And then she said she can't believe

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Ryan stared at his hands as he sat in the first class of the day, it had been a week since he talked to Brendon after kicking him out of his house. Brendon was in this class and even though Brendon hadn't been at school for the past week but each day he got nervous that he might randomly show up and he didn't want to see or talk to him unless it was an apology in person. He had been avoiding his stupid texts and phone calls.
"Ryan" there it was, his voice calling his name. It wasn't like it was before, whenever Brendon called his name, he got butterflies and smiled but now, he was filled with anger and just wanted to put his head deep into the ground along with the rest of his body. "Ryan" Brendon called again making Ryan roll his eyes. It was hard to believe that just a week ago, they were sharing a bed and having the greatest sex ever and now Ryan wanted to punch him in his throat. All this because Brendon had said he wasn't enough for him. He can just go fuck himself-literally, Ryan thought. "Ryan please answer me" Brendon ordered and Ryan just scoffed and shook his head, making sure not to turn around but because of Brendon's stubbornness, he came up behind Ryan and grabbed his arm pulling him away from his seat, Ryan tried to protest but he knew it would make a scene, the class was almost full of everyone and it would start soon. Brendon pulled Ryan up out of his seat and out of the class, into the singular bathroom that was reserved for disabled people, Brendon locked the door and turned to an angry Ryan.
"What do you want Brendon? You want to tell me that I'm still not enough for you?" Ryan snapped and Brendon chewed on his lip.
"No, just the opposite. I took this week off school to figure some things out. I know I fucked up when I said you weren't enough for me, the truth is you are enough. You always have been, you make me really happy and the whole Dallon thing...he pissed me off and I couldn't get him out of my mind and you weren't helping, I wanted you to be helping. God, Ill I've wanted was you this week and I shouldn't have said you weren't enough, it doesn't matter. You're all that matters to me. I don't care about Dallon, I'm over him. I want you more than anything, I want you for more than just sex or someone to take my mind off my ex, I want you as a boyfriend. I really want to be with you Ry...I am so sorry for what I've said and how I've treated you. You aren't just a sex object to me, I like you fact I might even be falling in love with you" Brendon explained with tears in his eyes and Ryan was listening to all of it. This was all he wanted from Brendon, a true apology and that's what he was getting. And to add to it, Brendon wanted to be his boyfriend and was even falling in love with him.
"I get it if you cant forgive me Ryan, I just needed to tell yo-" Brendon couldn't finish because Ryan's lips attached to his. Brendon kissed back right away and melted into the kiss, thanking god that this was the outcome because he had been so worried about coming to school and talking to Ryan, all the outcomes played in his head multiple times and this was his favorite. Ryan pulled away and smiled at him.
"I'm sorry too, I should have been nicer about how I handled things" Ryan let out a breath.
"Its okay, I'm just glad you forgave me" Brendon smiled back. "So will you?" Brendon asked.
"Will I what?" Ryan asked with a small laugh.
"Be my boyfriend?"
"Yes..." Ryan shook his head with a laugh. "Of course" he looked up at Brendon, biting his lip. Brendon smiled and kissed Ryan one more time. Brendon pulled away when there was a knock on the door. Ryan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"I'll go first" he told him and Brendon nodded. He pulled the door open and there was one of the football players on crutches. Ryan sighed in relief, thanking god it wasn't a teacher "One second" Ryan told him and waved Brendon out the door. Once Brendon came out the football player shook his head.
"Wow, Urie...ever since you came out you've got guys everywhere...what happened to Dallon?" the guy asked.
"We umm, we broke up a while ago. He really wasn't the one, Ryan and I weren't doing anything, we were just talking Scotty" Brendon assured him.
"Sure" he laughed, shaking his head and limping into the bathroom.
"We better get back to class" Brendon told Ryan and Ryan nodded, following Brendon into the class.
"Why are you two late?" their teacher sounded frustrated.
"I was already in here, not sure why he is, I was in the bathroom and we met up in the hallway" Ryan explained in a lie. Brendon was astonished by how easily he lied.
"Okay, Brendon what's your excuse" she looked to him along with everyone else in the class.
"Woke up late" Brendon shrugged and sat down.

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