Genius only comes along

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Ryan watched the clock, it was the last class of the day and he just wanted to get out of there. Brendon had football practice after school and he wanted Ryan there to watch. Ryan loved nothing more than to watch his boyfriend run around in tight pants, sweating all over and if Ryan had learned anything in the past month he had been with Brendon, it was that dirty sex with him, in the locker room after everyone was gone, whilst Brendon was still dirty and sweaty was the best kind.
The bell had finally rung and Ryan was the first one out of the classroom. He walked to his locker and pulled his stuff into his bag.  After everyone cleared the hallways, hands were on his hips quickly and Ryan turned around to see his boyfriend smiling at him.
"Hey baby" Brendon bit his lip. "You ready to come watch me practice?"
"Yeah" Ryan smiled at him. "You're going to be so good, like always"
"With you watching me, waiting to have sex with me...I'm going to be on my best game" Brendon laughed, leaning in to kiss Ryan but Ryan pulled his head away to tease him. Brendon glared at him and pulled away. "Is that how its going to be?" Brendon smiled and Ryan nodded.
"'re going to pay for that" Brendon warned Ryan and walked away, making sure to shake his ass as he walked. Ryan shook his head and turned to his bag. A strong hand grabbed Ryan's shoulder and pulled him away from his locker. There stood a much taller man, the captain of the football team, Ryan never bothered to get his name.
"You're with Brendon?" the guy asked and although Ryan was afraid to answer, he nodded anyways. "That makes you a fag. You know what I do to fags in my school?" he asked, pulling him by his shirt collar, in the most cliché, movie bully type of way. He slammed Ryan against the locker hard, making him groan, then he dropped Ryan on the floor and kicked him hard in the stomach. Ryan fell to the ground, laying sideways on the floor. He kicked him again and then again, until Ryan couldn't breath. The taller guy knelt down and punched Ryan a few times, drawing blood from his bottom lip and nose. He punched him one more time in the gut.
"You're going to burn in hell you faggot" he told Ryan and then walked off. Ryan let out tears as the pain surged through him, he couldn't move, he was out of breath from all the kicks and didn't know what to do, he began hyperventilating and soon passed out.

Brendon looked out to the small groups of people watching them practice to look for his boyfriend, he couldn't seem to find him. They had been practicing for half an hour and he hadn't really managed to check. He wondered if he just left to use the bathroom...or what if he was mad about what had happened in the hallway and decided to go home, no Ryan isn't a guy who gets hung up on stupid shit, it had to be something else-
"Urie" the coach called him and Brendon ran over to him. Spencer was standing there looking freaked out as hell. "Spencer needs you in the school...we're almost done, just wash up and go home afterwards" he explained and Brendon nodded.
"What's going on?" Brendon asked as they walked away.
"It's Ryan" was all Spencer said. Brendon didn't ask any other questions as he followed Spencer inside and down the long hallway to the nurses office. There was Ryan laying there passed out and looking like shit.
"What happened?" He turned to the nurse.
"We don't know, we found him curled up into a ball on the floor in the hallway." He definitely got beat up by someone. He has a bloody nose, busted lip and black eye. Brendon felt like the wind had got knocked out him, he kneeled down next to his boyfriend and laid a soft hand on Ryan's back.
"Is he going to be okay" he looked from Ryan's busted face to the nurse.
"He should be, he got the wind knocked out of him pretty hard, he's still breathing and he should regain consciousness soon. His face will heel up fine. Meanwhile, we're going to check the security footage, it shouldn't be too hard to see who did it" the nurse explained and then they both left.
Brendon turned back to Ryan and sighed. Who the fuck would do this to him, Ryan had never been one to be talked badly about, there was no one Brendon could think of that hated him or even knew of his existence. Brendon pulled off his jersey and then his shoulder pads, leaving just his white t-shirt on. Brendon rubbed Ryan's back gently and kissed his nose. Brendon stared down at his bruised boyfriend, his face was twisted in pain as he slept and Brendon felt so awful for not being there for his boyfriend when he needed him most. Although neither of them knew it was going to happen, nonetheless, he should have walked with Ryan to practice. He sighed and backed up to the nurses chair, sitting in and then using his feet to walk it back to Ryan. He took the ice pack off the table and placed it on Ryan's bruised eye that was sure to swell. Ryan jerked at the sudden coolness on his eye. He murmured in his sleep and winced.
"Ryan, are you awake?" Brendon asked calmly even though on the inside he wanted to scream.
"It hurts" Ryan groaned and stirred before he opened his eyes, and they fell on Brendon.
"Ryan" Brendon sighed happily at Ryan waking up. Ryan groaned again and grabbed his stomach. Ryan used his free hand to hold the ice pack so Brendon didn't have to.
