Then we should feed our jewlery to the sea

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It had been 2 weeks since Dallon and Brendon began dating and Brendon felt amazing. He really did like Dallon and Dallon was truly a great guy. Brendon loved being around Dallon, he made Brendon feel special and made him forget about Ryan. He hadn't even seen Ryan outside of school since the game.
He remembered the night of the game like it was yesterday. They had won and Brendon was so excited he kissed Dallon right there, after running off the field he happily ran into Dallon's arms where they shared a meaningful kiss, when everyone saw they clapped for them and then the next day Brendon and Dallon had came out as bisexual to everyone. Everyone was happy for the two and ever since they'd been getting praise for it.
"What're you thinking about?" Dallon asked Brendon as they laid together on the couch at Dallon's house.
" happy you make me" Brendon smiled.
"Oh I make you happy?" Dallon laughed against Brendon's hair and Brendon nodded. "Well you make me happy too"
Brendon smiled at the comment. Brendon turned his body so he was facing Dallon and he kissed him hard against his lips. Dallon instantly kissed back, using his hand to push Brendon on him more. Brendon pulled himself up so he was now straddling Dallon's waist. Brendon bent down and attached his lips to Dallon's once more.
"Okay you two, that's enough" Dallon's mom came in from wherever she was and Brendon pulled away blushing.
"It's not that I'm against it cause I'm not but I don't want you guys practically having sex in my living room" She told the two boys as she set the grocery bags down.
"Sorry, we didn't think you'd be back" Dallon laughed as Brendon pulled himself off of Dallon's lap and sat back down on the cushion.
"Just..."she paused, sighing. "Take it to the bedroom next time" she shrugs. Dallon smirked and so did Brendon.
"I should get going anyways. If I'm late for dinner again my mom will kill me" Brendon sighed, getting up from the couch.
"You're leaving me baby?" Dallon pouted, grabbing Brendon's hand.
"I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow" Brendon promised.
"Alright Brendon" Dallon stood up and grabbed Brendon's hand fully. They walked out together and once they got to Brendon's car, they kissed.
"I'll miss you" Dallon sighed as Brendon got in his car. Brendon drove away from his boyfriends house happily thinking about the past 2 weeks which only made him happier. His phone went off next to him, it was Dallon. He shook his head with a smirk and answered it.
"I miss you Beebo" Dallon whined. He did this every time Brendon left his house.
"I miss you too Dally but you know how my parents get" he sighed.
"Yeah...I wish you had your own place or we lived together"
"Me too...could you imagine living in our own place, just the two of us. We could do whatever wanted" Brendon imagined.
"Yeah and we could fuck on the couch" Dallon laughed and so did Brendon. That thought intrigued Brendon very much.
"Tonight... I'll sneak out and we can do something" Brendon told him.
"Like?" Dallon pondered.
"A date" Brendon smiled, loving the idea. Him and Dallon together in small car.
"I like it...what time?" Dallon asked.
"Okay." Dallon agreed and Brendon hung up as he pulled into his driveway.
"Breeny? Is that you?" His mother called.
"Yeah mom" Brendon came into the living room to see his mother and step dad watching jeopardy together.
"Hey Brendon" Boyd said not looking at him.
"Dinner will be ready soon" his mother told him and he ran upstairs. Being the youngest child out of 5, all of his other siblings were out of the house so he had so many empty rooms, using his older brothers room as a music room. Brendon loved music, he could practically play any instrument and he could sing. He opened the door to his music room and switched on his light. He was greeted by his posters. Sinatra, Nirvana, Queen and The Beatles were his favorite musicians of all time. He grabbed his guitar and sat at his piano bench and began strumming cords until he felt a song hit him.

Ryan stared at the easel at the half painted picture of Brendon. He hadn't seen Brendon or even talked to him since the football game. The last conversation they had was about winning the game. He remembered when the team won Ryan was going to give him a hug but he watched as Brendon ran to a guy, Dallon, he had graduated the year before and they kissed. Ryan was confused, he didn't even know Brendon was gay, he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
Since then everything had gone back to normal, he wasn't talking to the cute football player he had a crush on. They weren't friends and never would be. He supposed Dallon and Brendon made a great couple, considering they were inseparable last year.
Ryan hoped his crush for Brendon would go away soon, it may have gotten worse because of the whole him being gay thing, making it more possible for Brendon to want to date him.
What didn't help was that at the very moment he was staring at a painting of Brendon he made.
Ryan sighed and threw his paint brush on the easel and went to his bed flopping on his bed. If he would have known Brendon liked guys he would have asked him out sooner but there was Dallon who swooped in at just the right time.
Ryan pulled the blanket over his head and prayed for sleep. Not that he was praying to anyone. Thankfully for Ryan sleep found it's way to him very soon.

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