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Brendon's phone went off next to him and he picked it up. He didn't recognize the number but he answered it anyways.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hey Brendon, it's Chris. I want you to know that you can come back to work. I talked to Robert and I told him we either hired you back or I'm not going to be his partner anymore." Chris was the co-owner of the music store, Brendon only heard his name once, along with Robert's. Steve was the in-store manager so he didn't need to know about the owners.
"Oh really? You don't have anything wrong with my sexuality" Brendon questioned him. It had only been a week since he was fired so he was still really irritated by it.
"Of course not Brendon. I have told Robert that I will be in control of employees from now on because you could have easily sued us for that. I appreciate the fact that you didn't"
"I'm not sure I want to work for a guy like that. I really do love that job, I enjoy performing but I don't know..." Brendon hesitated.
"You wouldn't be working for him technically, you'd be working for me. I can assure you, that will never happen again." Chris paused. "The customers have been asking about you. They would love to hear you sing"
"Okay, great then. When do I start again?" Brendon questioned.
"Tomorrow morning would be great. Can I actually email you a list of songs I'd like you to sing?" Chris offered.
"Yeah, for sure. Thanks" Brendon had a smile on his face as he ended the call. He wanted to tell Ryan but Ryan wouldn't be home for another 3 hours. He didn't have any friends to tell his news, one was dead and the other was an asshole. Brendon remembered what Ryan had said the day after Dallon came. He had said "I don't want you fucking with him anymore. That's it, give me your phone. I'm deleting his number, the last thing I need is for him trying to come back into your life after that."  And then he took Brendon's phone and deleted Dallon's number. Brendon was kind of upset by it but he knew it was right to forget Dallon. He was being an asshole to him.
So Brendon had no one to talk too about him getting his job back. He sat on the couch and read the email of what songs he had to learn for the next day.

Ryan came home, annoyed and tired as usual. Brendon came in to greet him and Ryan gave him a lazy kiss and I small greeting.
"Guess what" Brendon said as Ryan came in and sat down, he gave a little "hm?" Which Brendon replied with the fact that he was going back to work the next day. Ryan perked up at the news and gave Brendon a bigger kiss.
"That's so great babe. I'm so happy for you." Ryan assured him. "What did they say?"
"Chris called, he's the co-owner. He said that the guy who fired me wouldn't be in charge anymore." Brendon explained and Ryan grabbed his hand. Ryan liked to play with Brendon's hands when he talked.
"I'm so happy-" Ryan almost said but was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Ryan got up from the couch and opened the door to see a girl he had never met before. She looked irritated and sad.
"Can I help you?" Ryan asked, opening the door more.
"I'm Breezy, can I come in?" she asked and Brendon instantly recognized the name, coming in from the living room. Ryan how ever had a quizzical look on his face. He didn't know a woman by the name of Breezy. What an odd name anyways?
"Come in Breezy" Brendon said from behind Ryan. Ryan turned to Brendon with a confused look and then moved away so Breezy could come in.
"Is it Dallon?" Brendon questioned as he tucked his shirt down, following behind Breezy into the living room.
"Yeah...he uh-tried to commit suicide yesterday." she told Brendon and Brendon froze in place. Surely she wasn't serious, not Dallon. Dallon the guy who was so against harming yourself, he lost his best friend a week ago-but then Brendon realized. He had lost his best friend and girlfriend in a short amount of time.
"Oh my god. Is he okay?" Brendon asked and Breezy nodded, biting her lip.
"Yeah, he just took a lot of some type of drug. He got his stomach pumped. He's fine now, I thought I'd tell you. He asked me to come see you, he wants to apologize for what he said last week" she crossed her legs and put her hand on her knees.
"I don't understand, I thought you two were broken up?" Ryan asked, cutting in as he sat on the chair.
