Young Lovers 2

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"Funny, funny girl." She said as they both walked past me into the room.

"I know I am." I said proudly as I closed the door behind them.

"We just both showed up at your guys' door at the same time, thats all." Embry said, obviously trying to make sure that we didnt get the wrong idea. I let out a chuckle as I walked around them and climbed back onto the bed. Jacob pulled me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my neck as I leaned against him.

"Now thats cute." Kat said as she looked at us. I shot her a smirk, which caused her to roll her eyes.

"So why exactly did you two feel the need to come wake us up?" Jacob asked curiously as he rubbed his thumbs up and down at their place just above my belly button. Embry smirked at me as Kat went to explain.

"Last night, Sam, Paul, Quil and I were out patroling and we...we found something." She said, looking directly at me. The smile that had been on my face slipped away as I pulled away from Jacob and moved to the foot of the bed.

"What was it?" I asked.

"A girl...a dead girl." She said, shuddering a little as she spoke.

"That bad, huh?" I asked.

"Worse." She clarified, making me cringe a little.

"What happened? What was wrong with her?" Jacob asked seriously. I turned to look at Jacob and Embry and shot them both a look. They both chuckled a little before we returned our attention back to Kat.

"Well, she wasn't exactly...whole and in one piece." She said, making me wince.

"Thanks, Kat. Really needed that image in my head." I said sarcastically as I tried to keep myself from gagging.

"Yeah, is there a reason why vampires have to be so disgustingly gross?" Jacob asked rhetorically.

"They find pleasure in it?" Embry suggested, earning a glare from Jacob and me. Embry shrugged his shoulders innocently before I smiled at him. 

"Well, if you two dont mind, I think Jacob and I would like to get dressed and all so we can research and stuff to stop this vampire, so if you could leave?" I said as I stood up. Embry and Kat looked at each other before they stood up and started for the door.

"Okay, we'll be the living when you guys are done. We'll get a head-start on the research while we wait." Kat said as she opened the door.

"Sounds good to me." I said as they walked out.

"Ahh, alone at last." I said as I plopped down beside him. Jacob laughed as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I happily returned the kiss, but regretfully pulled away a few minutes later. "We should really go get ready." I whispered as I leaned my forehead against his as I caught my breath. 

"Yeah." Jacob said before kissing me again. I laughed into his mouth before pulling away and putting my hands on his chest to keep him back.

"I'm serious. We need to find that girl's attacker. These vampires are getting too out of control." I said as I climbed off the bed and started for the bathroom. I heard Jacob let out a groan from behind me, making me chuckle softly.

"Can we at least take a shower together?" he asked from right behind me, making me jump a little since I thought that he was still on the bed.

"I wouldnt have it any other way." I said with a grin as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jacob smirked at me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and backed me into the bathroom.

I pulled a pair of dark jeans, a deep red, short sleeve, wide scoop neck tunic before pulling on black boots. I styled my hair and put on brown eyeliner, mascara, light brown eyeshadow, and natural looking pink lipstick that looked good against my slightly tanned skin. Just as I sprayed a little bit of my coconut scented body spray, Jacob came up behind me and kissed the nape of my neck. I turned around and pressed my lips to his for a short, sweet kiss before pulling away.

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