Stayin' at Coop's

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I looked up from my book as my door burst open and Kat stumbled into the room.

"Honey, I'm home!" she cried as she dropped her bags and spread her arms out wide as a grin spread across her face. A laugh escaped my lips as I set the book down next to me on the bed.

"Yay! I missed you!" I cried out, just as dramatically as she had as I climbed off the bed and walked over to her. Kat smiled and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

"I missed you too, hun!" she said as she pulled back. Her arms left me as she bent down and rubbed my stomach. "Missed you as well, little one!" she said, making me laugh and push her away. I tucked my short dark hair behind my ears as I sat back down on my bed.

"How was the patrol?" I asked her. Kat sat down next to me and let out a sigh as she flopped back.

"Boring as hell and tiring. And Jacob is being a total ass!" she exclaimed. I bit my bottom lip softly and moved back so I was leaning against the pillows, looking down at her.

"H-how so?" I asked softly.

"Well, when I first got back, he was being all moody and shit, then we were working the case and he was being even more bossy then usual, then when we were done, he was still being an ass, so much so that he made Paul shift and almost rip his head off, so Embry and I decided we needed to get some drinks in him. Well, he was doing much better, which made me happy...until he left with Bella and didn't come back until like the next evening so don't want to be hearing about this." She said as she looked over at me and saw me looking down at my hands, biting my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry, Ron, I am such an idiot sometimes." She said as she moved over so she way lying next to me and linked her arm through mine while leading her head against my shoulder.

"No, it's fine. He's a part of your life, whether we like to admit it or not. What he does and all is going to come up." I told her as I placed my hands on my stomach. Kat nodded and I could tell she was closing her eyes.

"So, he's already, completely moved on?" I asked quietly. Kat sat up and turned to me.

"See, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Now you're all depressed and stuff!" she said, obviously getting mad at herself. I pulled a smile onto my face and shook my head as I moved towards the edge of the bed.

"I'm not depressed, but I am late. I gotta go meet Coop for lunch." I said as I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to the mirror. I smoothed out my short hair and straightened out the cream colored billowing shirt I had on to wear to cover my bulging stomach. I was only 4 months along and it didn't show too terribly much, but I was still self-conscious.

"Coop?" Kat asked as she scooted to the foot of the bed and looked at me with curiosity shining in her eyes.

"Yes Coop. You do remember Cooper Tanner, right?" I asked, referring to my old friend from elementary and junior high school. We always hung out together between and after patrols.

"No way! You're going to see Coop?!" she exclaimed.

I turned to her slowly and nodded. "I did just say that, didn't I?" I asked, a small smirk on my lips as Kat narrowed her eyes at me.

"Can I come?" she asked excitedly. I laughed and walked over to my nightstand, picking up my cell phone. I dialed Coop's number and waited as it rung. Finally, after a while, he picked up.

"Hello?" came his familiar, husky, deep voice over the phone.

"Hey, Coop." I said in a happy tone.

"Hey, Ronnie, what's up?" he asked.

"I was just wondering if you would mind if my friend Kat tagged along to our little lunch today?" I asked as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

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