Alternate ending

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I'm doing an alternate ending because this is how I originally wanted to end it but then decided that it was mean and just because I wanted to end it like that doesn't mean I should. I'm sure most of you won't care about this one and will choose the other ending but hey, I wanted this so it will be for me.

"I'm sorry Brendon, I can't marry you. When I look at you all I see is what you did to me and it hurts too much for to be able to deal with it forever." Ryan told Brendon as he stood in front of him, with shaking hands he hand back the engagement ring.
"Ryan please, we can talk about this" Brendon begged, feeling like his breath had just been knocked out of him.
"We have Brendon, multiple times. And trust me I have tried to look past it and this isn't easy for me to do. I love you so much, god I love you but you broke my heart and that is something I will never forget. So staying with you and marrying you would be a waste because I wouldn't be able to look at you the same" he explained further. He had his things packed before this, while waiting on Brendon and preparing his speech. He knew it wouldn't be easy for either of them but it felt right to him.
"But I love you Ryan." Brendon was almost full on crying.
"And I love you too. And that's why I'm doing this. I'm saving us from years of me hating you and hating myself for staying. I'm saving us from divorce and shitty marriage. If you loved me you would see that."
"How can I when all I see is the love of my life leaving me behind?" Brendon tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Don't see it as this. See it as a new opportunity. See it as ending what was never meant to be."
"We are meant to be! Just because I cheated doesn't mean we should end it. It was a mistake." Brendon pleaded.
"We aren't meant to be though because if we were I wouldn't be leaving right now" Ryan stated heavily and then with that he left without another word. Brendon stared at the door dumbfounded without a word he threw the engagement ring at the door and then went to his room to have a mental breakdown.

7 years later

London, Paris, New York, Tokyo. Brendon had been everywhere and the only thing that mattered to him was his career and his girlfriend, Sarah. He never thought he'd be back with Sarah after so many years of back and forth but 2 years after he and Ryan ended they started talking again and eventually got back together and this time around Brendon knew he would make her the happiest woman on earth. The first year he was still not completely over Ryan but Sarah stopped at nothing to help him get over him. Then his music blew up everywhere and he didn't have time to think about Ryan. After cheating on Ryan and losing him after a long fight for him he knew he wouldn't make that mistake again.
After he got together with Sarah he felt like he fell in love with her all over again, he had never been more devoted to a human.

