One of Those Days

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I looked over from the movie that Coop and I were watching. I silently got up and walked to my room and sat on the bed. I rushed my hands through my hair and rested my forehead on them as my elbows were placed on my knees. It was just one of those days. I'd had a major headache all day, not to mention my stomach was in pain and I still haven't forgotten about Jacob. Questions ran through my head, images flashed like a movie. I couldn't help but remember him in every little thing I did. Whether it was the smell of him on my clothes or just something Coop said which he had said to me before.

A sad sigh escaped my lips as I looked down at the picture. It was one of Jacob and I. I was sitting in his lap and his arms were wrapped around me tight. We both had big grins on our face as we looked at the camera. A tear slip down my cheek as I placed the frame on the shelf. I pressed my fingertips to my lips and kissed them softly, before pressing them to the picture. 

As my fingers left the glass, I felt a sharp pain shoot through me. A gasp escaped my lips as I clutched my stomach. The glass shattered into a million pieces as the picture got torn. My eyes widened, but before I could do anything, another contraction hit.

"Ahhh." I cried out in pain as I gripped the bookshelf with one hand as I held my stomach with the other.

I heard rushed footsteps coming down the hall. When I heard them stop, I looked up and saw Kat and Coop standing in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" Coop asked as they looked at me with concern.

"Hospital. Now. I'm in labor." I breathed out, before wincing as another contraction hit.

35 Hours Later

I gripped Coop's hand in mine tightly as I felt searing pain rush through my lower body.

"One more push, Veronica. We're almost there. I just need one more big push from you and you're baby will be born." The doctor said.

Sweat poured down my face as tears streamed down my cheeks. I started shaking my head furiously.

"No, I can't. I can't do it!" I cried as I let my head fall back against the pillows.

"Yes you can, Ron. C'mon, you're almost there. Just one more push. One more." Coop coaxed me as he rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand and brushed my sweaty bangs from my face. I looked up at him and nodded, before pushing with all my might. I kept pushing, screaming in pain the whole time, until I heard a tiny cry begin to mix with mine. I let out the breath that I had been holding and let my head fall back against the pillows as the doctor pulled out my baby.

"Congratulations, Veronica. It's a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said as he cut the umbilical cord. 

I watched as the nurse carried her off to go clean her off, before bringing her back to me. She was wrapped in a pink blanket and was still crying. I gently took her into my arms as the nurse handed her to me and cradled her. I rocked her softly as I tried to calm her.

"Shh, shh. There, there, little girl. I got you. Mommy's got you." I cooed as I rocked her.

"She's gorgeous, Ronnie." Coop said as he looked over my shoulder at her.

"Yeah, she is. Now, go get Kat." I directed as I stared down at my daughter. She was so tiny, so precious. I couldnt believe that she was really mine.

I heard Coop walk off as I continued to stare down at her. Names were racing through my head as I tried to thing of what to name her. I heard the doors burst open again and looked up to see Kat rushing towards me. I smiled as she reached my side and looked down at her.

"Kat, meet your niece. Haley Black." I said as I finally decided on the name.

"She's gorgeous." Kat breathed out as she looked down at her. "Can I hold her?" she asked hopefully. I smiled and nodded as I gently laid her in Kat's arms. Kat held her gently and rocked her softly as Haley began to fuss a little.

"Black?" Coop asked with a sneer on his face as he stepped up to my bedside.

"Yes, Black. She is still Jacob's daughter and he's going to find out about her one day. I know he will accept her and I know he will want to be a father to her. I might as well give her his last name now. And if you have a problem with it, keep it to yourself, Coop." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fine." He said with a sigh. I smiled and nodded as I looked over at Kat.

"Gimme my baby back!" I whined as I held my arms out. 

Kat chuckled as she walked towards me. "Yeah, you're going to be a great mum." Kat muttered sarcastically as she set Haley in my arms.

I frowned at her as I cradled Haley and rocked her softly. "Give me my phone, dork." I muttered as I looked down at my daughter. Kat sighed and pulled my cell out of her pocket. I smiled up at her as I held Haley in one arm and took the phone with my free hand. I flipped it open and dialed Dad's number.

"Hello?" he said after a few rings. 

"6 lbs, 4 oz, dark hair, and the name of Haley Black." I listed off as I cradled the phone against my shoulder and held Haley.

"Sounds kind of like a mini you." Dad said happily.

I laughed as I fixed her blanket. "God, I hope not." I breathed out.

"I'll come visit you both soon." He told me.

"Okay. Well, I'll let you go. I just thought that I should tell you about your grandchild." I said.

"Okay, bye." He said before hanging up.

I ended the call and dialed the next number. I put the phone to my ear and listened to it ring.


"Hi, Uncle Paul." I said as a smile spread across my face.

"Uncle Paul? Since when do you...wait, did you...?" Paul stuttered out.

"6 lbs, 4 oz, dark hair, and the cutest little face you could ever see is the description of your niece, Haley." I said with a grin.

"Picture. I need a picture." He said, sounding very happy.

"Okay, hold on." I said, before pulling the phone away. I made sure that the flash was off, before taking a picture of Haley. I quickly sent it to Paul and put the phone up to my ear.

"Sent." I said.

I waited for a while, before I heard Paul chuckle. "She's gorgeous, Ronnie. Definitely looks like you."

"Thanks, Paul." I said. "Make sure to tell Kim, Rachel and the others and tell them I miss them so so so so much. I don't have enough credit to call all of them." I laughed.

"Okay, congrats." He said.

"Thanks." I told him and cut the line. I looked down at Haley and smiled at her sleeping figure. She was so perfect, so amazing. My little angel.

I know it's short but it really is just a bonus chapter which had to be added xD Awwww, little cute <3 Pls vote and comment! Thanks ;D

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