Please forget to fall down

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Ryan studied the finished painting of him and his boyfriend. He hadn't actually seen Brendon in a little less than a week because he didn't feel like leaving the house or seeing anyone, not even Brendon. Spencer was 3 days away from his surgery and he hadn't woken up yet and there was still a fifty percent chance that the surgery could kill him.
Ryan tried to stay strong for himself and Brendon but he couldn't and he got tired of being the crying boyfriend that Brendon had to comfort. Sex was working for him for a little but after a while not even being tied up and fucked until he screamed helped anymore. He wanted it to, god he wanted nothing but Brendon and his whole body but crying seemed weak to him now. Brendon had done this too, when they first started doing stuff together, right after Dallon broke up with him, he used sex to cover his emotions and at first Ryan thought it was okay but he felt guilty using his boyfriend's body for anything besides love. So 5 days ago he left Brendon's house and stayed at his house, curled up in a blanket on his bed and then he decided to finish the painting he began, which actually worked, he hadn't thought about Spencer in the last 4 days but now that it was done, he didn't know what to do now.
Ryan pulled his attention away from the painting when he heard the door bell go off downstairs. He wasn't going to answer it, so he laid down on his bed back in his curled position with his headphones in, he tucked the blanket up past his eyes and hoped the visitor was for one of his parents.
There wasn't anything happening for a few minutes so he figured the visitor was for his parents until the blanket was pulled away from his face, he figured it would be Brendon but it was Dallon. Thrown-off, would be an understatement for what Ryan was feeling when he saw Dallon standing above him. He pulled his headphones out and sat up, a little angry that his boyfriend's ex was standing in front of him in his room.
"What are you doing here Dallon?" Ryan asked instantly. Dallon bit his lip nervously and sat down in front of the shorter boy.
"Are you okay?" Dallon asked and Ryan scrunched his eyebrows together.
"Why do you care?" Ryan practically laughed in Dallon's face, pulling the blanket completely off of himself and standing up.
"Brendon...he misses you." Dallon sighed beginning to explain himself. "Brendon called me earlier today and don't worry it wasn't anything you're thinking. He said he's been calling and texting you but you haven't been answering, he wanted me to come talk to you. He wants to see you but he didn't want to bug you if you needed your space" Dallon finished.
"So he sends you to talk to me?" Ryan scoffed, running a hand through his hair.
"I was his last choice Ryan. He just wants to make sure you're okay."
"I don't understand why he sent you of all're his ex-is Sarah going to come through the door next? Because than we could have a 'people who dated Brendon' party" Ryan's voice got louder.
"Well, who else could he send? I'm the only person who knows you and him well enough, okay...just calm down Ryan. I was sent to see if you are okay. I need an answer and I'll be on my way" Dallon defended himself.
"What I don't get is why you agreed...I am your ex-boyfriend's boyfriend, that's a bit of a stretch don't you think? What did you think, you were going to do a favor for Brendon and then he'd jump back into your arms?" Ryan asked.
"It's not like that Ryan...Brendon and I are just friends okay? I'm with Breezy" Dallon assured him.
"Really because just a little while ago you were begging for Brendon back!" Ryan accused. "Knowing he was with me"
"That was a lapse in judgment Ryan...I'm sorry for that. Brendon helped me get Breezy back actually. He helped me figure out that I was just being stupid."
"Fine. know what, just tell Brendon that I'm fine and I'll see him tomorrow alright...or better yet, I'll call him." Ryan grabbed his phone but Dallon stopped him.
"Don't yell at him Ryan, he just wants to make sure you're okay. He loves you a lot and he doesn't want to lose you...why are you ignoring him anyways?" Dallon asked.
"Why does it matter?" Ryan questioned.
"Are you mad at him?" Dallon surveyed.
"No...I have no reason to be-it's Spencer okay. Ever since he got in that wreck, I've been so upset about it, I haven't been thinking of Brendon and I love Brendon but I'm...I'm just tired of being the crying boyfriend that can only seem to be okay when I'm having sex. I don't want to use Brendon for his body. Spencer is his friend too, he's just as vulnerable as I am right now and I am using him" Ryan scoffed after he explained. "Why am I telling you this? We aren't shouldn't even be friends with Brendon but I'm going to let it slide" Ryan turned away from Dallon and then back. He wasn't sure why he did that but he shrugged it off.
"He did the same to you Ryan...after we broke up, he had sex with you to forget about me. What's the difference"
"...God, countless moral reasons-wait how do you know about that?" Ryan asked the man that was now closer to him.
"Brendon told me, we had a long talk today. He told me everything and begged me to come see you to make sure you hadn't...hurt yourself. He knows how you're feeling right now because of your friend. him okay? And don't yell at him. He's a good guy and he's so in love with you it's almost disgusting" Dallon tried to be humorous and surprisingly it worked because Ryan let out a chuckle and looked down at his hands.
"Alright...okay-just get out of my house Weekes, I've had enough" Ryan told him and Dallon put his hands up in defense. He walked to the bedroom door and half-opened it.
"Just listen to what I've said Ryan, he's probably more worried about you than you are of Spencer" Dallon looked to Ryan and then left the room.  Ryan rolled his eyes and called Brendon, he wasn't sure how to go about talking to him so he just waited for Brendon to answer.
"Babe..." Brendon said instantly. "I know it was weird for Dallon to be over there and I'm sorry, please don't be mad. Sending Dallon there was the only way to get your attention" he explained and Ryan sighed.
"Brendon, its fine. I'm sorry for not talking to you and just going MIA randomly. This whole Spencer thing has really gotten me upset, you know. I love him and his surgery is so soon and there's a part of me that believes he isn't going to make it....I just don't understand why you didn't come if you were worried"
"I didn't want to bug you" Brendon admitted.
"So you send your ex boyfriend whom I can't stand!?" Ryan asked, his voice getting higher but there was a but of humor in it.
"I didn't know what else to do, I'm worried about you. Please tell me you're okay" Brendon asked. This would be annoying to Ryan but it was cute because Brendon really did seem worried about him.
"I'm fine about you come over?" Ryan offered and Brendon's ears perked up.
"Okay...I'll be over soon then" Ryan could hear the smile in his voice and Ryan smiled at the thought.
"Alright baby." Ryan said and hung up. Ryan set his phone down and curled back in his blanket and put his headphones in.

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