"All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah! And if you can't stop shaking lean back let it move right through you, say your prayers, say your prayers, say your prayers" Brendons song finished playing on the radio as he sat to begin his interview.
"Man, Brendon Urie. In the studio. How's it going?" Tyler, the radio host asked.
"Good, great man." Brendon smiled instantly. He always loved interviews, there was something about connecting to his fans by answering their questions that gave him energy.
"Awesome, great to have you. So, first question I have for you. That song, when? Who? What? When? Where?" He joked. "What is about? It's so amazing, it really is"
Brendon cleared his throat, thinking about how to answer this question. This new song has only been out a week, though he wrote it a long time, right after he and Ryan broke up.
"Well most of my songs on this new album are about real things that happened to me, so this song is about when I first came out as bisexual in high school people would call me a sinner and my...boyfriend at the time. They would be so awful. So I wrote it based on...I was just like, hey "sinners" stand up and accept who you are and in that you can be free of being a judged because you don't need to listen to people who say that. You stand up and sing hallelujah and you just accept yourself" Brendon explained. He wasn't going to talk about how the other part was about him cheating on Ryan.
"Oh wow, that is a very powerful message." Tyler said in aw and Brendon nodded and smiled.
Brendon finished the radio interview and went home with his security guard and manager, Zack.
When Brendon got home he had plans with Sarah to go see a new art gallery in town. Sarah really wanted to go see the art, she had liked the artist for a long time and what from she knew he would be showing his face for the first time in a long time. His name was G. Ross, that's what he went by and he refused to show his face so he never took photographs. But his first art gallery was put together in LA so Sarah obviously really wanted to go.
"Are you ready Brendon?" Sarah asked him as she came into the living room, looking like a movie star, in a red, satin, floor length dress with her brown hair put into a braided bun.
Brendon looked up from his phone and was in awe of her.
"Yeah" he smiled, standing up and straightening his suit jacket. "You look gorgeous" he said, spinning her around.
"I could say the same for you" she smirked and then kissed his cheek. They continued on their way out of their shared house and into Brendon's car.
"I can't believe we're finally going to see G. Ross" Sarah exclaimed. Brendon didn't answer because he honestly didn't care about this art but for Sarah he would do anything.
When they arrived they parked and went into the venue.
"Welcome" a man said as they walked in. Brendon nodded and took Sarah's hand as they walked in. Then began at the first painting.
"The river runs until it can't. It knows when it's day is done" the caption read. The painting is of a calm river in the middle of a town.
"Mm" Brendon mumbled. They moved to the next, this one a portrait but the person has no face.
"     "  Empty quotations.
"It's suppose to express that nothing is more mysterious than saying anything" a voice told the two as they stared at the painting. Brendon recognized that voice and it felt like he had been knocked out. He turned and saw Ryan standing in front of him and Sarah quickly turned around.
"Ryan" she breathed, Brendon still not being able to speak. It had been 7 years.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Who do you think painted these? I go by G. Ross now by the way. Feel free to call me G" he smiled not looking away from Brendon. He couldn't, it was like the first time he saw Brendon back in high school and he was in love all over again.
"You painted these? Ryan...G..." she corrected herself. "I've been in love with your painting for 6 years." She couldn't believe that Ryan, her old high school peer, the person that Brendon dated for over a year, the person who changed Brendon and then left.
"Thank you. are you?" He asked, trying to seem casual and he did. You couldn't even tell Ryan was feeling a million emotions at once.
"G...good" He let out finally.
"I've heard your music. It's good." Ryan admitted.
"Thanks" Brendon stated simply.
"You look even better in person" Ryan told him. He regretted ever leaving Brendon now.
"So're just walking around the venue? Pretending to be an observer?" Sarah asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, it's better that way. That way only people I want to know who I am will know. Starting with you two" He explained. And with that he left.
"We have to leave Sarah" Brendon told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"What do you mean why? That's my ex boyfriend. That's like him coming to one of my concerts. This is weird, I know I said I was over him but it's one thing to never see your ex and be over him and then actually seeing them. I can't stay here" Brendon explained.
"Okay Brendon." Sarah agreed. Realizing that this was more than just them running into each other. They hurried to the door and when they got there the door greeter stopped them.
"I'm sorry but once you've entered you can't leave until it's over." He explained.
"We're being kidnapped?" Brendon asked.
"No, it's just a thing that G asked we do. To protect his identity. We have permission from the police"
"Fine" Brendon groaned turning around. Sarah and Brendon went to the corner to avoid Ryan at all costs.
"Come on Brendon, it's been 7 years. Shouldn't you two be over this by now?" Sarah questioned, taking two glasses of champagne from a tray and handing one to Brendon.
"I thought we would be. I thought the next time I saw him that I wouldn't even care but he was apart of my life for so long, I was in love with him. We were engaged, we were planning our wedding and it just...ended" he shrugged, looking at the floor.
"Well you said he left you so he is missing out. Show him what he is missing" Sarah smirked.
"It's not like that, I don't want him to be jealous, I don't even want him back. It's just a lot of emotions and memories hitting me at once." He explained after finishing his champagne.
Ryan made his way to the two and Brendon tensed up.
"Brendon can I talk to you...privately?" Ryan asked and if there was a way from Brendon to be even more tense he would be. Brendon looked to Sarah and the back to Ryan.
"Ye...yeah. Okay" he stood up, taking another glass of champagne and drinking it down with one swig. He then followed Ryan to a janitors closest. Before Brendon had time to think, Ryan pushed him against the wall and kissed him but Brendon didn't kiss back, he pulled his head away.
"Ryan, what are you doing?" Brendon asked.
"Isn't this what you wanted?" Ryan asked pulling back with confusion. "I mean you could cut the sexual tension with a knife"
"No I don't want this, I don't want you." Brendon pushed against Ryan's body.
"I know I hurt you all those years ago but it was a mistake and I'm over everything that happened. We could pick up right where we left off." Ryan suggested.
"No Ryan. You left me and now I've moved on with my life. You lost your chance and now I have Sarah-"
"You're actually dating her? I thought you two were just friends, when did this happen?"
"Like 5 years ago. She helped me get over you, I was a complete wreck after you and she made me feel like myself again."
"So you don't want to be with me again?" Ryan asked.
"No Ryan, I don't. I want to leave actually, I want to take Sarah and go home and never see you again. This isn't happening again" Brendon stated finally and walked out. He grabbed Sarah from the corner and shoved his way out of the building. When the door man tried to protest Ryan told him to let them go because that was the closure Ryan had needed all along, to hear that Brendon didn't want him and now Ryan could let him go, finally.

And that's the end I wanted but again you don't have to have this ending, you can read the original ending and keep that one. I don't care.

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