That fragile capricorn

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"Will you marry me?" Brendon asked and Ryan froze. Was he seriously asking this?
"You're only asking so I'll forgive you" Ryan pulled his hand away. His heart fluttering at the idea of marrying Brendon.
"No Ryan, I genuinely want to marry you. I know this" Brendon assured him and he did want to marry Ryan, he wasn't second guessing this at all. He was sure of it.
"Brendon I-" Ryan sighed but Brendon interrupted him.
"No, Ryan listen. I fucked up but I want to prove to you that it was a mistake and I want a second chance to show you that it won't happen again. I'm in love with you Ryan Ross. We'll get married and live happily ever after. Say yes?"
"Brendon" Ryan sighed. "Yes" he smiled and Brendon felt his whole body shake. He stood up and kissed Ryan happily. This was the best moment of his life.
Ryan knew that question was loaded and saying yes felt right but he couldn't help but to think that maybe he had said yes because the thought made him happy and tomorrow morning he would wake up next to Brendon and see the guy who cheated on him and broke his heart, not his future husband though that's what he wanted to see.
After the two ran downstairs and told Ryan's parents which caused Danielle to pass out the two went home in their cars after waiting for Danielle to come to.
Brendon vowed that he would make sure Ryan was the happiest he had ever been in their entire relationship. He would show Ryan that he never meant to hurt him and that what happened was a mistake only made because he was drunk.
When Brendon got to the apartment, Ryan's car was there already. He smiled to himself because he finally got Ryan back and that's all that mattered to him.
He went into the apartment and saw Ryan standing at the island staring straight at him.
"Hey..." Brendon said nervously.
"We should talk...about this whole engagement thing" Ryan sighed.
"Okay." Brendon stated, moving closer to him.
"First, I need to know if you are actually serious about this and it wasn't just some stupid thing to say to get me back?"
"Of course I'm serious, it's like I said I'm in love you Ry. Always have been. Am I glad it got you back? Yes, definitely. But I'm not even second guessing it. Besides, if we stayed together than marriage was bound to come up anyways and it doesn't matter when I would have asked because I want you for the rest of my life." Brendon fully explained and Ryan nodded. He understood what Brendon was saying and it checked out.
"I need you to know that this isn't me forgiving you one hundred precent yet. I do forgive that you cheated on me because I understand that you were drunk and you were taken advantage of by someone who wasn't as drunk as you. But I don't forgive you for lying to me and trying to make me feel stupid for thinking you were cheating on me. I also don't want you to think I forgave you because you asked me to marry you. I love you Brendon and marrying you is something I've been picturing for a while. So I said yes because I had already decided to forgive you for cheating. It's going to take me a while to get over you cheating but the best way to do that is be with you and move on with you. We've been through a lot and I don't think I could let this be the end of us. But if you ever lie to me or cheat on me again this will be over, married, dating or engaged, I don't care." Ryan made clear to him and Brendon knew that this was a good lesson learned. "I don't want to be known as a person who stayed with a cheater especially if you did it again."
"I am so thankful that you can see that it was a complete accident and I never wanted to hurt you" Brendon sighed in relief.
"Well...I called Ian and he admitted to it being his idea and him almost forcing it on you. That doesn't make it okay. I don't want you to think that as long as you're drunk it's okay to cheat on me"
"Of course not Ryan! I don't even remember what happened that night at all. So what would be the point?"
"What was the point in the first place?" Ryan's eyebrow raised.
"There wasn't one. It happened by me being too drunk" Brendon sighed, he thought the two had gotten over this part but he knew it was Ryan being sarcastic and that was something that would never change.
"Fine. Let's just move on."

For the rest of the day Ryan and Brendon didn't really speak to one another. Brendon was busy learning new songs and Ryan was painting.
Brendon also started trying to put together an actual proposal to Ryan. He wanted to do the whole thing, with a ring and a big gesture.
He wasn't really sure how he was going to do it so he began to write down ideas.
By the time he ran out of ideas he had 12 and only a few stuck out.

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