Frustration in Forks

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Ok, So I decided that Sarah Jones will play as Ronnie Andrews, just imagine her with brown hair instead of blonde and since there aren't many pics of her I've put some up in the doo be li doo over there -------> I'll also put up some pics of the actresses I'm using to portray Kim and Rachel. Enjoy :DD

"OH MY GOD! He told you he loved you?! That's so sweet!" Kim squealed when I told her about the night before as we got snacks from a gas station. I shushed her by putting my hand over her mouth while looking around and leading her into another isle. 

"Yes he told me he loved me, okay? But I didn’t tell you so that the whole convenience store would find out as well." I told her in a hushed voice.

"Oh, this is so great! What did you say? You did say something, right?" she asked me, giving me a look like she thought I screwed something up. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No, I told him that I didn’t like him like that and that I always had a crush on Jared." I told her with a serious voice. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"You didn’t!" she whispered out. I held the straight face for a second and let her think that I had. When she started to turn a little pale, I raised my eyebrows at her and let out a chuckle while turning to the shelf and picked up a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

"You should have seen you face, Kim!" I laughed out as I moved to the candy isle. She stomped over to me and slapped my arm. I clutched my arm and looked at her. "Hey!"

"That so wasn’t funny!" she squealed.

"It's not my fault that you're so damn gullible." I said.

"Shut up!" she grunted out as she grabbed a big bag of M&Ms. I laughed at her and grabbed a bag of gummy bears. We got a couple of drinks for us and the guys and went to the counter to pay. By then, Kim had gotten out of her angry slump and was back to being in happy best friend mode.

"So, what exactly did he say?" she asked as we set the stuff on the counter.

"He told me that after all that night's events, he realized what he had been feeling for a long time and that was that he was in love with me." I told her as the man rang up the last of our items.

"And you said....?" she asked, waving her hand in a "Please continue" sort of way.

"I paused for a second and told him that I was in love with him too." I told her as I handed the man the money for the food with a grin on my face at the memory of last night. I heard Kim squeal beside me and I rolled my eyes. I took our things from the guy and thanked him before walking out the door with Kim right by my side. We walked towards the cars where the guys were filling them up with gas giggling the whole way over. Or until I saw Jacob's worried face and his urgent, argument tone with Jared.

"Come on man, we have to help them." Jacob pleaded with Jared. Kim and I stopped a yard off and watched the guys argue back and forth. When I saw that Jared was still giving Jacob a hard time after a while, I decided that it was time to intervene.

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