"Ryan!" Ryan's mother came running in followed by his father. "We came as soon as we got the call, are you okay, what happened?" she asked frantically. Ryan was in too much pain to answer so Brendon answered for him.
"He got beat up, we don't know by who yet, Ryan is in too much pain. They found him passed out in the hallway earlier. They're checking security footage right now" Brendon explained. Danielle just nodded and kneeled down in front of Ryan, petting his head.
"How bad does it hurt?" she asked.
"A lot" Ryan let out.
"Can we take him home yet?" she asked, looking up at Brendon.
"I'm not sure, I'll go get the nurse...she's in the principals office" he stood from the chair and walked out of the room, down to the office and opened the door to see the nurse, Spencer and the principal watching the computer. Brendon came up behind them and the nurse turned to them.
"His parents are here, they want to talk to you" he told her and she nodded and then left. Brendon watched the screen, watching as Ryan turns to his locker and then a larger guy comes up to him. Brendon knew who it was, it was Patrick, the captain of the football team. He turned away, he couldn't watch his boyfriend get beat up.
"I'm going to kick Patrick's ass" Brendon said angrily.
"I don't think that's a good idea" Spencer said, turning to face him.
"I don't condone that kind of behavior Mr. Urie" the principal turned to him too.
"Why not? You just watched him kick my boyfriend's ass-"
"Watch your language" he scolded him and Brendon rolled his eyes.
"Am I not supposed to be angry that my boyfriend got beat up, by my so called friend. He deserves pay back for that. Ryan is in a lot of pain because of him and I want him to feel the same" Brendon almost walked out to go get Patrick but Spencer stopped him.
"We are going to confront him and see why he did this and then there will be serious punishment for him. For right now, go take care of Ryan...we'll talk tomorrow" Brendon sighed and left the room. He went to the nurses room and saw Ryan struggling to get up. He hooked his arm around Ryan and George got the other side and the gently pulled him off the bed. Ryan's head laid against Brendon's shoulder as he forced himself to walk with him.
Ryan hated being in the position he was in, he had just gotten beaten up for being gay and he was too afraid to tell Brendon that, Ryan wasn't going to stop being with Brendon because one person didn't like it. Ryan loved Brendon, although he still hadn't told Brendon, he really truly did and he wasn't going to end everything because of a few cuts and bruises, no, because that would mean that the guy won and that wasn't going to work.
Brendon and George got Ryan into their car. Ryan laid out on the seat and closed his eyes, his head hurt too much to keep them open.
"We took his car to school today so I'll just drive it back along with his stuff" Brendon told George and George nodded.
"No, Brendon...I want you to sit with me" Ryan ordered, still laying out.
"But who will get your stuff Ry?" Brendon asked.
"Can Spencer do it...please Brendon" Ryan lifted his head.
"Of course Ryan" Brendon assured him. "Go to sleep, you must be in a lot of pain" Brendon lifted Ryan's top half long enough to get in the car and then laid Ryan's head in his lap. Brendon pulled his phone out and sent Spencer a text asking if he would bring Ryan's car and book bag to his house. Spencer answered with a yes and Brendon set his phone down. They were now waiting for Danielle to come to the car before they left. Brendon laced his fingers through Ryan's hair and played with it to help Ryan fall asleep.
Brendon watched as Danielle walked to the car and got in.
"The nurse said you should stay home for a few days just to recover. He hurt you pretty bad...I just can't believe someone would do this to you" she said while shaking her head. "Do you know why?" she turned around to face the two boys. Ryan shook his head, eyes closed...he did know why, he just didn't want to say at the time. Talking hurt at the moment and he was going to avoid it until he had some pain killers in him.
"Maybe we shouldn't ask him so many questions Mrs. Ross. He seems to be in a lot of pain and talking makes it worse" Brendon told her and she just nodded as George drove away from the school. 
Brendon spent the whole ride imagining what he would do when he saw Patrick again, he couldn't get in trouble by the school if they weren't on school property, that had nothing to do with them. He wondered why Patrick would want to hurt Ryan, Patrick had never said a word about Ryan ever. It was weird that he randomly hurt him but that didn't matter because he did hurt Ryan and now he was going to be hurt by Brendon.
Once George pulled into the driveway, Brendon gently shook Ryan awake. He stirred for a second and then lifted his head.
"We're home you want to get up" Brendon told him.
"No" he kind of laughed but then sat up anyways because despite how he looked, he felt a little better. Brendon slid out of the car and waited for Ryan to get out and held his hand. Ryan rested his head on Brendon's because it was really just his head and stomach that hurt and walking only made his head hurt more. George and Danielle were inside first and then Brendon helped Ryan inside and up to his room where Ryan laid down, humming in pleasure at the release of pressure from the soft pillow under his head.
