Into the Wooded Area

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I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes and a crick in my neck. I opened my eyes and realized that I had slept in my car. I sat up and looked around, when I remembered last night’s events. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before starting the car up and pulling back onto the road in search of a cafe or Starbucks so I could get some caffeine in my system after I texted my dad.

I pulled into the parking lot of a Starbucks and checked my reflection in the mirror before climbing out and entering the coffee house. I went up to the counter and deciding that I wanted something a little more special than usual, ordered a white chocolate mocha and a blueberry muffin. I waited as the girl got my order before taking it over to one of the tables and sitting down. I drank my coffee and ate my muffin slowly as I looked around. I noticed a couple in the corner, snuggled together and laughing. I looked down at the table sadly and took a drink of my coffee. My head shot up as I heard the TV. The newscaster was talking about a man who had beaten his wife up badly, but had claimed that it wasn’t him. It was probably the new borns having some fun. I did my patrols with the pack afterwards and waited for the guys and Kim to be ready and come out of Bella’s house as they had gone to tell her some news so she’d tell the Cullens.

I waited over by my car with Kim and Jared after Jacob finished up his goodbyes with Bella. I looked down as she gave Jacob a hug before waving at us as Jacob walked over to us.

"Ready to go?" Jared asked. We all nodded our heads. As Kim started to walk over to the car, I grabbed her arm.

"Wait. Jared, do you mind if your girlfriend rides with me for a little bit?" I asked him. 

"Ronnie, if this is still about-" Jacob started to say, but I cut him off.

"I just want to spend time with my best friend, Jacob. This has nothing to do with that." I told him while looking him in the eye. I saw Jared and Kim look between Jacob and I and give us weird looks before Jared shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, why not." He said before climbing into the car. Jacob gave me a sad look before getting into the car as well. I let out a sigh before getting into the drivers side of my car and waited for Kim to get in before starting the car up and following Jared.

"So, what's going on with you and Jacob?" Kim asked after a little while. I glanced over at her for a second before turning my attention back to the road.

"It's nothing." I told her.

"Yeah, right." She muttered.

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