"We were, but I came I always do, just to check on him and that's when I found him. Laying on the ground, passed out. Thank god I got there in time" she shook her head and pulled something from her purse. "He umm, left a note. He mentions both of you. She handed over the note to Brendon and let him read it. "I can't believe I'm here right now, writing this stupid shit but I guess it's better if I leave a note...whatever. I don't want people at my funeral questioning why I did what I did so I'll  let you know...since Breezy left my life has been absolute shit. I miss her every fucking day but it wouldn't matter if I could have Brendon back. I love him so much, I'm still in love with him, I regret to this very day cheating on him. Cause then we would still be together and it would be Brendon and I living together and not him and Ryan...Ryan, I didn't even know he existed until he was with Brendon. Of course I would notice him after he took the one guy I could ever love. I feel like my life would have always been Breezy or Brendon and I can't live a life like that so here I go, ending my life cause I can't fucking do it anymore. Bye."  Brendon knew that Dallon was still in love him he just hated the proof and it was on paper. He was about to hand it back to Breezy when Ryan grabbed it to read it. After a few seconds he scoffed.
"I knew it Brendon, I fucking knew he was still in love with you. And he came to our house and hung out with you. He wanted you to be his best man and he still loved you, he hadn't moved on from you and he won't. It's a good thing you stopped being friends with him." Ryan stated, handing the letter back.
"So what are you going to do?" Brendon ignored Ryan for the moment.
"Well I feel this time I'm back for good. It's not good for anyone that I keep leaving him. I love him and I want this to work. But I'm going to move him out to Pasadena to live with my parents and I, I think he just needs to get away from Vegas for a while. I hope that's okay" she asked.
"Yes, that's fine." Brendon assured her. "It's what's best"
"Yeah, it's better if he just stays there. Keep him out of our lives, take Sarah with" Ryan kind of joked. Brendon nudged Ryan in the side. Ryan quietly grabbed his side and glared at Brendon.
"Great...I'd ask if you wanted to see him but I don't think that would good for anyone. So, it was nice knowing you both. Make sure to block his number so he can't call or whatever." Breezy stood, nodded and let herself out.
"How nice of her to take him out of our hair" Ryan stood shaking his head happily.
"Yeah because he's such a threat to us" Brendon said sarcastically. "You don't have to be an ass all the time Ryan" Brendon looked up at him.
"He doesn't have to obsess over you and then try to be your friend again only to treat you like shit because of one little mistake you made" Ryan shot back.
"He isn't obsessed with me Ryan." Brendon shook his head.
"You read the letter! He is clearly not over you and will never be. Even though he said that he was, even though he asked me to take care of you and love you the way he couldn't. Yet there's a fucking letter to prove all that wrong. He wants you back and the only way to keep him from leaving you alone is to go out of the state. That's obsession Brendon, whether you like it or not" Ryan explained.
"He just isn't over me like he thought he was. It's normal"
"Why are you always defending him? He came over here and treated you like shit and you're sitting here like he needs a knight and shining armor to save him" Ryan groaned and left the room. To Ryan the way Brendon could just defend his ex-boyfriend so well hurt. Dallon cheated on him, came back a bunch and then treated him like shit and Brendon still defended him.
"Ryan, stop being like that" Brendon came into the bedroom.
"No, Brendon cause you can just defend him so easily after all that bullshit. It irritates me that you are defending your ex that cheated on you-to me, your boyfriend. Like" Ryan let out an annoyed sigh. "He doesn't deserve to be defended. I get that he use to be your best friend but he isn't now and he is an asshole."
"Babe, I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me." Brendon grabbed his hand.
"I'm's okay." Ryan sighed. "Just stop defending him. It's annoying. It makes me feel like you might-" Ryan cut himself off. He didn't want to finish that sentence because he was afraid he might get an answer he didn't want.
"Might what Ryan?" Brendon questioned, folding his arms across his chest. He knew what Ryan was going to say he just wanted to hear it himself.
"Nothing" Ryan shook his head, he wasn't going to say it, he knew it was going to start a fight.
"No, say it Ryan. Say it, say that you think I might still be in love with him so I can deny it because it really isn't true. How long have you thought that Ryan? Have I just been in love with you for over a year just for you think that I am in love with my ex?" Brendon shouted. And there it was, the start of a fight. Ryan walked out of the bedroom and Brendon followed. 
"No, it's not like that Brendon. I haven't...always thought like that. But you know..." Ryan shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"No, I don't know Ryan. Why don't you tell me?" Brendon said angrily as he began to chew on his lip.
"Nothing. Just forget it" Ryan moved away.
"No...quit saying shit and then not finish it. Say what you were going to say. Stop being a little bitch about everything" Brendon stepped forward.
