You Had Me At Hello (Jacob Black Fan Fiction)

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I heaved a heavy cardboard box into my arms and loaded it into the moving truck. I groaned and shook out my arms, which currently felt like Jell-O. 

"That's the last of it," My dad announced, putting his hands up to his head and completely messing up his dark brown hair. He walked up to me and put his arms around my shoulder, "Welcome to La Push Ronnie."

I had to admit, even after all that hard labour I was still happy we'd moved away from the hustle and bustle that is Manhattan. We moved back into my dad's house/ You see, my dad's from La Push and we have family here that I've never met before which is also partly why I was so hyped to move, of course, except for Grandpa...everyone knows my loud grandpa. It was a new log home with a slanted roof and balcony. Black shingles dripped with rain and stone chimney stuck out of one end. Large windows were on the front. It was right smack in the middle of the forest. Inside had classic wood floors and a stone fireplace in the living room. There were even stainless steel kitchen appliances already there, but the rest had to be furnished by us. 

I was positive that unpacking was going to be torture though. My mum loved to collect these little figures and knick knacks, most of which we're either people from tribes or wolves. Of course I knew all about the legends and the stories. In fact, I'm a werewolf myself...or rather a shapeshifter. I unpacked everything for the kitchen, living room, dining room, the guest room and my dad's bedroom while my father was downstairs in the kitchen supposedly 'cooking'. I ran up to my room, setting up posters, putting sheets on the bed and putting my clothes in the appropriate drawers. When I was finally done, I pushed the empty boxes to the side of the room and sat on my bed, sketching. I always loved to draw and was in love with all forms of art, whether it was painting, drawing, music...I adored all of it. 

"Ronnie, Dinner!" I heard my dad call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I got up, brushed my hand through my messy short hair and walked downstairs to see my dad already digging in. Dinner was Mac n' Cheese.

"It took you about three hours to do Mac 'n' Cheese?" I laughed, digging in to my food too.

"You can't rush perfection." He replied with a smile.

After dinner, I went out on the porch. The sun was setting, and it cast an orange glow over the trees. I got out my sketch pad and tried to enhance the scene on my pages while listening to the 'Bones' by Young Guns. I was completely lost in my thoughts. I walked back in, setting my sketch pad on a bench but to my surprise there were a bunch of people inside.

"Ron, this is my Sister. Sue, this is Ronnie." My dad said, dragging my over to the woman.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ronnie."

"Likewise." I replied with a smile. 

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