Hey Moon

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They shoved them in a van out back and drove them off somewhere no one could find. When they got to the warehouse they took the boys out of the car, the two kicking and screaming.
The men sat the two boys down on chairs and tied ropes around them and then left the room, slamming the door.
Brendon and Ryan were too afraid of what was happening to speak but they needed to know if they were together.
"B...Brendon" Ryan cried out and Brendon let a sigh of relief.
"Ryan" he sighed. Before the two could say more the door opened and they shut up, too afraid of who this person might be. The person laughed as he walked closer. He pulled the pillow cases of the boys heads and when they saw who was in front of them they groaned.
"Dallon what the fuck?!" Brendon groaned.
"Didn't think you'd see me again, did you?" Dallon smirked.
"Actually we were kind of hoping you were dead" Ryan shrugged.
"Fuck off Ryan before I stab the shit out of you" he yelled. Ryan rolled his eyes.
"Can't really fuck off. As I'm tied to a FUCKING CHAIR!!!" Ryan shouted and Dallon just pointed his knife at Ryan with a glare.
"How did you get out of prison?" Brendon asked with a sigh.
"Escaped" Dallon shrugged like it was nothing.
"And why the fuck haven't you left the state before they come looking for you?" Ryan asked.
"I couldn't leave without my Beebo" he smiled looking at Brendon, gliding his knifes blade around Brendon's jaw line.
"Here we go again" Ryan groaned. Dallon snapped and turned to Ryan.
"Listen you little fuck, I wasn't going to murder you but I'm seriously considering it, so shut up" he pressed his knife into Ryan's throat. Ryan cringed and pulled away.
"I'm not going to fuck up like I did before. I'm taking Brendon with me." Dallon warned.
"And I'm here because?" Ryan questioned. "If all you wanted was Brendon, why did you take me too?"
"Because if I left you at your wedding with Brendon gone for too long, I knew you'd realize something is up and you would trace it back to me. But if you're here you can watch me take your boyfriend and-"
"Husband" Ryan corrected like the smartass he is.
"What?" Dallon asked.
"He's my husband. You caught us right after we were married" Ryan explained.
"Even better. You'll watch me take your husband with me. And there won't be anything you can do about it."
"Okay. And when you leave and I call the police and tell them what you did and they catch you?" Ryan asks.
"Don't worry, I got that worked out...boys!" Dallon called. The two men who were also the ones who robbed their house came in and tied Ryan up completely, putting the pillow case back over him and putting tape around it, then they chained a cement block to his ankle.
"Dallon, leave him alone." Brendon cried as he watched them tie Ryan up. Dallon said nothing and stared at them as they continued. "Dallon" Brendon said defeated. "If you leave Ryan alone, I'll come with you. Without argument. Without resistance. Please, just leave him out of this" Brendon cried. "Ryan never had any part in this. He doesn't deserve any of this." He begged. Dallon exhaled, looking at Brendon's pained face.
"Alright stop" Dallon told the men. "We'll leave him like this. He can figure out how to get out of this when we leave."
Ryan knew he wasn't going to let Brendon go that easily, he knew Dallon would lose every time he came for Brendon. He was already creating a plan in his mind.
Dallon unchained Brendon and stood him up.
"Bye Ryan" Brendon sighed to him. Ryan couldn't speak as they put tape across his mouth so he just nodded at Brendon.
"Take the pillow case off. I want to see him one last time" Brendon cried. The two men took the pillow case off and Brendon started crying as Dallon pulled him out of the door.
Ryan waited exactly 5 minutes to start executing his plan. While Dallon was talking Ryan released his ropes as they weren't that tight so he could pull his arms out and grab his phone from his jacket pocket. So he did.
He called the police right away explaining what happened and then called his parents to come rescue him. He wasn't sure where he was and he was still chained down with a cement brick. He began to pull his leg behind him making his way to the door and then outside. He knew his parents still had a tracking chip in his phone so he stood outside waiting on them.
He soon saw his parents pull up quickly to the door.
"Ryan! Oh my god!" Danielle cried, her dress flowing in the wind. George came out right after running to try and help her Ryan out of the chain.
"Dallon is fucking psychotic" Ryan groaned. George pulled his pocket knife out and began to pick the lot.
"What exactly happened?" Danielle asked.
"He fucking...grabbed Ryan and I up as we were walking out and he fucking brought us. Threatened us and took Brendon. I called the police. They were looking for Dallon already." He explained. "I just hope he doesn't kill Brendon when he learns the police are following him."
"God, me either. What do we do now?" Danielle questions.
"Go to the police station and tell them who we are and let them tell us what's going on..." he explains and looks down as his father finishes the lock and it falls to the floor.
Ryan proceeds with his plans when on the way he spots Dallon in his car, in the passenger seat. He wasn't hiding very well. He rolled down his window
"You called the cops!" Dallon yelled.
"Obviously" Ryan yelled back.
"I'm going to kill you" He grunted, pointing this gun out the window. Danielle screamed in the passenger seat and George swerved. The police became aware of this and started to chase after them. Dallon shot his first bullet and it missed.
"Ryan!" Brendon shouted as Brendon came too. As Dallon knocked him out.
"Brendon, were going to get you out of this" George announced.
"Tell the police to back off or I'll shoot him" Dallon said pointing the gun to Brendon.
"Oh police, back off" Ryan shouted out the window. "Back off, they can't exactly hear me"
"Pull the vehicle over" they announced.
"Why are you always an asshole?" Dallon asked Ryan and Ryan's eyes widen.
"Me?!" He asked. "You're the one stealing my husband on our wedding day. And threatening to kill me, you are the asshole here"
"I want Brendon and I'll do anything for him. Can't you see that?" Dallon asked. Brendon said something that Dallon and Dallon agreed. Brendon figured that Ryan wouldn't be able to hear Then Ryan's phone went off.
"You are certifiably insane Dallon Weekes. This is not what people mean when they say that."
"Ryan" Brendon answered. "Let us go, I can't believe I didn't realize this till now, this was never going to work out with Dallon being around...or alive. You and I just can't live together in a world where Dallon is. He's going to keep coming back and one day he might actually kill one of us. So it's best if you just let him take us wherever he wants. You can move on and have a happily life with someone's whose ex never comes back."
"I can't let you go Ryan. We're married. I'm not starting my first marriage off with a divorce" he told him.
"Ryan! This is serious. I'd rather spend the rest of my life with Dallon knowing you're safe and alive then live my life without you in the world."
"Do you honestly think I'm not going to get you out of this? Dallon is never going to win when it comes to coming back for you. He doesn't love you, he's just insane" then the phone went dead.
"I'm not insane. I'm in love!" Dallon growled out the window.
"No, I'm in love. You're insane" Ryan shouted. Before Dallon could say more his driver veers away from what's in front of them, crashing into a ditch and tumbling down until they land with the wheels up. George skeerts to a stop and Ryan gets out looking wide eyed at the scene. His first instinct is to get Brendon out.
He begins to run to save his husband when the police tell him to back off. He refuses but one of them holds Ryan back. Two more police officer rush to the scene. The car catches on fire and Ryan lets out a cry.
"Brendon!!!" He yells. One police officer pulls Brendon out and on to the road, his unconscious body being attended to as paramedics arrive. Then they pull the driver out, right before they get to Dallon the car explodes on them, throwing the police officer back. Ryans mouth gapes in awe of what's happening. He then uses all his strength to push away from the officer.
"Brendon" Ryan cries as he leans down. "Brendon." The police officer tries to take Ryan away but Ryan refuses.
"He's my husband" He screeches. The police officer then nods and steps off.

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