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When we got to the beach, I went down to the shore line. I had always been drawn to the ocean. It's caressing waves, the salty breeze that brushed over my nose, and most of all the fact that it feels like I've been there all my life. I walked across the beach letting my toes sink into the slightly warm sand. I stripped off my shorts and threw them up on the dry sand, revealing my white bikini. I felt Jacob's stare on me. Since I was under dressed, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with my self. I sat down, letting my feet dangle in the running waves. It felt nice. I lied back and let my arms rest limply at either side of my head, just staring at the unusually sunny day.

"Having fun?" The deep, husky voice asked from beside me. I felt some of the sun disappear behind his massive shadow.

"Yep and could you please sit down."

"Why?" He was puzzled.

"You're covering up my sun." I threw out an arm and it collided with his bare chest and I pushed him down with little strength, but he went down anyway. The training was finally working. He must have been used to not being able to be knocked down, so he was surprised when he did.

"Jeez, Ronnie." He chuckled as he got comfortable with his arms behind his head.

"What? Used to being the big, bad, strong wolf?"

"Well, yeah." He said.

"Ah, well this big, strong wolf just got beat by a girl." I smiled, knowing I was getting to him.

"You knocked me over, caught me off guard. I could beat you any day."

"Time and place."


"Keep up, would you? You're trying to make a bet with me, so- time and place."

"What'd you mean?" I sighed exasperatedly and flipped over to face him.

"Name what you want to get beat at, what time I'll beat you at it, and where I'll beat you at it." I smirked and he returned it.

"Okay, I'll beat you at wrestling, tomorrow, beach, whenever."

"Wrestling? Could you be any less creative?"

"Sure I could."

"Fine. Wolf form or human?"


"This'll be fun." I laughed and his husky laugh joined mine too. Being this close to Jacob sent shivers down my spine.

"Yeah, I'll look forward to the day that I finally get Ronnie Andrews to shut up." He laughed.

"And I'll look foward to the day when Jacob Black thinks he'll beat me, oops- 
that's now."

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