The Babysitting Job

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Jacob and I got out of the back seat of the Rabbit as Kim and Jared climbed out of the front. We started walking towards Jacob's when I heard something behind us. I stopped and turned around, looking to see if I could see what made the sound. Since Jacob was holding onto my hand, he stopped too and tried to look at what I was looking at.

"What is it?" Jacob asked me in a quiet voice. I shook my head and turned back around to see that Kim and Jared had stopped as well.

"It's nothing. I just thought that I heard something, thats all. Probably the wind or something." I said to Jacob with a smile. He smiled back and pulled me closer before we started walking again. Knowing that I heard something, I kept a watch over my shoulder as we walked across. Just as we were about to the little sidewalk that ran in front of the house, I saw something move quickly past us out of the corner of my eye. I whipped around and looked for the thing and smelt an unfamiliar scent.

"Now what is it?" Jared asked in an impatient voice. Pursing my lips, I scanned the parking lot.

"I dont think that we're alone out here." I said in a quiet voice as I slowly started edging my way out. Just as I was looking around the corner, I heard Kim's voice ring out.

"Ronnie, look out!" she yelled. I turned around just in time to see a one of the new borns with these bright red eyes leaping at me. Crouching down, the vampire went soaring over me and onto the pavement behind me. As it stood back up again, I felt the other race over and stand on either sides of me. The vampire stood its ground as it looked over at us. After a few seconds, it grinned before reaching into the pocket of the brown baggy pants that it had on and pulled out two cloth pouches. I glanced over to my right to see that Kim was standing there with Jared on her other side. I was concentrating on the vampire, so I didn't see a second one come out.

I felt the wind get knocked out of me as an arm wrapped around my waist and flung me backwards onto the ground before I saw a cloud of white dusty smoke appear where I had been standing. I looked back over to my right to barely see through the smoke that Kim was also lying on the ground. She propped herself up on her elbows and glanced around. When she saw me, her eyebrows rose in question. I shrugged my shoulders in response, not knowing that happened either. They had just fled the scene.

After that episode, we drove to Sam's house and told him what happened. The vampire attacks were getting even worse and more frequent. Paul and Embry said they encountered another two vampires last week and more and me people are going missing. We needed to increase our patrol groups, we needed more pack members. Sam gave out the new patroling hours, mine was later that day.

"Hey Sam." I said, walking up to him.

"Would you mind if I changed my patroling hours with someone else because Kim and I've found a babysitting job for tonight and I can't miss it."

"Sure Ronnie, I'll do your rounds for today."

"Thanks Sam." I replied and gave him a quick hug. We waved goodbye to the guys and went over to the William's household. The parents had left about 5 minutes ago and would be back the next day, so we had to sleep there.

"Eric, John!" I called out as I stood up.

"John, Eric! Where are you guys?!" I heard Kim yell out.  Standing there next to each other were two little boys. One looked to be about the age of 8 while the other one looked around 4.

"Eric, John?" I asked quietly. The boys turned to look at me, the older one had a confused look on his face while the younger one looked a little scared.

"Who are you and how did you know our names?" the older one asked while taking the little one's hand, making sure that he stayed close to him. I looked over at Kim with a shocked and worried look on my face to see that she was looking at me with the same expression. I looked back over at the boys and smiled gently at them.

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