a few days off and we'll go do something for a while." Ryan offered.
"Where?" Brendon looked up at him.
"Anywhere. I have some money saved up that my dad gave me. It's enough to leave for 2 days. Please do this, if not for me, for you. You need to get the thoughts out of your head." Ryan explained and Brendon just shook his head.
"Brendon, I love you and I can't sit here and watch you be this upset. I want to fix this for you. I really do."
"Okay, Ryan. Alright. Let's go." Brendon gave in, not wanting Ryan to be begging anymore. Brendon realized that he was hurting Ryan with his behavior even if it was valid. Ryan smiled a little, happy that he could at least try to fix his boyfriend's problem. It was his problem too, if Brendon was depressed then it just brought the whole relationship down.

After an hour or so of Brendon and Ryan calling their jobs to get days off and then figuring out where to go, and they decided a road trip to for a day and then spend the night at a nice hotel was something that worked for them both.
They then sat down in their TV-less living room and talked about anything they could think of as long as it didn't relate to the robbery.

Soon it was dark out and Brendon was getting sleepy as he began to yawn multiple times in a row.
"Alright sleepy head, let's go to sleep now" Ryan laughed pulling Brendon off the couch. Brendon let out a sleepy laugh and followed behind Ryan to the bedroom where they both laid down. Ryan pulled Brendon to his chest and sighed a happy sigh into his ear. Ryan loved to be the big spoon and Brendon loved to be the small spoon even more so.

I run through the doors getting away from whatever is I was running from. I run through the fog and see a light shining. It's beautiful. I stare at it in wonder. What is this light and then the floor gives out from underneath me and I fall through? I begin to scream as I fall through everything gets dark.
Once I land on the ground and I sit up confused and look around. It looks like hell down here. The ground is covered in dirt and skeletons. My hand that is sunk into the ground twitches and turns blue. I pick it up and look at it confused. What is happening? I fall forward as my stomach starts to hurt as if I am being stabbed. I lift up my shirt and see that it is turning blue too. I stand up and pull my shirt off as it becomes uncomfortable. I feel my whole body begin to change and it hurts a lot. I let out a groan. My whole midsection is now blue and covered in some sort of decorative pattern. I fall forward and my back arches as I feel my spine morph. I feel the power inside of me now I gain control of everything around me as my body still morphs into its demon form.
I want to destroy everything and plague the world.
"Brendon! BRENDON!"

"BRENDON!" Ryan shouted at Brendon to wake up and Brendon shot up.
"What?" Brendon asked sweat all across his face.
"You were screaming in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?" Ryan asked sleep-ly.
"I was a demon in hell" Brendon said looking at the wall across from them. Ryan decided not to ask because it was 4 in the morning and it wouldn't be ideal to get into it at the moment so he laid back down and went to sleep. Brendon let out a sigh and laid back down, Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon in a protective hold and kissed his cheek.


"Ready to go?" Ryan asked Brendon as he stood at the door with their bags in his hands. Brendon gave him a small nod as he followed behind him out to their car. Ryan shoved their things in into the back seat and they both got in, with the hopes of all the bad shit in their lives drifting away.

Halfway there they stopped because Brendon had to pee and they needed gas. Ryan got out of the car and watched as Brendon walked into the gas station and then he pulled something from his pocket. He had to check and make sure it was still there. It was.
As of 4 days ago, Ryan decided it was about time he took their relationship to the next level. He planned on proposing on their little getaway. The ring was a beautiful silver wedding band that his grandfather gave him right before he passed in hopes that he would give it to "The woman he loved" as his grandfather put it. He hadn't told anyone of sexuality at this point so of course, his grandfather wouldn't automatically assume he was straight, as his grandfather had more of a traditional sense. Being gay was always frowned upon and his grandfather always hated homosexuals his whole life.
None of that mattered to Ryan now, he was going to make Brendon his husband in the near future and help Brendon get over the robbery all in one small vacation.
He shoved the ring back in his pocket and filled up his car right before Brendon got back out. Brendon walked out with a small smile and gave Ryan a small peck on the lips before getting in the car. Ryan smiled, finished pumping the gas, went in to pay and then came back out, finishing their road trip.

"I'm really excited for this vacation, ever since Spencer died life has been a real bitch and this is going to be a real treat" Brendon stated as they saw the "Welcome to Seattle" sign.

A/n: since I'm so shit at uploading to this story I'm going to cut this chapter short and upload it so I can start on a new chapter with a fresh idea. Cause I'm shit at writing.

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