But melt your headaches call it home

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Brendon watched the bullet almost as if in slow motion fly through the air and head towards Ryan.
Ryan fell to the ground and Brendon cried out for him. A split second later Dallon released Brendon from his grip and the cops grabbed Dallon as one called for an ambulance.
After Brendon picked himself up from the ground and ran to Ryan and turned him over.
"Ryan! Ryan!" Brendon cried out. Ryan's eyes shot open and he looked at Brendon. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah" Ryan sighed, sitting up. "I think the bullet just grazed me" he lifted his shirt to find a scratch on his arm.
"Thank god." He sighed. "But where did the bullet go?" Brendon looked up and saw a bullet sized hole in the painting of the two boys. When Ryan saw Brendon's look of despair he turned and followed his gaze.
"It's okay. Plenty more where that came from" Ryan assured him.
The two boys stood up and watched as one of the officers took a handcuffed Dallon out of their apartment and out of their lives once and for all.
"Are you okay son?" The second officer asked Ryan and he nodded.
"Well, he'll be locked up for a while and when he gets out he'll probably get admitted to a mental hospital. So he shouldn't be around for a long time...if at all. Feel free to file a restraining order against him." The officer explained. "We're going to have a paramedic come in and check out the wound, it doesn't look to bad but it's apart of protocol." He added and the boys nodded a long.

5 months later

Ryan looked at himself in the mirror, his white suite looking even better than the first time he put it on. His finger slowly tracing his engagement ring on his left ring finger. He smiled. This was it, in just a few short hours he'd be marrying the love of his life and his best friend.
This day seemed like it would almost never arrive.
He turned around to face his parents who were practically having heart attacks.
"You look so amazing Ryan!" Danielle gleaned at him. Ryan blushed at the comment.
"You really do look good." George assured. Ryan nodded and turned back to look at his reflection again. There was a knock at the door and before anyone could say come in the door opened.
Ian stood in front of the three and Ryan could feel rage building up on him.
"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked, his fists clenching at his sides.
"You're... you're parents invited me." He nodded and Ryan turned to them.
"We wanted you two to be friends again. What Ian did was wrong but you forgave Brendon so we thought you might be able to forgive Ian. After all he's been apart of our family for a long time." Danielle explained.
"It doesn't matter if and why I forgave Brendon, Ian is different. I don't want to speak to him. How dare you bring him here on my wedding day." Ryan snapped.
"I don't want you anywhere near Brendon." Ryan looked at Ian.
"Trust me, I won't be going anywhere close to him. I came to speak to you and apologize. I never got to fully apologize for what I did. I am so sorry Ryan. I never meant to hurt you. Brendon was just so...cute I guess. And I know I shouldn't be saying that but I have to tell you the reason why I did what I did. And I'll tell you again that this wasn't Brendon's fault to the extent that I fed him the alcohol and I convinced him to do it. He kept refusing but I pushed him too. I told you this already but I need you to know, as soon as I saw Brendon I wanted him." Ian wanted to push further but didn't want Ryan's parents in the room so he looked to them and they understood, quickly leaving. "Anyways, I know that sounds bad but I kept telling myself that I couldn't actually do anything about it. And then we came here and I was stupid and i got him drunk and I fucked up and this isn't making me sound like a good person at all. And we had just became friends again and I screwed up really bad after like 3 or 4 years apart. And I get it if you don't want to forgive me, I wouldn't want to either. But I just want to let you know that I'm truly sorry" he finished and Ryan sighed. It was his wedding day and he was feeling generous plus his parents would like it if he at least gave him the benefit of the doubt.
"I'm not letting you stay at my wedding, that would be stupid but come talk to me when I get back from my honeymoon and I'm sure I'll try my best to forgive you" Ryan told him and he walked out with a nod. How could he expect Ryan to forgive him. He got his boyfriend drunk and took advantage of him. And then lied about it.

Brendon stood at the alter as he watched Ryan make his way up the aisle and he began to tear up. They had come to far and this what he wanted. He wiped his tears away and smiled. This was in fact the best day of his life.
Ryan saw Brendon's tears and he felt overwhelmed as he walked closer to the alter. When he arrived he stood in front of Brendon as he took Ryan's hand and they smiled at each other.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of George Ryan Ross and Brendon Boyd Urie. Before we begin would anyone like to object?" The priest began and Ryan bit his lip as he waited for him to continue.
"The couple have written their own vows, Brendon" The priest turned to Brendon. "Would you like to go first?" Brendon nodded with a sigh.
"Ryan..." he gulped. "It took me 4 years to ask you out and I wish I would have asked you sooner. You are my light at the end of a dark tunnel. You are my sun on a gloomy day. You are the person I turn to when I need someone the most. At the end a long day I want to come home to you. In any universe, in any other time line, you are the person I want the most. I am so undeniably, indisputably in love you Ryan Ross. We have been through so much together, so much heartache, so much sorrow and pain and if I had to do it over with you I would if it meant standing here in front of you, getting to call you mine. I love you." Brendon finished and Ryan was in tears. He sniffed and wiped his eyes.
"I love you Brendon. Ive loved you since I was younger. We've been through everything that a person can possibly go through with someone. Love, pain, loss, gain, trust issues...everything and I want to continue that. I want more firsts with you. More opportunities with you. Standing here in front of my family and telling you that I choose you forever is something I'll never forget. It took me a while to come to terms with who you were but I feel as if since we have been together that we have changed each other for the better. I really do love you and everything that you do."
"Do you George Ryan Ross take this man to be your husband in holy matrimony? In sickness and in health, for rich or poor, for better or worse until death do you part?" He asked.
Ryan looked at Brendon and those big brown eyes and he knew without a doubt that he wanted to be starring at them forever.
"I do" he breathed and Brendon let out a sigh of relief.
"And do you Brendon Boyd Urie take this man to be your husband in holy matrimony? in sickness and in health, for rich or poor, for better or worse until death do you part?"
"I do" Brendon didn't even have to think about it. He knew Ryan was the one and he would spend the rest of his days with him showing him how much he meant to him.
"The rings" The priest announced. Ryan pulled the ring from his pocket and took Brendon's left hand in his.
"With this ring I vow to love, honor and care for you all the days of my life" Ryan looked Brendon in the eyes as he slid the ring on his finger. Brendon copied Ryan's movements and looked him the eyes as he matched his words and slid the ring on Ryan's finger.
"By the power invested in me, by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You may now kiss" The priest told the two and Brendon and Ryan leaned into each other and kissed. Brendon wrapped his arm around Ryan's waist and pulled him closer. Their lips pressed to each other for a few seconds before they pulled away.
The audience clapped and wooed for them as they walked out and outside of the church.
Before Ryan and Brendon could celebrate their holy matrimony, two men shoved their heads into pillow cases and tied them up, snatching them away before anyone could see.

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