"I am not a little bitch fucking asshole!" Ryan threw his hands in the air. They were both fuming now.
"Then fucking say it!" Brendon's voice got loud and deep.
"You've been talking about him so much lately! You are like obsessed with Dallon! Fuck, Brendon....fuck this, I'm leaving." Ryan went to their bedroom and grabbed his phone and keys. He stormed back into the living room.
"Why would you walk away from this fight Ryan!?" Brendon asked. "This is why you're a little bitch all the time."
"Because I don't want to sit here and take this from you. I'll be at...fuck, I don't know. My best friend is dead. Maybe I'll be at my parents...or better yet-Linda." Ryan ranted and then walked out the door. Brendon sighed, picking up the picture frame with Ryan's drawing, he looked at it for a second before throwing it against the wall, smashing the glass.
Ryan ended up going to his parents house, his dad was there but not his mom or sister. Ryan went into the house, pissed off, slamming the door. His dad came down when he heard the loud bang and saw his son, pacing back and forth with his fists balled up at his sides.
"Ryan, what's wrong?" George asked.
"How am I suppose to be with him if he is obsessed with his ex?" Ryan asked his thought out loud.
"Did Brendon do something?" George questioned.
"He can't seem to get over Dallon...fuck, I don't know maybe he is still hung up on Sarah too...I don't know" Ryan stopped and stomped his foot. "We have been together a year now and I have done everything for him. It's been a great year and Dallon? He fucking comes in and out of his life and when he is with Brendon he treats him like shit but Brendon chooses defend him like Dallon deserves it or something? I'm his boyfriend...." Ryan shook his head.
"Ryan, calm down. What happened?" George ordered. Ryan stopped, bit his lip and sighed.
"Breezy came over-Dallon's ex girlfriend-or current, I don't know. Those two are so back and forth...anyways. She tells us that Dallon tried to commit suicide which is ironic because he had just been to our apartment, yelling at Brendon about self-harm calling him crazy and shit like that. Dallon had a note, that said he was still in love with Brendon and I freaked out and told Brendon I knew it because I fucking did. Brendon defended him! Can you believe that?" Ryan explained shaking his head.
"Well maybe you're right...maybe Brendon isn't over Dallon yet? But is Dallon okay?" George asked.
"Yeah...he's in the hospital and Breezy is going to take Dallon away-to fuck, I don't remember"
"Great so Dallon will get some away time and forget all about Brendon then?" George pondered.
"Or he could come back, even more in love with Brendon" Ryan shrugged.
"How do you figure?"
"I don't know, its been over a year since they broke up and he still isn't over him!?" Ryan shouted, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well maybe because he has the ability to go see him and talk to him and when he leaves he won't and he can get some separation and move on with that Breezy chick. And if he comes back he won't want Brendon"
"Maybe I don't know...all I know is I don't want to talk to Brendon right now" Ryan shook his head. "He called me a little bitch for leaving"
"From my 20 or so years of marriage I know it's not really okay to walk away from a fight because then you're separated and thinking about shit that you really don't want to be thinking about. It's important to resolve your fights before even going to bed."
"Well I wasn't going to stay around and let him belittle me."
"I don't think that's what he was trying to do. Maybe he was trying to get you to stay." George suggested. "It wasn't the best way to go about it but maybe go back over there and talk...actually talk." George offered.
"Not right now...I need space and time to cool down" Ryan said and when into the living room to sit down.
Brendon sat in the living room of his apartment. He didn't want to act on Ryan's outburst, he wanted Ryan to come home and apologize to him. It wasn't fair the way he reacted and Brendon sure was not going to apologize first.
He didn't think he had done anything wrong, he defended Dallon because he had tried to kill himself and he figured he was one of the reasons...or he actually was. He wasn't in love or obsessed with Dallon at all. He just felt bad for the guy. And of course Ryan's jealousy bubbled up, making Ryan start a fight and then leave.
Brendon hated that Ryan left, he wanted to finish the argument and get it over with but there the two sat, Ryan wherever he was and Brendon at their apartment and neither of them were making an effort to talk to each other.
Brendon sighed to himself, looking at the broken glass on the floor. Ryan was going to fight with him on that too. The door opened and Brendon figured it was Ryan, he sat up and looked at the entrance waiting for Ryan to appear, only it wasn' was-

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