And flooded lungs

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"I can't believe we're graduating!" Brendon shouted to Ryan as they walked inside the building together. It was June and that meant one thing, their class was graduating. It felt weird to both of them, it being the last day they would ever step foot in that building again. They both had a lot of memories but now it was time to say goodbye.
"Brendon, Ryan! Can I get a picture! You guys were voted best couple of the year" a small girl asked the two boys. She had the job of taking pictures of the graduation ceremony for the school website so she ran around all day taking pictures, she had done it last year too.
"Really? We were?" Ryan asked with a laugh. It was an odd thing to think that a gay couple was voted for something like that... to Ryan at least.
"Yeah, didn't you see in the year book?" the girl asked.
"No, I didn't buy one." Ryan shook his head.
"Well you picture please!" she begged. The boys nodded and she ordered for them to hold hands and for Brendon to put his head on Ryan's shoulder. They did, she snapped a few pictures and then walked away.
"Which reminds me, you have yet to sign my yearbook mister" Brendon turned the taller boy, still holding his hand.
"I can tell you whatever I want to your face every day it necessary?" Ryan asked him.
"Yes, I have it in my car. On the way home, I want you to sign it. Please?" Brendon begged.
"Fine, anything for you" Ryan sighed and Brendon smiled.
"Thank you" Brendon pecked Ryan's cheek and then they changed into their gowns. They had to separate because of their last names. Ryan was two rows in front of Brendon but luckily for Ryan, Spencer was just in the row behind him because his last name was Smith. Ryan turned to Spencer with a smile.
"Oh, hey Ryan" Spencer leaned closer to him. "Where's Brendon?" he asked.
"Back there" Ryan pointed and Brendon saw it and waved. Spencer waved back and then turned to Ryan.

"And now, the class of 2005 valedictorian Sarah Orzechowski" the woman tells everyone and both Brendon and Ryan roll their eyes at her name. Ryan because he hates all of Brendon's exes and Brendon because he hates all of his exes too.
"Hello everyone. First I'd like to thank you for voting me to be your valedictorian, it's a true honor" she smiles at everyone. "These have been the best 4 years of my life. Making friends and having a fun time. I will never forget the moments here in these halls everyday. I will cherish them till death." she pauses. "On behalf of my class, I'd like to thank all the teachers in the school that have made us who we are today. We maybe leaving you all behind but we won't be leaving behind the lessons you've taught us. Along side our parents you helped us get here today and there is no way we could ever repay you for everything." she pauses again. "In years time I'd like to think we would all become successful in our journey's and do whatever we set out to do, whether it be fulfilling a life long dream, finishing something you started, making it big or just raising a family with someone...I hope everyone of us here today can go down the right path and let life guide you to your passions." she begins to tear up. "Thank you to our parents who have pushed us to do our best and held our hands along the way. Thank you for helping us when life got us down and most importantly thank you for always being there. Without you we wouldn't be much of anything....I'd like to finish by thanking every person in this room for being here. Whether you're a student or a teacher or a loved one, thank you for showing your support for our class" she smiles and then everyone claps and she steps away.
"And now, the class of 2005!" the principal calls and they start naming off names.

After the ceremony everyone goes to the back and meets with their parents.
"Brendon, I'm so happy. You did it!" Grace shouts as her son walks over to her. Grace engulfs him in a hug. The smell of too much perfume fills his nose and he coughs for a second. Grace pulls away and kisses him on the head.
"Great job son, really proud of you" Boyd hugs him and then pulls away. Ryan comes over with his parents to introduce them. Brendon turns around, sees him and smiles. He puts his hand out and Ryan grabs his hand and then closes the space between them.
"Mr. and Mrs. Urie, these are my parents" Ryan introduces them.
"Danielle" she shook their hands.
"George." he copies her. "Your son is all Ryan talks about, he's been so happy lately. It's great to meet you both" George thanks them.
"Same to you. Brendon and Ryan are the cutest couple I have ever seen" Grace smiles at the boys. Ryan blushes and turns to face Brendon, hiding his emotions. Brendon smiles at Ryan's blush and then kisses him slightly on the lips.
"Let's get a picture!" Grace shouts and pulls her digital camera out. Brendon and Ryan look at the camera and smile. "This time kiss" she orders. Brendon and Ryan both blush and then look at each other, they give each other both a look that says they are so in love, Grace takes a picture of that and then they kiss and she takes a picture.
"You guys are so adorable" Danielle walks to the boys and hugs them together.
"Do you guys want to go out for food?" Grace asks everyone. Brendon and Ryan weren't paying attention, they were definitely making plans to have sex later. They were turning each other on and couldn't wait to get on top of one another, Brendon was already thinking of ways to tie him up with that gown.

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