It's a Gift

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A few weeks ago...

My eyes opened and I looked around the room. It was early morning and the sun was just starting to rise. I turned my head to see Jacob lying next to me. He was awake and smiled when I looked at him. A smile crossed my lips as well as I ran a hand through my messy hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I sat up and straightened my tank top, which had gotten twisted in my sleep.

"Well, I was watching you sleep, but you screwed that up." He said with a grin.

"I could always go back to sleep if you were enjoying it that much." I said with a mischievous grin as I went to lay back down.

"No, no, I think I want you awake now. You're more fun this way." He said as he pulled me into his arms.

"And how so?" I asked as I leaned against him and rested my head against his shoulder.

"Well, it's more fun to kiss you when you're awake and will kiss back." He said as he slowly brought his head down and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss as I placed a hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer to me. When we pulled away, we were both smiling.

"You know, you look like an angel when you sleep." Jacob said as he tucked some of my short hair behind my ear, away from my face.

"Me?! That's funny!" I laughed as I sat up and turned to face him.

"Well, you're my angel." He said sweetly.

"Such a way with words, don't you?!" I said with a grin as I moved closer to him.

"It's a gift." He muttered before I placed my lips over his and straddled him. As I kissed him, Jacob grasped my hips, squeezing them as he kissed me harder. I placed my hands on his shoulders as I scooted closer to him. We broke apart as the alarm that we had set the night before went off. I climbed off of him and walked over to my bag. I pulled out a tight white tank top with thick black lines running down the sides and a pair of black Nike Classic pants with white stripes. I discarded my pajamas and slipped the sweats and shirt on.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked from his spot on the bed.

"I was thinking of going for a run real quick." I said as pulled on a pair of white ankle socks and white Nike Airs. I looked up and shot him a smile when I had finished tying my shoes and pulled my pant legs down over them.

"I'll be back in a little bit." I said as I pressed a kiss to his cheek before grabbing my iPod and arm holder from my purse. I put the arm holder on and slipped my iPod into it before putting my earphones in and headed out the door. 

The sun was just rising, so it was a little bright and the world was tinted a pinkish color. I smiled to myself at the beautiful view as a warm breeze washed over me and my eyes adjusted to the light. I turned to my left and started out. Just as I got to the end of the house, I crashed into a girl. She had rather dark skin, dark hair, she was gorgeous. I immediately got the sense that she wan't human but not vampire either. She must have noticed this about me too because she examined me. There was a new werewolf in town, just what we needed. So, that was how I met Kat. She quickly started hanging out with our group and Sam welcomed her to join our pack. We had three new members now; Brady, Collin and Kat herself. Everyone was glad she joined and the pack was growing but not as much as Embry who seemed to have imprinted on her.


I pushed through a group of guys with four beers in my hands as I made it back to or table. Setting them down, I sat back in my seat next to Jacob and he automatically snaked an arm around my waist as his other hand shot out and grabbed one of the beers. I smiled to myself as I took one for myself and took a sip out of it. Kat caught my eye from her seat across from me and shot me a wink. I laughed at her as both her and Embry reached for the same beer bottle and blushed as their hands touched. Kat quickly pulled her hand away and went for the other bottle.

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