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It had been 2 weeks since Brendon and Ryan officially moved into their new apartment and they decided it would be a great time to look for jobs so they spent the day job hunting.
"I'm home babe!" Brendon called as he opened the door to their apartment. Brendon had an interview for a music store in town, the pay was pretty nice for him and he liked anything that had to do with music. Ryan had an interview for a café tomorrow and he was pretty nervous about it.
"Hey" Ryan called from the bedroom. He was working on his newest painting of a dog. He had seen the dog a couple days ago and he instantly had the urge to paint it.
Brendon came into the bedroom and kissed saw what Ryan was doing, as he pulled his shoes off. One of the best parts about living together was the fact that they could share the paintings Ryan did. The one of Brendon, Ryan painted they put right above a dresser in their room and the one of the both of them was put in the living room next to the TV. Brendon really liked the touch it added to the living room.
"What're you working on?" Brendon asked after he gave Ryan's head a kiss.
"This really cute dog I saw the other day. Is that weird?" Ryan asked, looking at Brendon for a second.
"No" Brendon laughed a little, attempting to wipe away the red paint on Ryan's temple. "Dogs are cute, now if it were a random stranger that would be weird" he nodded. Ryan didn't have anything to say to that so he just turned back to his painting at continued on.
"How was the interview?" Ryan questioned.
"Amazing. Me and the girl got along so well. She laughed at all my jokes and we had a lot in common" Brendon informed him as he sat down on the bed. That made Ryan freeze in place. Brendon was bi which meant he liked both genders which meant that could be considered flirting and what if that girl liked Brendon and what if Brendon liked her back and what if-no he wasn't going to let his thoughts get that far. Brendon had loved him, and they lived together and that's all that matters.
"Sounds like you had a nice time" Ryan stated as he unfroze and put the brush to the canvas once again. He tried to keep his voice from sounding jealous or irritated.
"I mean it was fine." Brendon shrugged, not seeming to catch on that he had made his boyfriend jealous. "I should get a call soon if I got the job"
"That's nice" Ryan told him as he continued on with the painting.
"What?" Brendon questioned, this time knowing there was something wrong with Ryan.
"Nothing" Ryan sighed shaking his head. Brendon stood from the bed and walking over to Ryan.
"Ryan can you please not act like this, just tell me what's wrong" Brendon pleaded.
"Nothing is wrong Brendon...I just don't like that you flirt with girls" Ryan shrugged. Brendon laughed at the thought.
"Flirt with girls?! Ryan are you serious?" Brendon questioned, still laughing.
"This is why I never like to tell you whats wrong. You laugh like I'm crazy but you don't see it. Brendon you are bisexual which means you could date both genders, which means I could lose you to a girl if you decide that you don't want to date a guy anymore. Don't you understand how I feel?" Ryan stood from the chair and walked off.
"Ryan you are crazy. Crazy to think that I would ever leave you for anyone. I love you and only you" Brendon followed behind Ryan.
"You say that now Brendon but you don't know how you'll feel in years time. What if you change your mind on how you feel about men, on how you feel me, about us?" Ryan questioned. Brendon shook his head and grabbed Ryan's arms pulling them together, face to face.
"The way I feel about you isn't even describable. I am so in love with you Ryan Ross. No man or woman could ever make me feel differently. So, I flirt to get ahead. I can't help my boyish charm." Brendon laughed at his own joke. "There's only you" Brendon assured him and then kissed his lips. Ryan laughed in the kiss.
"Okay Brendon. I just get jealous."
"I couldn't leave you, you know why?" Brendon questioned.
"Why?" Ryan asked with a laugh.
"I have insatiable desire for the taste of your dick" Brendon smirked. "In fact.." Brendon felt for Ryan's pants zipper and slid it down slowly without looking away from Ryan's eyes. Ryan's breath hitched a little at the sudden touch.
"Where did you learn that word?" Ryan questioned sarcastically.
"What?" that threw Brendon off. Usually Ryan was easily turned on but instead of a hard dick Ryan got sassy. Brendon wondered if this was a new tactic he was taking on.
"You just used the word insatiable like it was normal." Ryan smirked. Ryan knew what he was doing, Brendon wanted to have sex and that was fine but Ryan was always submissive so he figured he could at least tease him a bit.
"So I was trying to turn you on" Brendon's eyebrows scrunched together.
"Not working" Ryan shook his head. "Try harder Urie" Ryan looked at him, biting his lip. Brendon smirked at the idea of a challenge and went into to kiss Ryan's neck when there was a knock on the door. Brendon pulled away with a groan and sulked to the door, pulling the door open.
"Dallon?" Brendon questioned. He didn't realize Dallon even knew he moved. "What're you doing here?"
"I came to talk about the wedding. I don't have your number anymore. I deleted it, but Linda said you lived here now. By yourself?" Dallon questioned coming all the way in without being offered in.
"No I live with-" Brendon started but was cut off by Ryan coming into the room.
"He lives with me" Ryan came in with sass in his tone. Ryan really didn't like any of Brendon's exes.
"Right" Dallon turned to Ryan and then to Brendon. "I wanted to talk about when you wanted to get tuxes. The wedding is sometime next year so we have time but I just wanted to see if you wanted to do it early. You're my best man, I gotta get your opinion." Dallon explained.
"Honestly I don't care Dallon. Whenever is fine." Brendon sighed walking into the kitchen to grab a water.
"I need a date. Since I don't have your number to use a confirmation system" Dallon told him.
"Fine, I'll give it-" Brendon said and Ryan again cut him off.
"You can have my number and text Brendon from that. I don't trust you." Ryan stepped forward.
"Okay, fine. What is it?" Dallon questioned, folding his arms across his chest, obviously offended. Ryan sighed heavily, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from off the coffee table. He scribbled his number down and handed it over. Dallon looked it over and nodded once. "Thanks. I guess I'll text you Ryan" Dallon told him and then walked out without another word. After a few minutes Brendon came back into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"You know I really don't like him no matter how friendly you two are. He's your ex you know. It doesn't feel right to me" Ryan informed him.
"I know but he's a good guy. It's not like he's going to want to date me. He's getting married, that's a sure sign that he doesn't want me back" Brendon countered.
"But as soon as him and his girlfriend get in a fight he'll instantly go to you for advice or to beg for you back. He's a man whore. He wants what he can't have and that's you" Ryan said as he sat down.
"I just don't think he likes me like that anymore. He's moved on, he's getting married for godsakes."
"I don't trust him is all I'm saying Bren, you shouldn't either" Ryan warned but Brendon shrugged it off, thinking he was just being jealous. "Brendon I'm just saying that he could be trouble, he has been in the past. I mean do you honestly expect me to trust that man? He hurt you and then tried to come back. He tried to take you from me..." Ryan sighed.
"Even if he came back again he couldn't get me back. I have you and you're all I need" Brendon assured Ryan with a smile. "Ry, I am constantly thinking about our future and Dallon is not in it. I promise you, I love you and only you"
"I know...he just irritates me a lot. I hate that he just keeps waltzing back in our lives like he isn't doing anything wrong."
"He is still my friend Ryan. He still matters. Sure we fucked up and dated for a bit but we have both agreed to let everything go back to normal....or at least try. We aren't going to be as close but we're trying to be close again. We have both moved on, clearly" Brendon scooted closer to Ryan. "I love you" Brendon grinned and then pecked his cheek. Ryan smiled at the kiss and turned his head to kiss Brendon.
"I love you too baby" Ryan told him. Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand and cuddled into him.

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