Happy Birthday!

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My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. This wasn't my room. Sitting up, I realized where I was. I must have fallen asleep. Looking around, I noticed that Jacob wasn't in the room. Then I realized what had woken me up. Getting up slowly from the bed, I pushed the door the rest of the way open from its half cracked position. I walked down the hall a little and smiled as I got closer to Haley's room. Jacob's singing filtered out through the open door, getting louder as I got closer.


Come a little closer

  As this night gets older

Of you I grow fonder 

Just let my hands wander 

I leaned against the doorway and tilted my head until it rested against the wooden frame and just watched him. He had Haley cradled in his arms and he was swaying slightly as he looked down at her and sung.

This is the first thing I thought
This is the last thing that I want
You were the first one I loved
You were the first love I lost

Haley must have fallen back asleep, because Jacob stopped singing and walked over to her crib. I watched him as he gently placed her inside and pulled her blanket up over her.

"Sleep tight, haley baley." He whispered. I smiled and picked my head up.

"That was one of the main things I missed about you. Your singing." I said as Jacob stared down at Haley. He turned around and shot me a sheepish smile.

"Did I wake you?" he asked.

"Yeah, but it's fine. Good way to wake a girl up." I said with a small smile. Jacob smirked as he walked towards me.

"Is that so?" he asked as he stopped in front of me.

"Yep." I said as I smiled up at him. "Still thinking about Bella?"

"Were you not listening to the song?" he asked, looking slightly annoyed.

"Directed to moi?" I asked in surprise as I raised my eyebrows and pointed to myself.

"You're still my mate, Ronnie. Despite everything that we've been through." Jacob said quietly as he took another step closer to me.

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