"Did you need anything?" Danielle asked as she came in behind Brendon.
"Some pain killers would be amazing" Ryan mumbled. Danielle nodded and left to go get some. Brendon sighed and laid down next to Ryan.
"Don't you wanna put something else on, those pants are nice and tight but they aren't that comfortable I bet" Ryan sighed looking at Brendon.
"Well obviously I don't exactly have any clothes to change in to" Brendon told him.
"Put something of mine on, I'm sure I have something that fits" Ryan mumbled, wanting to sleep. Brendon quietly got out of the bed and went to his drawers, he shimmied out of his football pants and put on a pair of sweatpants that looked nice and they fit right. He went back over to Ryan and laid down next to him.
"Hey Bren" Ryan said suddenly, throwing Brendon off.
"Yeah?" he asked anyways.
"Thank you for being there for me"
"If only I was there sooner, you wouldn't be in this mess" Brendon shook his head and rolled over to look at the ceiling, his hand landing on his stomach, the other tucked under the pillow he was laying on.
"Don't beat yourself up about this Brendon...lord knows I got beat up enough for the both of us" Ryan laughed lightly at his joke. "You didn't know it was going to happen and neither did I...I'll be okay, its just a few cuts and bruises"
"It's not just about that" Brendon sighed. "Its about why he did it...I mean, did he even say why?" Brendon turned to look at his boyfriend.
"Umm" Ryan hesitated and turned away. "He called me a faggot" Ryan shrugged, cringing at that stupid word.
"He did it because your gay?" Brendon sat up a little. "That doesn't even make sense, he has never said he didn't like gay people, I'm bi...he congratulated me when I came out" Brendon was confused now. Ryan let out air from his nose and sighed.
"I don't know but if he thinks I'm going to just stop being gay because he beat me up, he's dumb. That's not how it works" Ryan turned back to face Brendon.
"I won't let him ever touch you again alright. I'm going to kick his ass" Brendon shook his head.
"Don't Bren...he might just come after me again or he could hurt you" Ryan pleaded but Brendon didn't care. Patrick was going to get exactly what he deserved for laying a hand on Ryan.
"Ryan" Danielle knocked on the door and Ryan invited her in. She smiled when she saw the boys laying together but not touching at all. She brought Ryan over some water and pills and Ryan took them instantly and then laid back down. "Try to get some sleep honey." Danielle looked at her son and he nodded. "Brendon, can I talk to you" she asked and Brendon nodded confused, but followed her out the door. Danielle shut the door and brought Brendon downstairs. Brendon was worried when she went and stood by George until they both smiled.
"Brendon, we just want to say thank you for being apart of Ryan's life. He seems so much happier now that's with you." Danielle smiled.
"Really Brendon, I never thought I'd ever have a gay son, not that its a big deal because it's not. You know, as a parent you always wonder who your kids will end up with and your always worried that they won't choose someone that is willing to take your place...someone willing to stick with your kid until the very end and take care of them." George explained and then took a pause. "But we see you with him and we know he made a wise decision. We can trust you to take care of our Ryan, thank you for being there for him today."
"We really like you Brendon, not just as our sons boyfriend but as a thank you for being in his life" Danielle added. Brendon smiled at the two parents.
"And thank you for letting me be in your house with your son. He makes me so happy and I love him a lot. I wouldn't want anything to ever happen to him. He deserves to be happy" Brendon nodded.
"He does and you do make him happy. We see it everyday since you two have been together" Danielle informed him. "Now go comfort him" she ordered with a laugh and Brendon nodded and ran back upstairs. Brendon opened the door to see Ryan turned away from the door with a pillow over his face.
Brendon laid down and pulled Ryan in to his chest.
"What did they want?" Ryan coughed and forced himself to turn to Brendon and pulled the pillow off his head.
"They just wanted to thank me for being your boyfriend" Brendon answered and that was the best way to explain what they were telling him.
"I guess, I've never thanked you for that" Ryan looked up to him.
"Because you don't have to" Brendon laughed. "Its not a favor, Ryan I..I love you and you never have to thank me for that"
"You love me?" Ryan choked out. He was happy now, though he already kind of knew Brendon loved him, he was happy he actually said it.
"Yeah, its okay if you don't love me back but its how I feel and you should know" Brendon bit his lip.
"No, Brendon..." Ryan let out a small laugh. "I love you too Brendon...probably more than you love me really" Ryan moved his body to be face to face with Brendon.
"I highly doubt that" Brendon scoffed.
"Do you really want to have a who loves who more fight Urie cause you will lose" Ryan challenged him.
"Bring it on Ross" Brendon playfully glared. Ryan shook his head with a smirk and then kissed Brendon's nose.

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