Fantastic Posing Greed

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Ryan woke up to the light coming in from the window and groaned. His headache was full on now and the light wasn't helping. He sat up, grabbing his head. Where was he and what happened? And then some memories came back to him, he knew now he was at Brendon Urie's house, he and Spencer came for a party and he got wasted but that was as far as he could remember. He looked around the room and came to realize he was in Brendon's room. He looked down, his clothes were all on so at least he knew he hadn't had sex.

He got up slowly off the bed, making his head hurt even worse. He groaned again and walked out of the room. He went downstairs and saw the disaster of what happened last night and then found Brendon in the kitchen. 

"Umm" Ryan coughed. Brendon turned around and smiled. "Where's Spencer?" He asked. 

"He went home last night, you passed out and I told him you'd be fine. I'll take you home" Brendon assured him. "Here, take these" Brendon handed him some aspirin and a glass of orange juice. Ryan happily swallowed the pills down with the help of the orange juice. 

"Am I the only one here?" He asked. 

"No, there are a few people passed out in my living room" Brendon told him. Ryan felt better knowing he wasn't the only person who passed out at Brendon's house. 

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Brendon asked curiously wanting to know if Ryan knew they made out, which it didn't seem like he did. 

"The last thing I remember is talking to Spencer and being super drunk, making terrible puns" he laughed. 

"Oh" Brendon's face dropped. "I remember that. Spencer wanted to hit you so much" Brendon laughed and Ryan did too. 

"I think I'm ready to go mom is going to pissed that I didn't call. And I left my phone in Spencer's car" Ryan threw his head in his hands. 

"Dont worry Ryan, just use my phone and tell your mom you lost your phone and then fell asleep" Brendon got his phone out and handed it to Ryan. Brendon really wanted to help Ryan all he could, he liked Ryan, even though he was upset Ryan didn't remember them practically having sex the night before. He hoped one day Ryan might remember he threw himself at Brendon and then Brendon could ask Ryan out. It felt weird for Brendon, he had always dated girls his whole life and now he wanted to be with Ryan-a guy. Even though he felt weird he knew it's what he wanted most. Ryan was a sweet guy who might like Brendon back but Brendon couldn't just come out and confront him about it. They barely knew each other. And what if Ryan didn't really like Brendon, what if he was just saying that cause he was drunk. Brendon had done that a couple times when he was drunk. When he was with Sarah, he got super drunk and tried to make out with Sarah's best friend Linda. Brendon didn't like Linda at all but he was drunk and she was there and Sarah had just stormed out a few hours before. Luckily Linda denied him and he still hasn't told anyone to this day. 

"My moms pretty upset but she's okay" Ryan came back in, handing back his phone. 

"Do you need a ride home?" Brendon asked. 

"Yeah, that'd be great" Ryan sighed. 

"Alright, let me get dressed" Brendon said and went upstairs to his room. Once Brendon came downstairs Ryan was already out the door, eager to go home and be in his own room. Not that he didn't like being at Brendon's because he did. He liked the sight of Brendon everytime he saw him but he found it hard to hide the fact that he liked him. Ryan wanted Brendon badly but Brendon was straight and Sarah was bound to come back and they were bound to get back together because that's what Sarah and Brendon did. They got in a fight and broke up and then the next day they were back together like nothing happened. So Ryan would have to get over his crush because it was never going to happen. 

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